Billionaire Mark Cuban: Why Investing in Gold is a Dumb Move

by | Nov 26, 2023 | Gold IRA | 26 comments

Billionaire Mark Cuban: Why Investing in Gold is a Dumb Move

If you invest in gold, you’re dumb? Mark Cuban seems to think so, saying “You know what, if you have gold you’re dumb as f**k.” The clip is from a recent ‘Club Random with Bill Maher’ and dives into the billionaire’s views on Bitcoin in comparison to gold. Cuban says that gold (ETF) ownership would disappear if things went to hell and if you had a physical gold bar, someone would just take it from you any way. What do you think? I’ll tell you where I stand.

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JM Bullion is a trusted dealer and a sponsor of the 2 is 1 channel.

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▸ Gold Coins 101:
▸ Storage:
▸ Capsules:

▸ Pelican Micro Case

▸ 32mm Direct-Fit Capsules (Fit 1 oz American Gold Eagles, Gold Buffalos, etc.)
(10 capsules)
(20 capsules + tube)

▸ 30mm Direct-Fit Capsules (Fit 1 oz Canadian Maple Leafs)

▸ 27mm Direct-Fit Capsules (Fit 1/2 oz American Gold Eagles, etc.)

▸ 22mm Direct-Fit Capsules (Fit 1/4 oz American Gold Eagles, etc.)
(20 capsules)
(20 capsules + tube)

▸ 16mm Direct-Fit Capsules (Fit 1/10 oz American Gold Eagles, etc.)

▸ Theory11 Playing Cards

▸ Field Notes Notebooks

I buy gold and other assets on a dollar cost average schedule and then buy more as price and interest allow. If you want to know more about buying gold coins, that is my primary focus here. I talk a bit about cryptocurrency, mining stocks and other equities as well. Cheers!


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Disclaimers: I am not a financial planner, a CPA or an attorney qualified to give financial advice. Nothing in this video constitutes professional or financial advice. I’m just a guy on the internet, talking about precious metals. This is for entertainment only. You alone are solely responsible for evaluating or acting on any financial transactions. If you’re looking for financial, tax, legal or other advice, please seek out a professional. As an Amazon Associate I may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Any potential compensation I earn will not negatively affect your purchase.

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REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation

In a recent interview, billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban didn’t mince words when it came to his opinion on investing in gold. “If you invest in gold, you’re dumb as f#ck,” Cuban said bluntly.

His statement may come as a shock to many, especially considering the long-standing belief that gold is a safe and reliable investment. However, Cuban’s reasoning behind his bold declaration sheds light on why he holds such a strong stance against investing in the precious metal.

Cuban argues that gold is essentially a useless asset, with no practical value beyond its inherent scarcity and aesthetic appeal. Unlike stocks, real estate, or other assets that can generate income or provide utility, gold simply sits there and does nothing. In Cuban’s eyes, this makes it a poor investment choice, particularly when compared to other options that offer the potential for growth and returns.

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Furthermore, Cuban believes that gold holds little value in today’s modern economy, especially with the rise of digital currencies and other alternative investments. He sees the traditional appeal of gold as a safe haven in times of economic uncertainty as outdated and overhyped.

While Cuban’s provocative language may stir controversy, his message ultimately boils down to the idea that investors should seek out assets with real potential for growth and value creation. In his view, gold simply doesn’t fit the bill.

It’s worth noting that Cuban’s outspoken views on gold are not unique to him. Many financial experts and analysts share his perspective, advocating for more practical and dynamic investment strategies.

Of course, it’s important to remember that investment decisions are deeply personal and subjective. What works for one person may not work for another. Ultimately, individuals should carefully consider their own financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment philosophy before making any decisions.

Regardless of where one stands on the issue of investing in gold, Cuban’s candid remarks serve as a reminder to approach investment opportunities with a critical and discerning eye. In today’s ever-changing economic landscape, it’s crucial to stay informed and open-minded when it comes to exploring investment options.

In conclusion, while it may be jarring to hear such strong language from a notable figure like Mark Cuban, his perspective on investing in gold underscores the importance of seeking out sound and strategic investment choices. Whether one agrees with him or not, Cuban’s words serve as a thought-provoking reminder to carefully evaluate the potential of any investment before committing to it.

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  1. General Esdeath

    It doesn’t sound like Cuban thinks gold is an investment. It sounds like he thinks it’s competition for Bitcoin that he wants out of the way.

  2. CD Morrissy

    Bitcoin is just another "fiat currency" and Gold/Silver are REAL money. I keep a percentage of my assets in Gold/Silver, and I'll be buying
    a lot more before the end of this year. I think anybody who thinks this is "dumb" – is dumb (and short sighted).

