Bix Weir Urges Immediate Commencement of Bank Bailouts in a Steep Upward Trend This Week

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Bank Failures | 31 comments

On Friday Night the Fed announced a bailout with UNLIMITED funds to the banks…They did that because they NEED IT NOW!!
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Title: Bank Bailouts: Urgency for a Parabolic Rise This Week – Insights from Bix Weir


The global financial crisis of 2008 taught us a harsh lesson about the fragility of the banking system. When faced with imminent collapse, governments worldwide resorted to drastic measures, including bank bailouts, to stabilize the financial sector. Fast forward to today, and we find ourselves in a similar situation as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we delve into the stance of expert commentator Bix Weir, who argues for an immediate and substantial rise in bank bailouts this week to address the unprecedented challenges facing the banking industry.

1. Understanding Bank Bailouts

Bank bailouts refer to financial assistance provided by governments or central banks to troubled banks, primarily aimed at preventing their collapse. These funds help stabilize the banking system, protect depositors’ interests, and maintain public confidence. Weir believes that, considering the current circumstances, a rapid increase in these bailouts is of utmost importance.

2. The Looming Crisis

The global pandemic has caused severe disruptions in various sectors, resulting in significant economic contractions. This, in turn, has triggered a wave of bankruptcies, defaulting loans, and increased risk emanating from the banking industry. Weir alerts us to the looming banking crisis, as bad loans soar, and the potential for systemic contagion risks rises.

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3. Economic Ripple Effects

Without prompt and substantial bank bailouts, the ripple effects of a collapsing banking system will reach every corner of the economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises, central to growth and employment, will face an inability to obtain credit, thereby stifling economic recovery. Additionally, consumers will experience reduced access to credit, leading to a decline in consumer spending and further amplifying the economic downturn.

4. Strengthening Public Confidence

A vital aspect of any successful bank bailout is maintaining public confidence in the banking system. Weir emphasizes that a robust and speedy response to the current crisis will instill trust and prevent panic among the public. By demonstrating their commitment to secure deposits and keep the financial wheels turning, governments can help stabilize markets and inspire confidence in investors and consumers alike.

5. Addressing Systemic Risks

It is crucial to recognize that bank bailouts go beyond mere financial assistance to individual institutions. Weir asserts that systemic risks associated with undercapitalized banks can intensify financial instability on a global scale. Therefore, timely and transparent action is vital to address these risks and prevent a ripple effect across international financial markets.

6. Accountability and Transparency

Weir further emphasizes the importance of ensuring accountability and transparency in the bank bailout process. Governments must make it a priority to prevent misuse or misallocation of bailout funds, conducting regular audits to track how these resources are utilized. By promoting transparency and accountability, public trust can be restored, ultimately reducing the chances of a future collapse.


As we navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic, the banking industry faces significant challenges. Urgent and substantial bank bailouts are essential to prevent a collapse that would send shockwaves throughout the global economy. By prioritizing the stability of the financial system, addressing systemic risks, and ensuring accountability, governments can instill confidence and set the stage for a robust recovery. Bix Weir’s call for a parabolic rise in bank bailouts this week should be heard loud and clear if we are to safeguard our economic future.

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  1. lexi 444

    Do we get 1 veri token if we sign up to bixs membership?

  2. Will Power

    YouTube is becoming untenable because of the incessant commercials. Bye Bix! Wathed about 4 mins then 3 min commercial came on…….cant stay.

  3. Tom Murphy

    end the FED and the IRS

  4. globalwarmerguy

    Hey Bix, what if they nuke N.Y. and the Computers. They could say anybody did it to start another war, whoever they want to blame. Many outcomes possiblee.

  5. Max Hames

    Just started a 21 day booze and steak diet.

  6. stopdemockery

    What happened to the financial chaos that you predicted for 10/14/19, yesterday?????

  7. ntvtexan

    What a convenient way to destroy the derivatives…turn that debt into a TOKEN, then collapse the token crying foul over the failure of a new technology !!!

  8. active227

    Ok 2nd week of November

  9. Mark Ward

    Who is to say that the fed is not bailing out foreign banks again . That is enough to shut them down.

  10. Jess Trade

    Your correct sir. Over 350, believe it or not, they are just getting started. So like was saying before usually need 250b weekly. Now, the problem going forward is that this will double every two weeks or so. Not exactly sure about it, but logic starts taking over when you realize that the Fed will have to answer at some point. That might be during Davos or around those big events. Because the western euro bankers all will want an answer. So they won't be able to play games with their owners like the us congress and tax payers or shareholder boards. This is the tricky part. Their net worth is rumored just north of 140t. If you take the figure of 72 verified in 2015 and double it (like most markets) you get that figure. Who, in their right mind is going to let 1t a month start to come out of their net worth. At what point do you stop it? After running a fund I can tell you once you lose 20% of your clients money you are out of the biz. So once it's spent saving the system, you can likely say no further will be allowed. That would be about 30t and it would take at THIS pace roughly two years to get there. IF it doubles every month then you have less than a year…

  11. Radioactive Banana

    So Friday you said there would be a bail in by the banks on Monday. Nothing yet.

