Biden assuages fears of a recession

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Recession News | 39 comments

President Biden touted his administration’s economic policies during a speech in Chicago on Wednesday. The pitch comes as the president ramps up his reelection campaign, but recent CBS News polling found a majority of Americans think the condition of the economy is bad. Ed O’Keefe and Robert Costa join “America Decides” to break down the remarks.

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BREAKING: Recession News


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Biden Optimistic: No Recession in Sight

In an encouraging tone, President Joe Biden recently offered reassurance that the United States will not be facing a recession in the near future. Amid concerns regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its economic repercussions, his statement provides hope for Americans in need of stability and financial security.

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During a recent press conference, President Biden expressed his optimism about the country’s economic trajectory. He declared, “I don’t believe there will be a recession.” The president’s statement comes at a critical time as the nation navigates its way through post-pandemic recovery.

Biden highlighted several factors as the basis for his confident outlook. Firstly, he underlined the remarkable resilience of the American people and their ability to adapt in the face of adversity. Recognizing the immense challenges encountered during the pandemic, the president emphasized that the nation has learned valuable lessons on how to effectively manage difficult situations.

Furthermore, President Biden highlighted the robust nature of the American economy and the significant progress made in recent months. Following the devastating economic blows faced as a result of the pandemic-induced lockdowns in 2020, the U.S. has experienced a steady rebound. Biden pointed to the creation of over four million new jobs since he took office, a declining unemployment rate, and increasing consumer confidence as clear signs of economic recovery.

The president’s administration has also undertaken substantial measures to stimulate economic growth. The American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package, has been instrumental in providing relief to struggling individuals, families, and businesses. The funds allocated towards infrastructure development and job creation have injected vitality into the economy and contributed to a sense of stability.

Biden’s commitment to combating the pandemic also plays a crucial role in preventing a recession. The widespread vaccination efforts across the country have significantly reduced the impact of the virus, allowing businesses to safely reopen and people to regain a sense of normalcy. By prioritizing the health and wellbeing of Americans, President Biden aims to ensure that any potential economic setbacks are promptly mitigated.

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However, it is important to acknowledge the uncertainty inherent in predicting future economic events. While President Biden’s positive outlook is certainly encouraging, economists and financial experts caution that unforeseen circumstances could still impact the nation’s economic trajectory. Factors such as new variants of the virus or global economic instability have the potential to disrupt the recovery process.

It is also crucial to note that Biden’s statement does not guarantee absolute immunity from potential economic downturns. Economic cycles are a natural part of any market, and recessions are bound to occur at some point. Nevertheless, the president’s message seeks to instill confidence and offer a ray of hope amidst an otherwise tumultuous time.

In conclusion, President Biden’s declaration that there won’t be a recession provides a much-needed boost to individuals and businesses across the United States. His optimistic tone, bolstered by positive economic indicators and impactful policy measures, aims to instill confidence in the recovery process. However, it is important to remain cautious and acknowledge the inherent unpredictability of economic conditions. Ultimately, only time will tell if Biden’s optimism will prove accurate and the United States will continue its path towards a stable and thriving economy.

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  1. Peter Tran

    You are now in a recession

  2. SUN

    We are in a recession it’s just not being mentioned

  3. Jennifer Campbell

    He is so off the mark. We are headed back to another recession… look at 2008 plus plus plus…. history will repeat itself. The Fed has once again increased rates way too much. Im a retired CFO from a banking career. We are headed back to another recession. We have a chance if the Fed reduces rates in early 2024.

    We truly do not want to impeach Biden, (although he deserves it with his China dealings and coverups for Hunter, but they both gained wealth). God forbid Kamala takes office. She is completely inadequate and useless. Her main job was to protect our borders. Her results are horrific. They both are useless.

  4. Mike

    Then he needs to come out of the basement. We’ve been in a recession for 3 years now.
    Funny how shutting down businesses and forcing people to stay home stops income, without stopping the bills that must be paid, even for only 1 year while you pout about mean Tweets, screws up the economy and lives of people who don’t own major corporations that were the only businesses allowed to make an income.

  5. gemcan54


  6. TheGravygun

    What people fail to realize is that we are now in World War three and we are in the recession thanks Joe

  7. Nick Badry

    Whatever Biden says expect the opposite lol


    Thank you, President Joe Biden. You have saved us from a recession. BIDEN 2024!

  9. Nathan Delgado-Davis

    why would anyway believe a word outta his mouth??

