Bob Carlson Presents The Latest Retirement Plan for Americans | Safeguard Your 401k Today!

by | Apr 26, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 1 comment

Bob Carlson Presents The Latest Retirement Plan for Americans | Safeguard Your 401k Today!

Uncle Sam Is After Your Retirement Money

And it doesn’t even matter how much or how little you have.

If your money’s in a 401(k)… they’re coming for it.

If it’s in a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA… they’re coming for it.

Heck, if it’s in your kids’ or grandchildren’s college funds… they’ll come for that, too.

The Wall Street Journal summed it up like this: “…a college planning nightmare for middle-income parents.”

As I said, they’re hot on the trail. Only this time, it’s not just your money they’re after.

It’s also your heirs’ money that’ll get looted.

In other words, your legacy is under attack.

And that’s just the first in a series of nefarious plots they’re planning.

Truth is, the government needs to raid our retirement funds now more than ever.

Of course, Congress never passes a bill that’s painful for citizens…

Without making it seem like a benefit.

They want you to read the headline. But not the substance.

In this case, they’re working to expand every American’s access to retirement plans… along with making these plans more flexible and less expensive.

Seems nice, and rather generous, right?

Sure. Until you get to the dark underbelly.

The part that undermines and undercuts your hard-earned savings.

The part that puts an end to the rules that have actually helped us all this time.

That means you have precious little time to protect your 401(k)… your IRAs… and your Roth IRAs from Uncle Sam’s “2020 heist.”

You want to act right now…

Click the link below for full details…
(read more)

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The New American Retirement Plan | Protect Your 401k with Bob Carlson

As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age, many are realizing that they may not have saved enough for a comfortable retirement. In addition, the traditional retirement plan of relying solely on an employer-sponsored 401k plan may not be enough to provide the retirement income needed to maintain the same standard of living.

Enter Bob Carlson, an expert in retirement planning who has created a New American Retirement Plan. This plan is designed to provide retirees with a steady stream of income throughout their golden years. Carlson’s plan is focused on protecting your 401k from the risks of the stock market while also providing a reliable source of income.

The biggest problem with traditional retirement plans is their dependence on the stock market. Carlson’s solution is to invest in a diverse range of assets, including bonds, real estate, and alternative investments like private equity and hedge funds. This diversification protects assets from the volatility of the stock market and can provide more consistent returns over time.

According to Carlson, another key aspect of his plan is a focus on income-producing assets. Instead of relying on cashing out your retirement fund all at once, the New American Retirement Plan is designed to provide a stream of income that retirees can rely on. This stream of income comes from assets like rental properties, dividend-paying stocks, and annuities.

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One of the biggest advantages of this plan is that it can be customized to meet individual needs. Carlson works with clients to assess their financial situation and create a plan that is tailored to their specific needs and goals. This personalization ensures that retirees have a plan that works for them, no matter their situation.

Another advantage of Carlson’s plan is that it is not dependent on market timing. Unlike traditional investments that require perfect timing and predicting market cycles, the New American Retirement Plan is designed to weather economic downturns and thrive over time.

In summary, the New American Retirement Plan is an innovative solution to the challenges facing retirees today. By protecting your 401k from market volatility and focusing on income-producing assets, Carlson is helping retirees create a plan that provides a steady stream of income throughout retirement. The plan is customizable, flexible, and designed to be resilient in any economic environment. If you are nearing retirement age or are worried about your financial future, it may be worth considering the New American Retirement Plan as a solution.

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