  3. D P

    Billionaires who tell you not to buy gold are buying all the gold. Always do the opposite of what they tell you.

  4. Dark Cat

    I bet every 1000 I spend on gold I’m getting back a 100

  5. Dark Cat

    I remember good being less than 400 an ounce. Buy gold

  6. Dark Cat

    What the fuck is a bitcoin ?

  7. Don Johnson

    He says investing in gold is dumb. The Federal Reserve just last week clasified gold as the only other Tier 1 asset on the planet…When the elites are telling you not to buy, trust me, they are to trying to keep prices as low as possible while they buy truck loads of it. If you want to protect your assets from devaluation and inflation, gold and silver are the best options….

  8. Gus

    Im new to finances. Can someone please tell me how you would put $ in gold? Like, is it a stock that you have to watch and trade? Or is it a bond?

  9. Walter 1408

    Bitcoin is like investing in magical unicorn facts.

  10. Nikita Vanhoose

    People who think their smart chime in and think their educating someone, but turns out they are just as clueless. Let me break it down for you so a toddler could understand. If you like collecting coins, or you just like holding and owning gold and silver, then go ahead, just know that it's never going to really make you enough profit to really matter. Think about it, when you purchase some gold, or silver jewelry, what do you purchase it with….. well money of course. If you turn in your gold, or silver, or even precious stones, what do you exchange it for…..once again money. The literal only reason things like gold, or silver, or even diamonds have any value whatsoever, is because they are rare and worth a lot of money. Now with all that in mind, think about what all the precious metal hoarders are always warning you about. One day the economy is going to collapse, or we're going to have a 2nd great depression, or we're going to get stuck in a horrible, long war like WW3, or whatever, and the value of the dollar is going to plummet, if not become completely useless. Well if that happens, then everything worth a lot of money will become basically worthless alongside it. If the dollar has no value, then what exactly are they going to buy all your gold and silver with exactly? If things ever get that bad, then people are going to have zero need, or use in precious metals, or jewls. People are going to be focused on nesecities and things that keep you alive, precious metals and jewls will become pointless. The things people will be focused on will be things like, food, clean drinking water, medications, your properties, your vehicles and stuff like that. The things that will be worth their weight in gold, so to speak, will be seeds for growing vegetables, animals for raising meat, water, gasoline, weapons and ammunition, batteries, generators, toilet paper, important medicines and stuff like that. If the value of the dollar, and every nations version of the dollar, becomes worthless, then precious metals and gems and non nesecities items will also become worthless right alongside it

  11. Terry P Dennison

    Nah I got gold as a store of value for sure

  12. Wayne Evans

    Didn’t he campaign for hillary because his feelings were hurt! Bought my first ten ounces at $300!

  13. ML7182

    SILVER is the real way to go!!!!

  14. NewHampshire LifeStyle

    "if you had a physical gold bar, someone would just take it from you any way". Really? "Someone" would have to get past my 5 security guards, Smith, Wesson, Mossberg, Armalite and Ruger.

  15. Charles Casaburi

    JPM put it better than I could (the living breathing JPM not the criminal conspiracy that bears his name today) gold is money everything else is just credit

  16. M Gower

    The value of bitcoin or your bank account will be zero after a Carrington Event. Gold and Silver will be unaffected.

  17. Stephen Potter

    Gold is okay, but currently, I personally lean into the stock market because of liquidity and all. I’ve been sitting on over $545K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here. Is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?

  18. LP

    How do you retrieve your gold investment when the grid goes down? Nobody will answer this question.

  19. Richard Harding

    If you invest some in real GOLD from a reputable source, real true gold. you are fine.

  20. Lanaaa

    You know it's a good time to buy gold when a billionaire is telling you to not buy gold, lol.

  21. Jose Rams

    if you have a colt 45 or an AR-15, would be hard for someone to take it from you. Thus buy 10k in gold and a good reliable gun

  22. Don Patt

    I feel like it's weird that Chuck woolery from love connection is on TV trying to push gold. I can't help but think someone is trying to fuck with the market. It's odd and I don't quite understand the market, but I feel like something is off.

  23. Jonathan Villegas

    Gold and silver I'd wager is more or less ONE way to have a safety net for some societal bullshit, it's also an indicator of things as well if ya wanna go around spoof sellin just to get a feel of the market and dollar vibes down the road.

  24. JohnnySilverfoot

    there are 1000 ways to make income just sitting at your computer. Im making money thru ad revenue as Im typing this lol. I dont need to be invested in some cryptoshit that could self destruct in an hour. lol.
    Have revenue streams that make money while you sleep and then put that money into hard assets like precious metals.
    Hell, Id put my money into copper and aluminum before Id bother with shitcoin, lol

  25. Iam Germane

    Bullets are a store of value too! 🙂

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