Budget Time…Let’s Budget Together || February Zero Based Budget || The Blessings of The Lord

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Thrift Savings Plan | 13 comments

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Budget time is here and it’s time to get serious about our financial future. February is a great time to take a look at our current spending habits and create a zero-based budget. A zero-based budget means that all income is allocated to specific spending categories and all expenses are accounted for. This type of budgeting allows us to make sure that all of our money is being spent wisely and that we are living within our means.

Creating a zero-based budget can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The first step is to list all of your income and expenses. This will give you a clear picture of how much money you are bringing in and how much you are spending. Once you have a clear picture of your income and expenses, you can start to allocate funds to different spending categories. This could include things like rent, utilities, food, entertainment, and savings.

It is important to remember that budgeting is not a one-time event. You should review your budget regularly and make adjustments as needed. This will help you stay on track and make sure that you are living within your means.

One of the most important aspects of budgeting is recognizing the blessings of the Lord. We should be thankful for the money that we have been given and use it wisely. As we budget, we should remember to give back to the Lord with our tithes and offerings. This will help us to remain financially secure and allow us to give back to those in need.

See also  When Should You Roll Over a Traditional IRA/401(k) into a ROTH Plan?

Budgeting can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of planning and dedication, you can create a zero-based budget that will help you stay on track and achieve your financial goals. So, let’s get started and budget together!

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  1. Dream Chaser57

    Minister, you have such a heavy anointing in the area of Finances. This hour long video felt like 15 minutes. Your gift goes beyond your circumstances. I don't have children but your wisdom is practical and applicable to so many situations. I'm an unapologetic tither as well.

  2. piglady32

    Thank you for that prayer I need to have someone else said it in Jesus name thank you

  3. Kelli Lane-Greggs

    Hi how do we get a signed copy of your book

  4. Roniece Smith

    Great video! You had me cracking up talking about the electric bill and spending the escrow refund. I haven’t watched in a while. I’m so glad I had the chance to watch this video. Good to see you are well and doing well.

  5. Jennifer Wang

    Also, I think tithing should be between you and God. Some people think it should be first thing, right off the top, while others say let me pay all my bills and from what I have in excess I'll pay. The Lord has been blessing the works of my hands as I am being faithful. When people try to argue that with me, I jsut tell them I feel the Lord has put in my heart that to show I trust him with my finances, I give him his portion. If that ahs not been put on someone else's heart, that's fine. It's an important entry on my budget, just like soem people feel they need a Starbucks line. It's all about what are your priorities. We don't have a church home right now, but I watch services from a church we went to in Arkansas so that's where I've been sending my money. Now it's not much, because I don't make or work much. Bu tit's okay, when we are faithful in the little things we will be given dominion over bigger things. I also felt SO good this week that I gave some extra offering to that church's soup kitchen. They make a weekly vegetarian meal to anyone in the community. There are some very less fortunate that have figured out which church has meals on which day. I'm happy I could help monetarily since I cannot be there in person to help feed those that need the food. It's a great time of fellowship and really giving back to the community.

  6. Jennifer Wang

    The Lord seriously blesses us when we open our hands to give and receive. I hit my $20 cash out for Ibotta. I still have my $20 I didn't spend form my envelop so I'm putting that back in the bank. I made 4 credit card payments. I've even got enough left that I can still send my Christmas savings over to Varo. Look at God showing his love for his children!!! Our biggest bill, aside form the rent is the electric bill and it can fluctuate. But if I can deal with all the ankle biters I easily can cover that electricity bill. We finished out taxes and I had a complicated tax issue. I had counted something as income that the tax lady looked up for me , and according to the IRS this money was NOT to be counted as income and I don't have to pay taxes on it. That saved us a few THOUSAND $$$. She also helped me figure out where to put my 1099 income that I didn't get a 1099 for. I am so glad I called for the help because I had all that entered wrong and might have triggered something or caused a delay. But God is blessing the Wang house as we let him have a say in our finances.