  12. active227

    Nothing happened on 10/14/19 Bix, WTF

  13. hayesman76

    Since the bailouts are definitely going to continue into January 2020 that suggests to me that the Federal Reserve is knowingly and deliberately continuing the circus going at least into the 1st quarter of the new year, which jibes with my speculation that the HUGE financial meltdown will hit by design just in time to (the puppeteers hope) to derail President Trump’s chance of being re-elected. What happens if Trump IS re-elected? IMO “civil unrest” will hardly be adequate to describe it.

  14. Ken D

    It's like watching a train wreck in horribly slow motion…

  15. hayesman76

    The funny thing is that I typically tune-in to Bix’s YouTube videos in the early evening (even though he’s in Northern Commiefornia, I believe, while I’m in the Southern part of the state i.e. same time zone) and far from sipping coffee by that time of the day I’m usually sipping something that by law has to state its alcohol content.

  16. litoshi lite

    Eos sucks sorry man brotha (crypto blood)


    I want everyone to thoroughly understand the fact that Queen Elizabeth acts as "Queen of the Commonwealth" — and in that position, she acts as an overseer for the Pope.  The origin of this is cozy arrangement goes all the way back to her ancestor, King John. 

    The British Territorial United States including Puerto Rico and other "Insular States"  is a Commonwealth.   So the Queen manages it for the Pope.  

    People also need to understand that the Pope's minions manage the Municipal United States Government directly, and they always have.  This is part of the  Power-Sharing Agreements hammered out in the various treaties settling The War of Independence and implemented by the Constitutions.  

    So we essentially have two foreign governments on our shores, both apparently at odds, but both ultimately belonging to and being the responsibility of, the Pope.  

    Take in what I just observed to you.  Both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States "Governments" — that is, the foreign governmental services corporations that have been running amok here for years — are actually under the control of the Pope.  

    He controls the Territorial Government indirectly through the Queen, and he controls the Municipal Government directly through the Roman Municipal Government System created by the Pontificate.  

    So if there is any "Civil War" or other criminality or disturbance here, the road does indeed lead directly to Rome and nowhere else.  

    Now, I think its time that you all should realize that there are factions of people in Rome who are largely nutcases.  They, together with similarly-minded Muslims and Zionists,  think that they can and should "fulfill" Biblical prophecy by their own hands.  So, in keeping with that, they propose to destroy the world by fire. 

    What is happening in California right now?   

    Fires are being set by teams of arsonists that came through our unguarded Southern Border.  We shall shortly know who ordered the hit on America, but I think it is fairly clear that this is part of the Religious Nut Case Grand Plan.  

    The enemies of mankind have progressed in secrecy and stealth and used all manner of devices and human failings to divide us and undermine us, but I have news for you this morning — it doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat, a Catholic or a Jew,  when the ship is sinking and you hit the water.  

    There is one man and one office on this planet who is singularly responsible for everything bad that has happened to this country since 1860, and who is still uniquely responsible: the Pope.  

    Repeat after me:  Pope Francis ultimately owns and controls both sides of any civil war being promoted in America.  He controls the Territorial Government through Queen Elizabeth.  He controls the Municipal Government via his own machinery.  

    So if we have a problem here, much less a civil war — who should we, and the rest of the world, hold accountable?

  18. Donald Reed

    Sing It Brother – While Drinking Smoothies – That would be a Trick.

  19. Christopher Johnson

    It's insane. People don't know shit they just useless eaters the royal smack was right. People r soo stupid it's scary

  20. ewmism

    Trump is GONE !

  21. Jimmy Johns

    crash is coming yeah..

  22. Big Tiny

    Hey Bix So where does this leave us if all markets are rigged? Bo Polny talks about forthcoming Depression greater than 1929 but markets then weren't Computer rigged. It seems to me that nothing will change until the Riggers want it to change but when will that be?

  23. Mario Baertsch

    EOS is the crypto cabal, DB is the hq of the bankster cabal, tether is the stablecoin of both cabals and the DOJ is investigating… a good mix!

  24. John Strato

    If Crypto are currencies. Shouldn't there be NO TAX on crypto's? TAXNO….. TAXNO….. TAXNO….

  25. g bruceg

    Does that include, No Sex!!!?? Lol

  26. Silky

    People do not respond to this stuff.

  27. Frankie Trenado

    It's okay with you for the President of the United States Of America to have made his wealth by practicing fraudulent tax schemes. Bix, I have been truly trying to stick with you even though your theories have been getting crazier by the day. Now , i just think you are a piece of shit hypocrite

  28. Mike Smith

    If I were in DC, I would go out with a wig and disguise so people would not recognize me. Same as an actor.

  29. Pablo Ramos

    But the US is bringing the troops back home now…

  30. Kathryn J. Hernandez

    Surely by now you've seen Ben's video today. He get into the weeds on how BTC/ETH/LTC and eventually other crypto commodities will "absorb inflation" via ICE & BAKKT. He mentioned you and claims banks will NOT be going to Congress. Your interpretation in light of the REPOs would be helpful.

  31. ain't dat snipes

    Fed balance sheet will increase quintuple in less than a year.

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