‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Takes a Gamble on Wall Street’s Downturn

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Recession News | 24 comments

Michael Burry, the investor who predicted and bet big on the 2008 market crash, is once again predicting another downturn, and has put $1.6 billion on the line in preparation for it. #CNN #News…(read more)

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‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Bets on Wall Street Downturn

Michael Burry, one of the prominent investors who predicted the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 and portrayed by Christian Bale in the hit movie ‘The Big Short,’ is once again making a bold bet on Wall Street. Burry has recently disclosed that he has been placing significant wagers on a downturn in the US stock market.

Burry, a former hedge fund manager and the founder of Scion Asset Management, has gained fame for his contrarian bets and keen analytical skills. In the years leading up to the housing market collapse, he was one of the few investors who saw the impending disaster and took bold actions to profit from it. His successful wager against the market turned him into a legendary investor.

Now, Burry appears to hold a similar conviction about the current state of the US stock market. In a series of tweets and interviews, he has voiced concerns over the excessive speculation and inflated valuations present in the market today. Burry stated that he believes the market is exhibiting characteristics similar to those preceding the dot-com bubble burst in 2000 and the housing crisis of 2008.

To back his pessimistic outlook, Burry has taken large positions against certain key sectors, including technology and electric vehicle (EV) stocks. In regulatory filings, it was revealed that Burry’s Scion Asset Management held significant put options against several EV companies, signaling his belief that their stock prices will decline. This move has garnered attention, as the EV sector has been one of the most prominent areas of growth lately.

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Furthermore, Burry has expressed concerns about the excessive speculation fueled by the rise of amateur investors, commonly known as retail traders. With the advent of commission-free trading apps and the influence of social media platforms like Reddit, Burry believes that the market is being driven by speculative forces rather than sound fundamentals. He warns that this combination of retail frenzy and overvaluation could lead to an eventual market crash.

Although Burry’s predictions have drawn attention, it’s important to note that he has been known to hold contrarian views in the past, which haven’t always played out as anticipated. Nonetheless, his previous successes give weight to his current bet. Investors and market participants are now closely watching his actions, which may sway sentiment and potentially ignite a herd-like behavior in the market.

Regardless of the eventual outcome, Burry’s outspoken stance serves as a stark reminder that even the most successful investors can’t always predict the twists and turns of financial markets with unwavering accuracy. His ventures into the unknown once again underline the importance of vigilance and due diligence for any investor.

Many investors are now left contemplating whether they should follow in Burry’s footsteps or ignore his bearish predictions. One thing is for certain: Burry’s bets on a Wall Street downturn have once again cast a spotlight on the fragile state of the stock market and the need for caution in an uncertain financial landscape.

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  1. A Name

    Did it crash yet?

  2. jacc88888

    Wow, so many scammers in this comments section. I wonder how many poor souls fall for this nonsense.

  3. Frosty Beer

    Talking heads will do just that. Burry is either mitigating risk or betting on what the Fed is supposed to do, break the market. Lots of signs that the market is going to rumble then crumble, but when and by how much is anyone's guess. The market is way overdue for a necessary reset and should have crashed years ago. Maybe this is the first time we have a soft landing, but history would say otherwise. Good luck out there!

  4. edmhie1

    Prediction!!!! uhm!!!! probably they just hit it right at that time but it doesn't mean that it's going to be right again.

  5. Phil Stones

    I've been diligently working, saving, and investing toward financial independence and early retirement, but the economy since the pandemic has eaten up the majority of my $3 million portfolio. I want to know: Do I keep contributing to my portfolio in these unstable markets, or do I look into alternative sectors?

  6. Big N

    Were all rooting for michael burry to win

  7. HBViceroy

    No knee-jerk reactions please …….why so you can get out before everyone else……

  8. OshoRamseyGump

    The fact that CNN told me not to do anything with that information is why I'm gonna do something.