  7. Fioralba Sheka

    Shakema I love watching you . If your really want to get exited about the mortgage request a amortization schedule from your mortgage company and you can follow each month your progress and see how much interest you are going to save on top of the length of your mortgage . We did that and god blessed us to pay off our mortgage in 8 years . They were hard 8 years but so worth the piece they f mind now .

  8. Sharon

    You are so wise, Shakema – it is a blessing to watch you be blessed! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Jolie Wood

    The dishwasher saga… we’ve been in our house 28 years and on dishwasher number 5!!!! But we bought an lg dishwasher and it’s the cleanest my dishes have ever been. It was a big hit for the budget in January.

  10. Without Limits Budgets With AarynLynn

    I have never had an electric bill that low! My electric bill has been running around $340. The lowest is ever been in my house is $204 and I’ve been in my house for 12 years. Our heating element downstairs is 12 years old. Our air conditioning outside is six years old maybe seven years old And our hot water heater is only two years old. All are supposed to be efficient machines, energy, efficient, they say, but I don’t think so. Lol last month. It was astronomically low for my electric bill and I thought there was a problem. I was on budget billing and I will never do that again, it screwed up my entire account when it was all said and done I was more in the positive and the negative and my electric bill in the month of January was $55! my electric bill for February is $200! I’m just hoping that electric bill stays low because $200 from my house is amazing lol I wish I had $114 electric bill, that’s on the wish list for Santa Claus to take care of lol but what has been disrespectful over here is our gas bill and the only thing that is gas in our house is a hot water heater unfortunately, but when the house is built in 1953, they had a gas water heater and we’ve never converted it because I don’t own the house and my landlord wants to stick with a gas water heater. The new gas water heater is only two years old and my gas bill has been running me $140 per month! Usually my gas bill is about $40 to about $50 per month, but I think budget billing screwed that all up to couple of months and I’ll be off budget billing for Gas as well, and I will never go back! 27:25

  11. Without Limits Budgets With AarynLynn

    I remember when you were talking in a live about a month ago and I remember commenting on how frustrated I was about my credit score not going up

    I decided to look at a few things, and after that my credit score went up very slightly. After my divorce years ago, my credit score took a nose dive down to 499. I continue to work on my credit with not very much success. Then I don’t know where all of a sudden my credit score went on fire! I am now happy to say not only is my credit score at 630 points, but now I am 10 points away from qualifying for my first forever home or at least first home ever at the age of 46, I’m 10 points away cause I need a credit score 640! I open the Walmart app this morning to purchase some over-the-counter medication because my supplemental insurance allows me $25 per month for over-the-counter medication that I can purchase through a store like Walmart. After purchasing the medication and using the discount card that I have, the wrong order showed up at my door, which included several bags of groceries. I was not able to catch the driver in time to make sure that he returns to the store, or at least gave me the right order lol, so I called Walmart Customer Service, who, intern not only told me to keep the order of the groceries, Which was a pretty decent amount, but they also refunded my card, which I was able to go back and re-order and have the over-the-counter medication sent to my house again today and I got the order! Well, knowing that I don’t get paid till Friday and I know that I needed a few more thanks for groceries. I knew that the kids and I had to wait an extra couple of days, I got a notification from the Walmart credit card company. I think they’re went through capital one or something of that nature. And it it said it was not going to do a hard credit check, but a pre-qualification to see if I would even be eligible for the credit card for Walmart and I thought why not let’s see what happens. I was immediately excepted. I was able to use that card today to get a few groceries that I needed to get! Things do work in the right way when you are in the right mind that’s for sure and when your life is in the right way! 23:17

  12. Without Limits Budgets With AarynLynn

    Hey mama here and watching all things budgeting! We’re doing well with our budget over here but what I do hate to say is the price of eggs is dragging up my grocery bill


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