Biden Announces the Emergence of a New Global Order

by | Sep 18, 2023 | Silver IRA | 43 comments

Biden Announces the Emergence of a New Global Order

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Did Alex Jones just get proven right? What on earth is Biden talking about with the rise of a new world order? Well that’s what we’re going to explore in this video! We’re going to look at what Biden said, we’re going to see how it relates to what’s called the Fourth Turning espoused by Steve Bannon, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal what the new world order that’s rising really is; you are NOT going to want to miss this!
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All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015)….(read more)

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Title: Biden Declares The Rise of a NEW WORLD ORDER!!!


In a groundbreaking speech on the international stage, President Joe Biden has proclaimed the emergence of a new world order. Addressing global leaders at the United Nations General Assembly, Biden emphasized the need for unity, cooperation, and collective action to tackle the numerous challenges confronting our planet. While the term “New World Order” may incite curiosity and apprehension among some, it is essential to understand its true meaning in the context of Biden’s speech.

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A Call for Unity

As the world continues to grapple with an ongoing pandemic, economic inequality, climate change, and political tensions, President Biden has urged nations to set aside their differences and confront these pressing issues collectively. Biden emphasized that these challenges are interconnected on a global scale, requiring a level of cooperation and understanding rarely witnessed in recent history.

Multilateralism and Diplomacy

Under the previous administration, America’s global relationships had suffered strained ties due to an “America First” approach. However, Biden’s speech highlighted a paradigm shift, with a renewed emphasis on multilateralism and diplomacy. The President reiterated his commitment to reengage with international alliances such as NATO, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Paris Agreement on climate change. By reinstating the US as an active participant in global affairs, Biden hopes to foster cooperation and address shared challenges on a united front.

Tackling Global Crises

Acknowledging the pressing nature of the challenges we face, Biden outlined his administration’s comprehensive plans to combat the global pandemic, reduce economic disparities, mitigate climate change, and advance human rights. Through increased vaccination efforts, economic aid, renewable energy investments, and support for democratic governance, the President aims to create a more equitable and sustainable world.

Promoting Democracy, Human Rights, and Social Justice

One of the fundamental pillars of this new world order, as outlined by President Biden, is the promotion and protection of democracy, human rights, and social justice. The President reaffirmed his commitment to standing up against autocratic regimes while supporting nations striving for democratic governance. By doing so, Biden hopes to foster societal progress, respect for human rights, and a sense of equality among all people.

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Biden’s declaration of a new world order isn’t meant to evoke theories of global conspiracy but rather serves as a clarion call to address the critical challenges faced by the international community. President Biden aims to restore trust, reinvigorate global cooperation, and forge alliances to confront crises that transcend borders. By prioritizing multilateralism, democratic principles, and progressive policies, he envisions a world of enhanced global collaboration, shared responsibility, and sustainable progress for generations to come. Whether this vision can be fully realized remains to be seen, but Biden’s resolute commitment to the pursuit of such an order is a bold step towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

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  1. N Reising

    He's a DS puppet…and We The People r SICK of it, justice incoming

  2. James Lewis

    How the hell can US unite the rest of the world when they’re tearing down the America culture which is needed to lead anything.

  3. StevenRiften

    I despise leftist woke garbage….
    But I still don't really trust Russia and the China Social-Credit System.

  4. Phil Dyrtt

    …et ns voilà…

    La Sixième
    — suivi par
    La Dixième
    — suivi par
    La Deuxième

  5. Ann M.

    Yes and it's going to be communist too

  6. Ann M.

    Dr curley I tried to get into that new site but I couldn't. Thanks

  7. Brenda Smith

    You cause it!!!

  8. will geo

    Yesterday Biden declared he had pooped his pants so, ……..nobody cares

  9. albino travalja

    Hahahahahahahaha………maybe but you don’t know how it works…….

  10. Brian Clubb

    Such a joke!

  11. David H

    To say it another way, Brandon has damaged the United States beyond repair. I hope Brandon is wrong

  12. Patrick Nester

    Here's my point of view for Biden and thinking that 1 world order is coming s** y**

  13. Joe Johnson

    Thank you YT fact checkers for putting some context under the video! Using Wikipedia to state that the "NWO is a 'conspiracy theory' " was very brilliant and placing the Wiki globe jigsaw puzzle logo next to it sort of proves that all the pieces are falling into place. Thanks you morons for proving the theory!

  14. Angelita Putz


  15. Marlin Pruett

    Dr Steve Turley you are the best I just you were on about 10 times a day You are the real news

  16. Marlin Pruett

    YS new world order is RUSSIA,CHINA,INDIA,,, Will be the new world order thank god

  17. AngelWings

    Well, so did President Bush. Sounds like the potato mumbled it a few times too. Yeah duh Alex Jones was right about things.

  18. Louise Adams


  19. Bill Hooker

    FJB – He can go to HELL! The new world order is the cancellation of his Marxist agenda and party.

  20. Roy Stroble

    Bush Sr said the same

  21. Cheryl Sabol

    Over a hundred million Americans disagree with this dementia patient!!

  22. Wayne Lohn

    Joe is bird brain he a fool

  23. Kathy Allen

    I checked out patriot switch. Waiting for my first order of American and eco friendly products.

  24. Adam Long

    The New world order is not a conspiracy theory. If you look at the history of the world stage it's leaders are members of the Masonic Lodge. Biden is a member look back at his campaign text number it contains 33 . This is a plain out sign of a 33 degree Mason. Almost every president ever has been a Mason and a brother of the lodge. Hell Saddam Hussein was a member of the lodge 33 degree Mason. The lodge swears allegiance to the Queen of England. Your top political circle are members of the lodge worldwide. Hell my attorney is a former county judge and a member of the lodge past potentate of the lodge. Knows everyone and is great at fixing problems. It's not what you know it's who you know. Welcome to the draconian new world order. 1984 is hear now.

  25. Kent Robinson

    Scarey this man is president. Obviously doesn't care about the USA and its citizens

  26. dennis secor

    He can stick his new world order, where the sun don't shine!!!!!

  27. J.D.

    Free world in who's version?

  28. brad bakken

    Nothing less then treason

  29. Texas Gal

    A new world order, now that sounds like the anti-Christ!

  30. ufoboatman

    It would appear We are the sleepy ones if We allow this to happen, it’s past time to WAKE Up

  31. ufoboatman

    MAGA Make America’s Government Accountable -asap

  32. Cynthia Ewing

    Let’s Go Brandon

  33. Dee Dardeen

    New World Order…sounds scary to me. How crazy is our world becoming!

  34. Bullz

    haha what a tool

  35. Gunny D

    Ummmm, we do NOT need a "New world order". More like "Crime and Punishment".

  36. Gary Elsik

    Good presentation Dr.!!! FJB POS Globalist

  37. Arturo Cuevas

    how do you call anyone who follow a fool??

  38. Arturo Cuevas

    the only fool greater than Biden is anyone who vote and still follow him…

  39. Robert Crist

    Someone's been watching old WCW clips?

  40. Stinkster Rekerinski

    Their "liberal global order" has a foundation of lies, liars and lies on top of lies. It will fail. It's fiat.

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