Bullion Dealer Warns About Selling Silver and Gold in the Future

by | Feb 1, 2023 | Silver IRA | 41 comments

Bullion Dealer Warns About Selling Silver and Gold in the Future

In this video I talk about selling silver and selling gold to a coin shop. I interview my bullion dealer Dennis from Center Street Gold and Silver and he talks about selling silver to a coin shop and selling gold to a coin shop. If you want to be selling silver coins or selling gold coins then there are some laws regarding this. Selling silver bars and selling gold bars is the same thing. A 1099 IRS form may be required and we go over that. Selling silver bullion or selling silver eagles is as easy as walking into the coin shop with metals and walking out with cash. Selling golf for cash is just as easy but you might not get a great deal if you are selling gold to a pawn shop. I recommend selling your gold and silver to a coin shop or an online bullion dealer. The rules for selling gold bullion may change in the coming years and we talk about that as well. At the end of the video I talk about capital gains tax when selling bullion. If you have any questions about selling silver or selling gold then feel free to ask in the comment section!

5 POWERFUL TIPS! How to Save Money When Buying Silver



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Topics I cover in this video: selling silver, selling gold, selling gold and silver, selling silver coins, selling gold coins, selling silver bars, selling gold bars, selling silver bullion, selling silver eagles, selling silver at a coin shop, selling gold for cash, selling gold to a pawn shop, selling gold coins for cash, selling silver and gold, selling gold bullion, selling gold and silver coins, selling gold online, rules for selling silver, rules for selling gold, laws about selling silver, laws about selling gold, selling bullion, selling precious metals

#Silver #Gold #PreciousMetals…(read more)

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    Isn’t that double taxation? I know I’m having to pay income tax on that I’m pulling out of my gold and silver IRA. And then I have to pay tax on it again when I sell it?

  2. Panic The Scholar Knight.

    I find myself dealing more and more local, and individually as they become more restrictive.


    Very Good video. Thank You Sir.

  4. Amanda Thompson

    This was facinating. precious metals stacking is an economy working outside the banking system.

  5. Elena Kawaii


  6. Mr Jack

    Man his voice gives me anxiety lol

  7. mich schep

    Let them pass what they want…… WE THE PEOPLE will simply ignore them….. and if EVERYONE ignores them, that makes them POWERLESS!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE!!!

  8. Quiet Quitter

    They can pass whatever legislation they want to at this point. I am aware that our governments are at war with us and I will act according to that. God help me, I never thought I'd kill someone but if they come for me…

  9. Mr Bardel

    laws will change … because gold and silver prices will increase .

  10. Journey Man

    I'd rather buy a banh mi than gold or silver.

  11. rrdutch4111

    Or, if it comes to that point, simply refuse to file taxes. Refuse to exchange for a continuously inflated and devalued currency. Instead those who hold gold and silver including bullion and coin dealers should simply set up exchanges and markets where gold and silver are seen as currency. Why become beholden to big banks and government entities who’s deflated currency is based on debt, when we have precious metals, assets, resources and commodities that actually have value?

  12. Scuba Steve #2

    I wish i could afford some of that stuff,

  13. jvyeknom

    Great, so the gold coin SD Bullion sent me with a huge dent on it will go for the round price.
    Thanks SD Bullion

  14. JACK The All-Seeing Eye

    WHEN digital currencies are introduced into law as legal tender issued by a central bank, other methods of legal trade will be modified or made illegal. The trading of metals will take the place that bitcoin just vacated as a non-centralized consensual trading medium…..therefore most likely made illegal, but only if they can't track and tax.

  15. Silver Shelby GT500

    What's the difference? Pay a "possible theoretical" tax in the future, or pay insane premiums on fractional gold now. Sounds like he's trying to sell his fractional.

  16. patriotpioneer

    Where is the Price of Gold going? The Ruble is up 20%(Harsh Sanctions) & So far they are only trading in Natural Gas. Wait until its Crude, Wheat, Earth Minerals….
    Russia stated in March that it will pay a fixed price of 5,000 rubles ($52) per gram of gold. Today 5000 rubles is $81 (21 May 22)
    Gold is not the problem, What the West is using for Money is…

  17. Sir Fitz

    buy generic and cut it in half to stay under their threshhold…

  18. Mario


  19. batman robin


  20. Silver Chimp

    Capital gains taxes are good…. For me to poop on

  21. 4 Nine Fine

    Wow… Trying to push precious metals legislation and purchasing/selling requirements in the Obomacare bill. Not really too surprising to me, but just proves how convoluted (and corrupt) the political system actually is.

