Breaking News: Banks Receive BILLIONS in Covert Fed Bailout

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Bank Failures | 38 comments

Breaking News: Banks Receive BILLIONS in Covert Fed Bailout

Krystal and Saagar discuss a massive bailout for the banking system in the wake of the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.

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Recently, there has been a shocking revelation regarding the Federal Reserve’s secret bailout pump that has pumped billions of dollars into banks. The news has come as a breaking point to many as it exposes the flawed structure of the banking system and the lack of transparency in the Federal Reserve.

According to reports, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been injecting billions of dollars into the banking system for over a year. The money was used to buy bank-owned short-term debt, also known as reverse repurchase agreements, in exchange for cash. Although the details of the operation were kept highly confidential, it was revealed that the scheme was not reported on any balance sheets or disclosed to Congress.

What’s even more concerning is that the scheme was carried out during a time when the banks were already making profits and did not require any external assistance. This raises questions about the motives behind the scheme and the possible misuse of public funds.

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The secrecy of the operation is also troubling as it shows a lack of transparency and accountability in the Federal Reserve. It is unacceptable that the central bank can carry out such operations without reporting them to the public or Congress. The lack of transparency undermines public trust in the institution, and this must change.

The revelation has sparked widespread criticism, with some claiming that the operation was a bailout disguised as a market operation. The fact that it was carried out in secrecy only fuels this suspicion. Moreover, the lack of reporting indicates a lack of oversight, which can lead to abuse and corruption. This is especially concerning given that the Federal Reserve plays a crucial role in the economy, and any misuse of its powers can have significant consequences.

It is crucial that the Federal Reserve take steps to improve transparency and demonstrate accountability to the public. The central bank must report on its operations, including any pump-priming measures, and ensure that its actions align with its mandate. Additionally, Congress must step up scrutiny of the Federal Reserve to prevent any misuse of funds or abuse of power.

In conclusion, the secret bailout pump carried out by the Federal Reserve is a breaking point that exposes the flaws in the banking system and the lack of transparency in the central bank. The scheme raises serious questions about the motives of the Federal Reserve and the misuse of public funds. It is crucial that steps are taken to improve transparency and oversight to ensure that the central bank fulfills its mandate and serves the public interest.

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  1. Scorch429

    my online bank shut down. they gave us 30 days to get our money out

  2. Aaron Hrynyk

    So, when do we overthrow the government?

  3. Aaron Hrynyk

    What’s the definition of “Fascism”? I forgot

  4. Chase Riddick

    Want to bring down inflation? Break up monopolies.

  5. Paul Leard

    With the governments involvements with bailout the rich while punishing the poor, seems that the government needs punishments that would make power scared.

  6. Dylaniated

    I don't think Biden cares about svb management.. There has to be another reason

  7. Jules

    If only there were other currency systems that abided by rules and laws that cannot be broken or bent. If only that system existed in the digital realm. If only that system were protected by cryptographic programming. If only

  8. Dragunov

    Too big to fail!

  9. Fan2HD

    Double standards is a US ™️

  10. crippletime

    Algorithm comment

  11. athili ma

    Privatisation of profit and socialisation of loss… Biden Democrat pokicy.
    FED there is no systemic risk ?

  12. Shelby Judd

    Bitcoin to the moon….

  13. StaggerjAGGER

    They are literally going to destroy us all for the small portion of wealthy Americans.

  14. Jakobiwan

    The country is broken

  15. Prooveditt

    Biden believing he can run for re-election and win is astounding.

    Who are these people that would vote for him? Can we get them some help.

  16. Shane Thomas

    The term "too big to fail" is Anti democratic AND Anti capitalism

  17. Bat Man

    Fake news.

  18. Jcrobify

    It should be illegal to deliberately cause the unemployment to go up. People need to work to live.

  19. robert dalomba

    They are trying to snuff out retail ownership of stocks and homes

  20. Perry Belcòurt

    President Joe biggest money donors and Fox news said both parties are corrupt did you know that Jimmy Dore raped a girl under sixteen years old before he was married Jimmy Dore channel revolution channel Saab channel are rapist protect

  21. Screwtape

    The banks lose money yet bank exes make outrageous salaries and million dollar bonuses. For doing a bad job. What’s wrong here.

  22. Joe Duffy

    I worry that there is really no end in sight of inflationary pressures. It's way beyond politics. How are these people not seeing that there will be a civil war on a scale not seen in modern history when millions of people will be unemployed, desperate and angry?

  23. Euan Reid

    American capitalism will never fail because it can always depend of socialism to bail it out… The FED just prints trillions of $$$ out of thin air and then the majority of that inflation is exported abroad… filthy closet socialists.

  24. Saumil Shah

    There is no point doing any analysis or any opposing to these bail outs. Haven’t you heart in the casino there is always one winner at the end. THE HOUSE. The house always win. There will be 0 repercussions. We all know it. Its all rigged

  25. Jared Baxa

    It's a loan that has to be paid back with 10% interest. C'mon

  26. Crimin4L

    Privatize the Profits, & Socialize the Losses.

    God Bless the Cooperate Cesspool of America!

  27. TheDrunkHamster

    I think this is when we need to start protesting

  28. BIGBEN9999999

    2024 won't change sh.. You should keep focus on the real subjects as you did in this segment.

  29. Andreas Byczkowski

    I don’t claim to understand all the in’s and out’s of these macro-financial mechanisms, but I definitely “smell a rat”. I wouldn’t even be surprised if these “sudden bank failures” were PLANNED to achieve some ulterior goal. Didn’t Citigroup “plant” an entire administration? Sirota and Dayen should be appointed as heads of a large DC white collar crime watchdog department with rapid prosecutorial powers. We need to put a stop to this T.Roosevelt> “stealing of railroads”. It’s one thing to achieve success through effort, talent, general utility and merit; but it’s quite a different and UNDESIRABLE!!! reality to achieve success through scams, government-enabled looting, monopolies and insider tips’n’tricks.

  30. barnabus doyle

    Don’t forget to mention how big banks and hedge funds are going to make a killing buying the depressed assets of SVB and the other banks that went under. Also this new lending arm of the Fed is literally printing money for banks to then be able to lend out to the masses. This is what they were supposed to be fighting with the raising rates (the same raising rates that collapsed the banks in the first place)

  31. Nottobe Believed

    Well, the Biden Administration has managed to find ways to devalue the American dollar until it is pretty much worthless. So what's a few billion more? Pennies on the dollar?

  32. Ponch_1776

    These people have no shame, morals or any sense of care for the disgusting things they do. Anyone that allows for this injustice to occur is a plague amongst us. We must come together and destroy it.

  33. Dr Beechas

    Is America the way bankers will take over the world? Can we nuke their plans from within and free the entire world from their chains?

  34. Alan McRae

    Truth be told, we can imagine all of the banks that are in a similar situation. Can't let the contagion spread throughout the system – it would cause a 1929 crash from runs on multiple banks.

    Basically, to stop the contagion all depositors need to be reassured that all of their deposits are safe, and not by withdrawing funds and moving them to different banks in FDIC sized chunks.

    So, what has to happen is either some entity has to step up and buy those bonds at maturity value when banks need the cash for depositors OR the banks need to be able to at least look like they have enough assets by some creative reporting gimmick.

    The alternative is to create a total market crash.

  35. sendeth

    Common theme of the show…. Both funny and sad

  36. Stephen

    Houaes that sold for 400k in 2021 are going for 2 mil now in Iowa. IN IOWA.

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