Biden says GOP-led Congress would increase inflation

by | Nov 13, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 20 comments

During his visit to Syracuse, New York, President Joe Biden touted Micron’s investment in chips manufacturing, while doubling down on the message that Republicans would make the economy worse….(read more)

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  1. MrGrorg

    How's that inflation reduction act coming?
    When will we be seeing that " investment"

  2. Chris Green

    It's absolutely true and this country won't be happy until they hand everything over to the GOP, who'll run this country into the ground. By almost every metric, we are moving in the right direction with the current leadership/administration. If owning the libs is worth destroying your beloved country, go ahead and vote that way.

  3. The Fever

    Look that blonde lady in the back she’s like Pinocchio your nose is growing

  4. Jesse

    Dividen Biden!!!

  5. pitt 495

    Halloween was specifically made for democrats they are the most evil and ugly people that roam the face of this earth

  6. marksasoldier

    GOP will cut benefits and administer austerity to reduce the inflation bleed. Nothing has ever been for free. The prices went up. Wages did not.

  7. Algonquin7

    401 k down the drain thanks to this walking zombie

  8. Kaare

    This guy needs a Pelosi hammer treatment!

  9. Sword of ManticorE

    Joe, you must think that Americans are stupid. I believe your supporters are naïve when the believe your lies, but they are not stupid! Eventually I hope they will wake up like I did and expose you as the worst president in American history.

  10. Poverty Spec

    Democrats invented inflation.

  11. Mike Hankins

    This idiots war on energy and insane spending put inflation on one of Elons rocket ships ,all republicans can do is try and slow it down..Trump executive ordered the insulin reduction when Biden came in,,Gone..The corporate was lowered by trump,with biden Gone..we were an energy exporter with Tump,,with Biden Gone.Trump was pushing the semiconductor thing 6 yrs.. ago you never heard it becaause the media never showed trump speak..They only showed clips then twisted them out of context.They spent 95% of there air time pushing storiies about now proven lies….I've never been so bleak in my life about America's future.

  12. Christopher

    I realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet. That mindset helped me make more money investing. For example last year I invested 80k in stocks (with the help of my Financial Advisor of course) and made about 246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million.

  13. jmatt4life

    This Commi Puppet DEMocRAT Administration is making sure to drive the economy into desperate inflation so the people have to beg for assistance.
    The Resident Vegetable in Office simply is merely a facade so behind the scenes the ones pulling the strings can gain full control of the citizenry while further lining their pockets.
    Get it while the going is good because right now it is a free for all.
    A federal official submits a request for funding a project which is overrated expense wise – a commissioned artwork, a study, a bill for domestic or foreign aid, an investigation, etc. – it goes through and actual, minimal expenses are met.
    Then the designated shill cohort gets a percentage while that federal official gets the higher percentage.
    It’s a free for all on taxpayer money!

  14. jmatt4life

    I call on Resident Vegetable in Office, Joe Biden to RESIGN!!!

  15. Nancy King

    Joe 's policies are what caused the Worst Inflation in 40 years. 2 years ago life was affordable and there was No War in Europe

  16. 市川進治


  17. Milley Isasoyboy

    Joepedo doesn’t even know what inflation is…

  18. Jeannie Smith

    Biden does realize that he can veto any bill that is sent to his desk.

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