Bob Doll of Crossmark states that the market has yet to factor in a recession.

by | Jun 12, 2023 | Recession News | 15 comments

Bob Doll of Crossmark states that the market has yet to factor in a recession.

Bob Doll, Crossmark Global Investments, and Mimi Duff, GenTrust, join ‘Closing Bell Overtime’ to discuss market risk, a possible recession, and what the Fed’s next move might be….(read more)

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The U.S. economy has been growing steadily for nearly a decade, but some experts warn that a recession could be on the horizon. Despite this, many investors seem to be ignoring the warning signs, which has led some analysts to warn that the market is not pricing in a recession yet.

One of these analysts is Bob Doll, the chief equity strategist at Crossmark Global Investments. In a recent interview with CNBC, Doll stated that “the market has not yet priced in a recession.” He pointed to a number of factors indicating that the U.S. economy may be vulnerable, including rising interest rates, trade tensions, and a flattening yield curve.

Doll is not alone in his concerns. Many economists and financial analysts have been warning about a possible recession for months, if not years. Some argue that the economy is due for a cyclical downturn, while others point to specific factors such as the trade war with China or the growing mountain of debt on corporate balance sheets.

Despite these concerns, the stock market has continued to rally, with major indices reaching new record highs in recent weeks. This suggests that investors remain confident in the long-term prospects of the economy, even as they acknowledge the short-term risks.

So why hasn’t the market priced in a recession yet? According to Doll, it may simply be a matter of timing. “Sometimes the market’s early, sometimes it’s late,” he said. “It’s been early in the past, it’s been late in the past. I don’t know if it’s going to be late or early this time.”

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In other words, the market may eventually catch up to the economic reality, but it’s impossible to predict when that will happen. Some investors may be holding out hope that the current expansion can continue for a while longer, while others may simply be ignoring the warning signs.

Regardless of what happens in the coming months, it’s clear that the U.S. economy is facing some significant challenges. Whether those challenges will lead to a full-blown recession remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the market will eventually have to price in the risks. Until then, investors should remain vigilant and be prepared for a bumpy ride.

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  1. GoneViral

    Pretty much apple, Microsoft,Google and meta is holding up the whole Market. Markets wants to go down into deep recession

  2. Khadija Sajid

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  3. Theo Alex

    I used to think every investor lose out during recession, meanwhile some make millions. I also thought everybody went out of business during the Great Depression, but some went into business. Bottom line, there's always depression for some, and profit for others, it all starts from having the right mindset. That said, I've set asides $250k to invest for future, unfortunately I'm a complete noob.

  4. Lance N. Russo

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  5. micah bisping

    Market is down still, I've been looking up strategies and apparently both bull and bear market condition provides equal avenue to accrue massive gains, and a news article particularly mentioned a 54 year old that made $180k in 5weeks, how do I learn these strategies, my portfolio has been stagnant for months.

  6. Nuclear Dog

    Recession was priced in Jan 2023

  7. bset days678

    I’m confident the current market has an equal possibility of making high-value gains or losses, so I'm cautious with my selections; I recently read an article about someone that accrued over $750k in this current market crash, and I could really need ideas on how to achieve similar profits.

  8. Thomas Shelby

    The market has been pricing in a recession since 2022. Keep shorting the market Bob

  9. Lemarie Cooper

    A recession as bad it can be, provides good buying opportunities in the markets if you’re careful and it can also create volatility giving great short time buy and sell opportunities too. This is not financial advise but get buying, cash isn’t king at all in this time.

  10. Hafez Bd

    This recession is most likely the result of an external factor. For the first time in decades, the United States is losing its clout as a federal reserve currency. They don't have any more economies to use to control inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than in the past. They all lend support to the idea that a new multilateral world order is in the works.

  11. investment key

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    How far does the market look? 3 months, 6 months? Or 12 months?

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    guess what. no recession coming. we are in a technica recession but no recession until oil price spikes and we have organic inflation. the little inflation we had was from stimulus . it will come down quick. trust me I have connections to opec and oil patch. the

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