  22. Curt Maxfield

    SD bullion was the first place I got my silver, back when I was fascinated with the mercury head dimes, after that I was hooked and started on the .999 1.oz coins

  23. Salvation

    Where are you all located

  24. rr1210

    20 or 30 years lol – with Biden we won't last another 2

  25. Norm Peplow

    If one has a pricious metals IRA, 1099's are required on withdrawals automatically. So you pay tax when you buy and sell!

  26. Ibrahim

    What is this shop's website?

  27. blargg

    Even when you sell your metals for more than you paid, inflation might render that profit meaningless.

  28. jonrms

    Great video. Very informative

  29. Mr Me

    Our world has 3 fundamental practices that are problematic.

    If we dont understand the root causes of a problem we will address the symptoms or the actors, not the causes.

    The 1st is that large private and Central banks have obtained the Exclusive franchise to create ALL new Currency as Debt, with interest attached.

    An increasing population needs an increasing currency, but it is all created as a debt bearing interest.
    This indebts the whole world, every person, every government, in totally unpayable debts,  enslaving us all to bankers through personal debt or ever increasing excessive taxation, surcharges, permits, licences, registrations, regulations, fees, rates, duties, fines,  levies,  adinfinitum, of which an increasing volume goes straight to the debt creators, who created it for free. (At zero cost to themselves.)

    2nd. Virtually no limitation plus fractional banking allows banks to create massive new Currency,  blowing massive bubbles (housing/stocks) which devalues everyone's savings and work by raising all prices.  

    The fix ?

    Stop all banks and financial institutions loaning out more than they have on deposit. Return legal currency creation to national treasury departments with a zero Inflation policy. 

    This will not create inflation like some bankers/economists would like to have you think.  It is not WHO creates currency that drives the constant devaluation of your money & work,  it is THE VOLUME per population and productivity.
    The banks increased the base currency supply by over 45 % since March 2020. This is further multiplied by fractional banking. You can't spend it off planet, and we've had no increase in population or productivity. How can it not devalue our savings, wages and retirement funds by around 50% as it enters the economy ?

    3rd. Fiat currency whether paper or digital has no intrinsic value, thus it cannot be used as a long term store of value, particularly in an ever expanding fiat system.

    The fix ?

    Return to constitutional Silver, Gold, Copper & Nickle currency, designated by weight not cents/dollars. These will find their own local value.  These can't be printed to oblivion, have intrinsic value, and are a safeguard against selfish human nature.  Continue to keep the manufacture of Gold & Silver rounds by private mints & foundries to help keep the government mints honest as to premiums.

    Correct these 3 Principles and >80 % of a nation's problems would disappear. Do not allow your masters the Debt slave creator's to tell you it can't be done. It is easily done. Beware. The WEF wants you totally enslaved with digital currency.

    Otherwise, prepare for destruction.

  30. MrCmather

    In the past. They made it illegal to own gold and fraction paid for gold from the public

  31. Chris Edward

    I wouldn't sell just to get back Fiat.

  32. K C

    I have a few concerns selling after a crash/collapse. Will there still be bullion dealers; will they rip me off; will I need to be armed trying to sell it; will there be armed security and potential robberies of patrons etc. I bought a bit just after 911 and have been hesitant to buy any more. The biggest concern is if we're going to get scammed. Personally, gold isn't as visually appealing, but you need more storage space buying silver.
    Also, the Gov, can't forget those thieves.

  33. swarm669

    Gold and silver is supposed to be private.

  34. Seacret Agent45 Sam

    I Keep Silver for a Stay Against Starvation. No one Trusts The US DOLLAR anymore.


    The government can’t tax selling coins

  36. YourComputerExpert

    No offense, but this slightly sounds like a sham to get people to pay more premium for less gold. The whole argument of "they could" doesn't matter anymore once they can no longer be trusted or turn rogue. Isn't that one of the pro's of owning gold in the first place?

  37. B- CS

    Never sell your Silver, Until…!

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