Breaking News: Massive Bank Bailouts Worth $3.7 Trillion Imminent Tonight, Reveals Bix Weir

by | Oct 1, 2023 | Bank Failures | 42 comments

With everything else going crazy…the REAL insanity is that the Fed has bailed out the Banks EVERY NIGHT since Sept. 11, 2019 and tonight the banks need $3.7 Trillion!! Where’s the People’s uproar about that?…(read more)


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ALERT! $3.7 Trillion in Bank Bailouts TONIGHT! (Bix Weir)

In recent years, the banking industry has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. From the 2008 financial crisis to the more recent economic fallout caused by the global pandemic, banks have received their fair share of criticism. This time, the alarm bells are ringing again, as financial analyst Bix Weir declares an imminent $3.7 trillion bank bailout.

Bix Weir, a prominent voice in the financial world, is known for his bold predictions and controversial views. In his latest video, he claims that a massive bank bailout is set to take place tonight, raising concerns among investors and ordinary citizens alike.

The figure of $3.7 trillion is staggering, as it represents an enormous injection of taxpayer money into the very institutions that many argue caused or contributed to the financial crises of the past. Weir predicts that the bailout will occur overnight, leaving little time for the public to react or voice their concerns.

The news has sparked outrage among critics who argue that such a bailout perpetuates the cycle of moral hazard. By continuously bailing out major banks and financial institutions, the government is effectively signaling that these entities are “too big to fail,” encouraging risky behavior and irresponsible financial practices.

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Weir argues that the bailout is a desperate attempt to keep the banking system afloat. He suggests that behind the scenes, major problems are lurking, such as an impending collapse of the derivatives market or a systemic breakdown of the banking industry. While these claims are deemed by some as fear-mongering, Weir’s followers view him as a reliable source of information, eagerly awaiting the outcome of his latest prediction.

The timing of Weir’s prediction coincides with a global economic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses across the world have struggled to survive, with millions of jobs lost and economies on the brink of recession. Governments have stepped in to support their economies through various stimulus packages, but the massive bank bailout Weir is predicting raises concerns about how the burden will be distributed.

Critics question why ordinary citizens are expected to shoulder the burden of a massive bailout when they themselves have faced financial hardships due to the pandemic. Additionally, the lack of transparency surrounding such bailouts raises doubts about who truly benefits from these rescue packages.

As the night approaches, anxieties run high, and investors will be closely watching for any signs of this colossal bailout happening. Whether Weir’s prediction turns out to be true or not remains to be seen, but the mere suggestion of it has reignited debates surrounding the power and responsibilities of major financial institutions.

In these uncertain times, it is paramount for governments and financial regulators to address these concerns. Transparency, accountability, and lessons learned from past financial crises must guide future actions to prevent history from repeating itself. Only time will tell whether tonight’s supposed bank bailout will become another chapter in the ongoing struggle to stabilize the global economy.

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  1. john bellinger

    I had a visit from my visiting VA RN today. I'm in Alamo about 25 miles from Bix. I asked the nurse if he had been seeing alot of C-19. He said NOT AT ALL!!! C'mon dimms. WAKE UP.

  2. davester32

    Bix, Can you tell us what you know about the state of Canadian Banks?

  3. David Harris

    Hey Bix, I have some bad news for you.

    No one will be opening up a business anywhere. Not just in Minneapolis where there is no police force.

    And the real issue with defunding the police comes down to local government budgets. Which are all cratering due to the loss of tax revenues. As someone has already said, pensions are under enormous budget stresses right now.

    The whole system of fractional reserve banking is breaking down. Too many holes are springing up in the wall of the dam and the federal reserve is running out of fingers, toes and even other appendages to plug them up if you know what I mean.

    Look past the whole liberal/conservative dichotomy which is abysmally meaningless.

    Minneapolis is just using the whole BLM issue to defund the police. The real truth is that the city is broke and cannot pay them anyway. And in that regard, EVERY major U.S. city is in the same predicament. They will ALL defund their police forces.

    It is really just a matter of time. The police force is usually the single biggest budgetary item with respect to any local gov't.

    The police budget isn't the worry. The big worry is when the tsunami of debt defaults really hits the financial system. The Fed might print the money to cover the deposit liabilities of the US banks. And even Deutsche Bank. Perhaps even Commerz Bank. But how about all of the other nations of the world?!? Like France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Poland, Ukraine, Hong Kong, South Korea and the list just goes on and on.

    The Fed cannot handle this. Not when the supply chain is in full blown meltdown. Throwing money at the problem won't work this time.

    When an aircraft manufacturer like Airbus is planning on sueing the airlines over defaulting on airplane sales, things are truly headed for an apocalypse.

    Just remember, ending the lockdown in the U.S. solves very little. Especially if nations like China remain in lockdown. Without China, the global economies cannot recover. At all. Period. End of story.

    All of a sudden, it becomes clear why the new world order so desperately wanted to control every individual nation. Because if a nation like China refuses to go along, the whole global economy will suffer. But the communists of China aren't just going to give up control to an outsider. China has its own NWO agenda. One that they control. Not some group of Western bankers.

