Biden is Trying to be Trump but Turning into Hitler

by | Sep 9, 2022 | Gold IRA | 32 comments

Biden is Trying to be Trump but Turning into Hitler

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  1. whatever

    you have to be completely historically illiterate to believe the title of this video

  2. KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos

    I can hear an opposing view n not believe it i can verify if things are true for myself i don't let anyone else think for me ffs these ppl are stupid

  3. jujinz

    Advertise your Rumble channel

  4. KroNick_Abundance Nikolaos

    That latest video on rumble? Do you have 1? You need it especially now during the election seasoms when the censorship is the worst.

  5. James Bond

    I can not see some videos are.block due to copyright issues ☹️

  6. Delling Conley

    What we really need is MAGA Democrats with Mosler economics, and to stop evoking Hitler in rhetoric. Punk rockers started doing that in the 80s. It's getting old.

  7. Delling Conley

    Is your real name Reagan?

  8. Steve DiCe

    you nail it!!! I live in brussels, and the video where he speaks to the EU and told in 2018 allready about the energycrisis, and germany just laughed with him!!
    i allway liked trump, because he is no politician…… he,s not about those games, but he told the truth!!!
    And know we see that all he said was true.
    And Joe knows their fucked……. Everyone online with a brain of themselves, can see now whats going on.
    The problem is, older people still believe our national mainstream media,….. and are kept stupid, they dont show us anything about facts, whats going on, the protests in Austria and netherlands, zelensky the fascist that only wants war, and is a hypocrit,….. also the vaccines BS,…. telling all this to older people, is just hopeless….they cant believe that the media is so much playing game and just showing what they want to show us.
    This makes many people over 60 or 70, brainwashed. they dont believe in independant truethfull journalism online…..
    Its western propaganda !!!!! And they just never accept or believe , because daily they see the news that tell them NOTHING !!

    i hope Trump wins the next elections, or the world is fucked!!! and we're heading to another global authority, that'll make us all digital slaves !!! Joe Biden lies so hard, not 1 word is truthfull.

  9. The Teflon Don

    Thank you for your service

  10. The Teflon Don

    This was a good video Chris

  11. ❶❽❼

    also quit saying its a trump style rebranding for christs sake trump never acted all pissed raised his fists every time he said anything mean he had a smirk on his face. he has a strange sense of humor but thats all they were meant to be. Fidens a total puppet potato fool. and what the hell is a "MAGER" republican funkin moron

  12. ❶❽❼

    hes a sock puppet and the puppetmaster can make the sock puppet anything they want day to day week to week. happened to be that time it was the Pink Floyd's The Wall (the movie) type fascist next time who knows it could be Disney's 101 Dalmatians mean old lady type who knows

  13. Thisisnotmyrealname8

    You're not correct on one thing. There is more thinking about violence as a solution. The distinction is, this is not the priority, it is not wanted, it is not high on the list of resolutions. It's a necessity, and that's simply a reality. This is still a wilderness, we just live on this world. We can't control the evil that may very well need to be physically stopped. Democrats are a new brand of batshit crazy, stupid and evil. There's politics, and there's this, and people simply can't live under this bullshit forever.

  14. Thisisnotmyrealname8

    I have to agree. That's the best light possible, otherwise, he's a total psychopath and we're all in danger. He's trying to be a tough guy. I mean, honestly, I normally just call these psychos liars since their hate makes no sense, but maybe they really do see Trump as some kind of mean bad guy. This very well may have been their attempt to mirror that persona to some extent to show some fire. In either case, they're still unbearable and the worst people in history, in my opinion. Too stupid and evil by half.

  15. bratacus3

    The words "clear and present danger" are chosen very specifically to justify use if force against their political opponents. Those words were not chosen haphazardly.

  16. bratacus3

    For the January 6th protesters to have constituted a so-called "armed insurrection", wouldn't they have to have been … well…. armed?

  17. chris jensen

    Question..did Brandon actually plagiarize Hitler? It would not surprise me but I really want to know

  18. Sung Yul Taylor

    Personally, I DESPISE both mainstream political parties as well as most politicians like Trump and Biden alike but I HOWEVER AM A HARDCORE FREEDOM/LIBERTY LOVER AND AMERICAN PATRIOT AND WILL STAND WITH ANYONE WITH COMMON VALUES OF GOD, FAMILY, FREEDOM, A THRIVING AMERICAN NATION, ETC. So, I'm with you Mr. Reagan and so many others across this great country despite our petty differences. PATRIOTS NEED TO BAND TOGETHER AND WORK TOGETHER to save our nation because COMMIE TRASH like Joe Biden is clearly being used like a tool to show us the plan of the evil behind the curtains that plan to ENSLAVE US and destroy our American Culture and Country. GOD BE WITH US ALL AMERICAN PATRIOTS.

  19. Catholic Cat1125

    Gas lighting at its finest.
    As Paul Joseph Watson quips "Its okay when we do it!"

  20. nadogrl

    Nailed it again, Chris! Brilliant analysis!❤️

  21. B N

    Biden could call me the dirtiest name imaginable, and because it came from him, I'd consider it a great honor. FJB

  22. Val Tito


  23. mike melina

    You just gave me a resentment… I am NOT an "unclean leopard"!

  24. Craig B

    There is a huge difference between Lincoln and other presidents giving Historical speeches. They actually wrote them and they actually meant them. Unlike Biden who has a team of speech writers trying to piece together what will poll best for him to read off a teleprompter. Even then he struggles to do so after they rehearse him on it for two solid weeks. Often I have my doubts he even knows what he's reading or remembers it a day later. If anything that should go down in history as a huge embarrassment for someone holding that office.

  25. Linda Ferrill

    The Jan 6th was not even close to being as bad as what the BLM and ANTIFA and leftist mobs did for most of 2020! Yeah, I said it. Everybody says the republicans were trying to overthrow the government…..give me a break, they were literally let in by the guards, they walked practically single file along the velvet ropes, a few of them broke a few things, but all in all the only violence was from a guard shooting and killing an un-armed woman! Insurrection my ass!

  26. Kinarr

    Leopards or Lepers?

  27. texas flood, the

    I think it's more of an insult to Hitler comparing him to Biden.

  28. SomeDumbDude

    Funny Joe, my 2020 vote still hasn't been counted. Gov website confirmed.

  29. Erik Swiger

    I've never worn a MAGA hat, but now I guess I'll have to. Think I'll also add a nice gold star on my shirt, the two would go so well together.

  30. Ray Martin

    We've missed your content

  31. Nancy Lewis

    Totally agree with you about Biden trying to be Trump I have always thought that too.

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