  9. Aziz Einas

    Despite the fact that stock prices fluctuate, what is the best method for capitalizing on the current market? I'm still undecided about investing $400k in my stock portfolio.

  10. Brandon To

    One thing for sure, the S&P ain't going up past 4600 this year. It peaked at 4588 on Monday July 31. Been down sporadically since August 1, but never quite make it back up to that level again for the past 2 plus months. You can speculate. You can analyze and predict. You can follow a market guru or hedge fund expert in predicting the future. But you will gain more insight into what is really going directly from the charts. The data don't lie. Fear, speculations, and guess works are all tied into those index charts. Even going back to Summer 2007 to 2008 kickoff cycle, you can see the trend that the S&P had before the Big crash. We're long over due for a Recession really. Jump on the Burry Bandwagon if you trust the man and his work. There are reasons why he put on this much risk. He might be right again, for good reasons, and earn another 500%. Good luck to him and you!

  11. George Diaz

    This is it !!! We been red this entire week

  12. FreeMan37

    The house of cards is crumbling down. And I blame Schwab & Co. for it.

  13. Ruth spense

    What is the best way to profit from the current market, meanwhile I'm still undecided about investing $40k in my stock portfolio to get some dvidends and minimize risk

  14. Elroy Waters

    Crash = Digital currency = precursor to the beast system = none can buy/ sell lest they have the mark = Jesus Christ is Lord. They that have ears let them hear.

  15. Franco_12

    I believe Michael burry already saw the 1st domino brick tilted thats why he invested almost all his portfolio.. and very very very soon everyone will see the big picture of a collapsing building made from domino bricks.

  16. jessica moore

    "Big Short" investor Steve Eisman said the sizzling stock market rally of 2023 can run on as long as the US economy stays strong. I’ve been sitting on over $745K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?

  17. Mr, Boo Boo 1972

    Hello.. I want to Say that Michael Burry is and was back in 2007/2008 Correct.. In fact We are the top of the Bell Curve head down over that over Side and Its Coming. The thing about 2008 is they Fudged the numbers they wouldn't go above the 5% line because the whole things start falling apart rapidly at 8% the whole tranche is no good. We are right now in the same predicament… just seeing the houses selling at double what they where the month or months before even 1 year… Is not an Eye opener for people at all… When it becomes a Fire Sale for the banks again… And the Fed stops fudging the numbers.. Reality is Reality and You can hide from it for awhile but its gonna find you and in one way or another and your all gonna wake up to see it there. Think of this banks loan money on a house for $500,000 that was valued at $250,000 the year before and let's say all houses.. someone sells makes great returns.. people that buy them and the banks loaning the money when they realize they bought properties that are actually worth half … cause that's actually "The True Value" People don't want to pay…. they want out… etc.. etc… Well the bank is now stuck with a property they may at this time, They be able to dump for $200k if lucky the whole "True Value" of $250k. So now the banks are out $200-$250k then times that by…. Who even knows. More and more people are just fed up with it all.. dumping stuff and going small and mobile or just small.. like tiny living .. Just sick of it all. I see it happening everywhere. @MichaelBurry Hello Sir.. I too believe again we are all tide in to the false information and corruption… Fudging real figures so they can continue to take advantage of the workers of America ,retires, etc..

  18. Patrick Brussels

    I genuinely mean it when I express my stress and concern regarding the market crash and high inflation, particularly in relation to my retirement. I have been experiencing losses for quite some time, and while some may argue that crises can present opportunities, I am feeling overwhelmed. However, I understand that investing is a long-term endeavor, and it is crucial to maintain focus on the bigger picture and the long run.

  19. Nate Steinhauer

    Looks like were about to get Big Short 2

  20. Karthik S K

    The patronizing journalism is sickening.

  21. Miss Gui

    1% of us are looking up ⬆️.

  22. groove334

    My broken clock has an atomic precision twice every day.

  23. Catchism

    Sooo… how many puts does he have short now?

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