    In another 6 weeks, the whole dam is going to break. And the Fed cannot do anything about it.

    Read a book called "Keys of this Blood" written by Malachi Martin.

    The bankers failure will be an enormous opportunity for the establishment of a worldwide theocracy. Headed by a single man. The pope.

    And when that much power is put into the hands of a single man… Well, the outcome won't be good.

    No matter what the church or anyone says, the pope is just a mere man. Who has to put his pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us. He needs clean air to breath, fresh water to drink, healthful foods to eat, etc. He has the same frailties, emotions and fallibilities as the rest of us.

    But that's where we are headed. Nothing will stop it now. John Paul II already said it. The failings of capitalism will be its own undoing. Greed cannot be the basis for any stable governmental system.

    While that is absolutely true, putting all power into the hands of one man who is appointed as the pope is also not the basis for a stable government either. But, it's coming. And there's nothing anyone can do about it.

  4. BobPDXz

    50% The Taxes the IRS takes in, goes to the Queen of England.

  5. Dale Val

    The song is like beach comber theme in Canada, Sorry bix. Hey BTW, I I only need 3.5 Trillion, we settled at. 4., totally got this

  6. What Hmm22

    Fortunately, people that naive are a small minority. Maybe they should just move down to Central America where they already got rid of the police (lot of room now.)

  7. Peter Tomkins

    are usa proping up european banks if so why

  8. Jesse Sterling

    Lol Bix you said May 8Th 2:19 love ya you still do great job

  9. J Marshall

    What sharia law???

  10. MonaRitaMedia

    YOU PEOPLE DON’T GET IT! Let me break it down for you plain mayonnaise folks:
    The police department’s roots stem from the gentrification and systemic racism of the 1950s and 60’s. Do you know the origin of how police departments were formed? From the bands of SLAVE CATCHERS!!! In the north, they were known as ‘Watchmen’! They would not only be paid to recapture a black runaway, but even take free black citizens and sell them back into slavery! KNOW YOUR HISTORY! It’s a institutional problem that needs to be dismantled that way a new, law enforcement/ community understanding and professional police force can be in its place. A farmer knows that if the soil is rotten, you have to burn it in order to renew it again!!! So there you go; some seasoning for you mayonnaises’!

  11. Ronald Ingleby

    Bix asks why are we bailing out the others (foreign banks implied). Duetsche Bank is one of the 35 owners of the Federal (No) Reserve Bank

  12. Truth & Discovery

    The plannedemics and scamdemics temporary pricked the bubble. The fake market has since being re-inflated. When is the end game if there is one?

  13. Treasure Hunter 2012

    Be careful with Chaga Powder, as there have been cases of kidney failure in people who have overused Chaga due to its high Oxalate composition a known cause of Kidney stones.

  14. Rodney Fury

    Hey Bix! Covid and these riots are were meant to bring down the economy for a nice reset. It wasn't enough. Now watch a bunch of major random fires take place.

  15. Rodney Fury

    What about private security?

  16. steve j

    hertz has a market cap of a billion

  17. Jim Harris

    Why are we bailing out other countries banks?
    Daisy chain…dominos…one goes, ALL go.

  18. Silver Funnel

    Once we are all chipped, we don't need the police any longer.

  19. Patriot DarkToLight

    .Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation After Baron David De Rothschild Indictment

  20. Wualli

    They're trying to prepare us for the implementation of Technology like they had in the movie Minority Report. Mark of the beast technology is just around the corner. You're not going to able to buy or sell unless you have a chip implanted in you. God help us.

  21. Kathryn J. Hernandez

    Sharia Law will be installed. That was the MB plan.

  22. ParaBellum

    This will spread like a cancer. All of these nut jobs will migrate to surrounding areas to re-institute the same insanity.

  23. thor bradshaw

    I am fine with them abolishing PDs protect your own is better then letting these satanist masons rob you through the fraud injustice system.

  24. liz Summers

    I predict Sharia law coming to Minneapolis.

  25. Seifeddine Ben Azouz

    banks don't need money because they create the money and money it's just an illusion

  26. Daniel R

    Hi from Yuba City CA, Sutter county easiest country for a CCW permit.

  27. Steven Lattimer

    The cops will be replaced by UN troops with a different name on their helmets to enforce the social programming

  28. R N

    Mall America Trip??? Nah…probably not

  29. Mr Willis

    Hi Bix. The reason you are bailing out other banks is because they need dollars to keep the system going. The whole scamdemic was a ruse to permit inflating the money supply. Check out Rob Kirby.

  30. T K

    Today is June 8 th not May 8 th…..,..

  31. teegreene

    Sharia law is what you’re going to see in Minneapolis if they do away with the police..

  32. Timothy Hanlon

    I have been a repo trader since the early 90's and turned the lights out at Bear Stearns. Well you are right the repo market is screaming default.

  33. Michael Thomas

    I see a mass exit out of Minneapolis !!

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