Buffet after BRK Q3 results
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Damn its actually synced pretty well ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
If you think Mr Buffet is having bars, wait until Munger shows up
remember when Buffet said his secretary paid more tax than him – pepperidge farms remembers
No one deep throats peanut brittle like this motherfucka
Remember the year 2020 when a ton of bitches here made some quick bucks with BTC and GME and told the world that Buffet is dumb should retire? LMAO. Thinking about those comments still make me cringe. Sometimes I wonder if they truly work at Wendy in the real life.
Imma pin this in a few hours, criminally underupvoted
Gentlemen, behold: your wife’s boyfriend.
Was wondering why my 401K was holding up so well in this climate, then I took a look and found out my biggest holdings were in BRK-B and AAPL. Thank God I wasn’t degenerate enough to Yolo it all into GME and AMC. Awfully tempting at the time.
Well done
God this Jewish music is absolutely terrible. Like attrocious. My ears are literally bleeding before work and my day is ruined.
Meanwhile Charlie is crying in Chinese
Fine. I’m all in for 1/5th of a class b share.
Was getting hype for munger to come in and spit
It’s MC Berkshire and DJ Hathaway
Nice sync on the track with the video
Lol this is good
Brilliantly done. Bravo.
I enjoyed this
Would totally attend the shareholder meeting if buffet and munger had such shenanigans
Info drop below, true story, and remember I’m only telling you because for three years these people committed all sorts of domestic terrorism against me and my family and at the very least pretended to be “vampires” and “pedophiles” or belong to sex cults
What’s crazy is Brazil’s largest bank had at least a thousand Israeli honeypots installed throughout multiple environments and then they tried to kill/rape and pretend to blow up a plane in colorado to cover for what they did, true story
I worked for an Israeli company that committed an act of terrorism against a person they deemed a “nazi” while in Israel, they really seem to be insecure enough to cause acts of terrorism, true story and also installed honeypots in 5 major banks internationally true story, they also tried to use me in a fake plane attack where I was chased by some dude with boxcutters in childrens toys in a bookbag in an airport, and they stopped me on my next stop for “peroxide bombs” because my “israeli” manager gave me some weird hand sanitizer
I straight up got my stuff and refused to get on the next plane from chicago and hiked across the city to grey hound and then to amtrak because of the “bombs” and boxcutters/homeless pedophiles following me around true story
true story but the real kicker, half this product is made in the Ukraine of all places(at least a major portion of said product), and I’m not joking
and the largest bank in brazil had thousands installed and none of these banks can claim data integrity for years, can a single one with this above claim 100% data integrity for the years this was installed
trying to drug me, call me crazy, after they just tried to blow up a plane or at least “pretend”
and this is a true story, I recorded most of them and most took place on camera
I was also told one of my friends in the IDF was raped underage at 15 or 16 by his commanding officer true story right before all this started
and guess where most of this took place….none other than the Denver international fucking airport true story ..on camera ,they even told me they raped me
one claims to be in the “cabal” or at least asked me I though he was?? what the fuck is the cabal
what is even more crazy is I tried to get homeland security to drug test me and figure out who was following me and they refused to do either of these, they should still have my statement at the denver international airport and this isn’t a joke
and most of the people who tried to do this or fight me…the same group of people talking about things like the above, a bunch of democrats
They also threatened to drop me off at the presidents house, and send me back to Boston with pressure cookers, true story, after pretending to want to blow up a plane
and before this all started they threatened to murder my 16 year old sister and said they were the “fbi” true story
one claims to be a “vampire” and heads a major team in another major bank, he straight told me, so I guess he drinks blood and floats, he also has a blood stained chair in his basement last time I was over there, all real
Said company told me that they were also working on anti s200/s300 missle technology which I don’t care true or not, just to tell me that which has nothing to do with my life as you backdoor
DB, TD, Santander, Comcast, and a few others was enough to get me tortured
if you guys get a chance, the backdoor command was GC-ATTACH if you can find a company they haven’t patched yet and can gain access, have fun