  10. Joan Hawley

    If he says that we won't have a recession we will definitely have one

  11. raj lippy

    You mean they will fudge the phony govt. numbers to reflect false economic strength….the spike in credit debt, delinquencies, defaults and repo's& a depletion of household savings to multi decade lows already screams of recession… this is people struggling with the new normal cost of living, trying to make ends meet….and many are not able to… there is a perfect storm brewing which will soon, not be able to be covered up by the constant gaslighting of this administration…

  12. Ryan Hearn

    Ask middle america… We are in one already

  13. Charlie Flask

    All these Republicans say that the economy is so bad but they keep giving their money to Crooked Donald trump's legal defense…

  14. Clint Moll

    Typical delusion from mainstream media reporting and the corrupt Biden oligarchy. Millions of average Americans are struggling through a recession – can’t afford food, missing mortgage payments-

    And the Biden’s pedaling influence to foreign dictators. What a time to be alive! DRAIN THE SWAMP & START WITH CORRUPT JOE.

  15. Clint Moll


    God help us in 13 months – get the liberals out of the White House, and re-prioritize the average middle-class American.

  16. Noah Patterson

    He is destroying America

  17. M G

    Despite Joe Biden and the mainstream media's propaganda we can see the economy is in shambles. All of your propaganda will not help

  18. Elon Musk

    This means there will be one

  19. PD55

    Cuz when the election campaign gets rolling, my good buddies Jamie Dimon, Powell and Yellen will print $trillions to infinity, propping up the stock market, sending $billions to Congressional and corporate pals, buying votes with more social programs. Just like Trump tried to do with the pandemic election cycle, but I have better connections with the world rulers. And China will buy our Treasuries becasue they need our dollars and consumer markets, they do not want a revolution. No one likes a loudmouth untrustworthy loose cannon like Trump, and I know how the get along with the program.

  20. Hank Gallows

    We were better off in the great depression than we are now

  21. Lovin McLovin

    Then it must be true. Biden never lied about Hunters laptop

  22. Imperial Motoring

    Biden says he is not controlled by China.

  23. Don Faruolo

    Why are gas prices still ridiculously high, numbskull?

  24. Brian Kinyua

    This video has more dislikes than likes .Remember that

  25. Broden MacArthur

    find the non voice over of his speach. It was bad folks.

  26. fabfrith

    We are IN a recession.

  27. Jeremy Baker

    We are in recession. People are still losing their jobs. People moving in with people or family and friends. If people are losing their jobs that means growth rates are slowing down. Large office spaces are vacant because people laid off their employees and are now looking for smaller spaces because of higher rent and taxes. Inflation doesn’t hit automatically. Over time, inflation will eventually affect how the way we live.

  28. westtech001

    All the Trump people insisting that 3.7% Unemployment with wage growth = Recession. Well Gee, I suppose I should return my payraise, since it's being more than inflation means it's… causing inflation, or something?

    Funny how that logic never applied to CEO's getting paid more and more though, but they say I'm a very responsible person.

  29. Tasteapiana

    I'm 49 and never seen an economy this bad. Supplies for my business are still about 75% over 2019 prices and buyers are down over 50% on products that sold good for 20+ years before Covid. I don't know how any sole proprietor keeps their sanity. And, dufus is out there claiming everything is fine. The 2-Party smokescreen won't keep the guillotines tucked away forever.

  30. Nancy King

    Bidenomics=10% for The Big Guy

  31. David Nierzwick

    What a disgrace to humanity Biden is!!!

  32. Linda Giles

    Team biden for a safe demarcrocy, voting, getting roe back, gun laws, social security and Medicare, freedom, rights and making sure Republicans dont Pardon trump. Blue state elections, districts, school board, senate, house and biden period. I don't care what's said, I will never vote my rights, choice or demarcrocy away. Blue

  33. Linda Giles

    The next time Republicans shout the economy, first tell them to pass a bill to stop these companies that's literally bragging about they are price gouching, making a fool out the people. Republicans have the house, they can stop it. So no biden and dems what about inflation. Republicans ran on it they have the house, it's on them. Team biden

  34. Kevin St.Denis

    FJB – Idiot In Chief

  35. NFY

    Lick the world big guy

  36. Peter

    what a load of rubbish, they spoke about Trump and his case. Never did they speak about Bibens corruption? The fact the FBI , DOJ and IRS have been covering up for both Joe and Hunter Biden.

    I am guessing CBS is looking to cover this up as well?

  37. C Myers

    Let's go BRANDON…let's go BRANDON

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