Black Americans Relocating to Portugal: The Black Expat Experience

by | Nov 23, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 21 comments

Black Americans Relocating to Portugal: The Black Expat Experience

Are you a Black American considering a move to Portugal? If so, you’re not alone! In recent years, there has been a growing trend of Black Americans relocating to Portugal, seeking a better quality of life, affordability, and a more welcoming environment than the U.S.

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Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable trend of Black folks moving to Portugal from America. Many African Americans are choosing to become expats in this European country for various reasons, including a desire for a better quality of life, more affordable living expenses, and a new cultural experience.

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One of the primary reasons for this migration is the lower cost of living in Portugal compared to major cities in the United States. Housing, healthcare, and everyday expenses are generally more affordable in Portugal, making it an attractive option for those looking to stretch their dollars further. Additionally, Portugal offers a favorable tax environment for expats, which can be appealing for individuals seeking to maximize their income.

Furthermore, Portugal is known for its high quality of life, with a laid-back lifestyle and beautiful landscapes. Many Black expats are drawn to the country’s mild climate, stunning beaches, and rich history. The country’s diverse cultural scene, including music, art, and food, also provides an enriching experience for those looking for a change of pace.

Another factor that has led to an increase in Black folks moving to Portugal is the racial climate in the United States. With ongoing racial tensions and social injustices, some individuals are seeking a more inclusive and diverse environment. Portugal, with its relatively low levels of racial discrimination and a growing Black community, has become a welcoming destination for those looking to escape the racial tensions prevalent in the United States.

In addition to these factors, Portugal’s government has actively been encouraging foreign investment and entrepreneurship, making it easier for expats to start businesses and create new opportunities for themselves. The country’s startup scene is also gaining traction, providing a favorable environment for those looking to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions.

Despite the positive aspects of living in Portugal, there are also challenges that Black expats may face when relocating. Language barriers, cultural adjustments, and navigating a new healthcare system are just a few of the obstacles that individuals may encounter when moving to a new country. However, many find that the benefits of living in Portugal outweigh these challenges, and with the support of the growing expat community, they are able to overcome these hurdles.

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Overall, the increasing number of Black folks moving to Portugal is a testament to the appeal of the country as a destination for individuals seeking a change and a new beginning. With its affordable cost of living, high quality of life, and diverse cultural scene, Portugal has become a popular choice for those looking to live abroad and experience a different way of life. As the Black expat community in Portugal continues to grow, it is likely that more individuals will be inspired to make the move and join this thriving community.

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  1. starveartist

    Love Costa da Caparica…the beach area that most people from Lisbon go to. It reminds me of California, but with colder water

  2. starveartist

    Get out of Dodge!!! The US is on a downward trajectory….Handmaid's Tale coming true

  3. Nicky

    I have to watch these videos before work every morning for motivation to go to work. I have a goal and this is a means to the next thing!

  4. a

    Thank you very much. For Ms.Teresa Bodin-Williams, I live in Spain so I wonder what questions she has…..I would say that socially, Portugal would be better.

  5. W Smith

    One thing to watch is how the Chega party performs in the March election. If they do well it is an ominous sign for the immigrants living in the country

  6. Rosário Paiva

    love to listen you guys. I'm Portuguese, from Coimbra. Be happy here!

  7. J O Y

    Love this. What about large families? Is it possible to move with young kids?

  8. ADHD Cutie on Single Mom Duty

    Don't even get me started on Jetblue; I watched a video of how one of their reps BLATANTLY disrespected a black single mother for sending her son on a plane by himself, and he ended up getting lost…but it was actually the airlines' fault!!!!

  9. ADHD Cutie on Single Mom Duty

    legally there is supposed to be some type of financial compensation (refund or something)

  10. mar car

    Loved all the information you all provided and it’s all freaking TRUE!! I am hispanic and I feel you all.. it’s getting so toxic in the USA and everything is getting so expensive and our kids are getting stressed and burned out and getting sick and a young age.

    My 30 year son got his dual citizenship and ready to move to Mérida Mexico he is so tired of bull shit and he loves Mexico. But it took me a while to finally convince my husband to move out of USA. I love Mexico but had thoughts about Spain and heard about Portugal.USA is getting really bad and I really don’t want to be in the USA. I have been hearing about Spain and Portugal too, but Mexico is closer for us and them for emergency or visit them.What make you guys choose Portugal over Mexico? Did you guys go over and stayed for several months before you made the decision?

    I am so great full with all the information

  11. A Thomas

    Halisi, thanks for saying that about Frontier. I was starting to wonder if I were the only one who had a good experience flying on the airline. I last flew on it in around 2010. I don't now what happened.

  12. Ang

    Thank you for a wonderful session. Congratulations on a successful Summit! I am saving up now for next yea's Virtual Summitr! Definitely wont miss it next time.
    RE: This yr VS – Are Replay tickets available for those who could not participate?
    You forgot to add among state sanctioned oppression, the highest court in the land with a black male puppet sitting on the bench, the Supreme Court has voted NOT to extend Voter's Right and Affirmative Action to African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and others. The SCOTUS is endorsing a non-inclusity racist state.

  13. Chi-Town Virgo Life

    Did we know that the Portuguese were the pioneers of the slave trade?

  14. Edith Donaldson

    Diane dont forget your travel insurance especially if you missed a connecting flight! Look into it

  15. anya juanrisco

    Anya Juan Risco here. Ms Halisi 100% spot on Black Brain Drain. Too often others take credit for our work. We make the company, CEO or CPO et al, look good and give loyalty to the company witbout reciprocity.

  16. V Carvalho

    Hi Halisi, Ric and everyone else. Just got you late, late in the evening so it was impossible to intervine. About the govn: the public attorney had an investigation in course from 2019 and had some proofs some 'no legal decisions' could have been taken by members of the government regarding lithyum mining, green hydrogen and a huge data center. Up to now seven people, ministers, members of civil staff from cabinet and businessman have been accused of lobbying, easing up procedures (cutting corners) in order to 'expedite' the projects. No one is accused to steal, subborn, or any means of 'easy money collection'. Because one of the persons was the prime minister's chief of staff and another was his best friend (his marryage's godfather and former collegue) the prime minister decided to submit his resignation to the president. Up to now there is no accusation gainst him, but given the decision he took and because this fact could jeopardise the goverment's image, the president WILL formally accept the resignation only AFTER the 20 this month. The reason is to have the national budget approved by the national assembly by this date. So the actual goverment will keep going until a new goverment constituted after the general elections scheduled to March 2024 will be empossed

  17. Fernando Mofreita

    As another pace to live alternative consider Bali.

  18. FireWine

    I was interested in moving to Lisbon until I heard that dating is nin-existent for women over 50. I'm looking elsewhere now.

  19. Cass

    I missed the live conversation. Watching later and I’m in club Imani. If moving abroad helps with weight gain, I’m there!

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