Caleb Hammer Undergoes Audit on The Money Guy Show

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 24 comments

Caleb Hammer Undergoes Audit on The Money Guy Show

The Money Guy Show Audits @CalebHammer

Special thanks to Caleb for hosting us at his studio and for being open enough to have his finances audited on our show! We had a great time!

Watch Bo & Brian team up with Caleb for an audit of our friend Joseph on his channel!

Watch more Caleb Hammer Financial Audits:


0:00 Intro
02:25 Caleb’s Backstory
04:27 Caleb’s Biggest Fears
08:13 Cash is King (Emergency Funds)
22:35 “This money doesn’t exist” (Investing)
26:25 Avoiding Taxes (401k Plans)
29:37 Google Sheets?! (Organizing a Small Business)
33:30 Real Estate…Why?!
1:00:12 “8 Different Flavors of the Same Hotdog” (Index Funds)
1:08:41 “Resources give you options” (Money is a tool)
1:10:22 British Accents
1:12:19 Car Buying
1:17:33 Hot Takes (House & Business Equity)
1:27:30 You don’t know what your time’s worth!!

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The Money Guy Show Audits Caleb Hammer!

The Money Guy Show, a popular YouTube channel focused on personal finance and investing, has just conducted an intriguing audit of a special guest – Caleb Hammer. The episode drew attention as it allowed viewers to learn valuable insights into Caleb’s financial habits, while also providing expert commentary to help identify areas for improvement.

The Money Guy Show, hosted by Brian Preston and Bo Hanson, has gained a massive following with their unique approach to financial discussions. Known for their entertaining and informative content, the hosts provide practical advice and strategies to help individuals build wealth and achieve financial independence.

In this episode, Caleb Hammer, a young professional looking to improve his financial situation, willingly allowed the hosts to analyze his income, expenses, and investment strategies. This brave move by Caleb resonated with viewers, as many could relate to his situation and were eager to understand how his choices could be optimized.

The audit kicked off with Brian and Bo reviewing Caleb’s income sources. They examined his salary, side hustles, and explored potential avenues for diversifying his earnings. This exercise aimed to shed light on additional ways Caleb could grow his income and ultimately accelerate his wealth-building journey.

Next in line was an in-depth analysis of Caleb’s expenses. The Money Guy Show hosts scanned his spending habits, offering suggestions to better align his budget with his financial goals. Their expert guidance highlighted areas where Caleb could potentially save more money through careful spending choices and making smart cuts to non-essential expenses.

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Investment strategies were a major focus for the audit. Brian and Bo shared their knowledge on Caleb’s existing investment portfolio, discussing its strengths and weaknesses. They also provided insights on asset allocations, diversification, and proper risk management. Caleb was encouraged to consider simple strategies such as index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to help maximize returns and minimize risk.

The auditing process also delved into Caleb’s retirement savings and emergency fund. Brian and Bo stressed the importance of starting early and contributing regularly to retirement accounts, as well as the necessity of setting aside adequate funds for unforeseen circumstances. Viewers were reminded of the significance of having a robust financial safety net.

Throughout the episode, Caleb remained engaged and receptive to the hosts’ advice. His willingness to be open about his finances and embrace constructive criticism demonstrated his commitment to improving his financial situation.

The Money Guy Show Audits Caleb Hammer not only provided viewers with insightful tips and strategies but also showcased the power of financial transparency and learning from experts in the field. This episode served as a reminder that taking control of one’s finances is an ongoing journey and that seeking advice and educating oneself are crucial steps towards financial freedom.

As Caleb embarks on implementing the suggestions provided by Brian and Bo, viewers are hopeful to see the success and progress he will achieve. The Money Guy Show continues to be a valuable resource for anyone seeking financial wisdom, as it combines entertainment and education in an approachable and engaging manner.

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  1. Caleb Hammer

    Ya'll- what an absolute honor! I've been a big fan for a while now, and it was so much fun hanging out with the lads (Rebie, you're one of the lads too). Seriously, such a fun day and I can't wait to hang out again soon! Next time in Frankin?

  2. Fahim Anwar

    Damn that's pretty good for a year for Caleb:

    Stocks: $500,000
    SoFi: $300,000
    Personal Checking: $50,000
    Business Checking: $25,000

  3. Fahim Anwar

    How can his Mortgage be $7,500 and he only needs $8,500 (an extra $1,000). Theres utilities, car payments, student loan payments, food, gas, misc etc. $1,000 for all that doesnt sound right. Glad the money guys called that out, but wish Caleb had a better answer

  4. Alanna Albritton

    I love these guys. They just seem so upstanding.

  5. Xal Dath

    This show was amazing from both sides of the interview and also highlights The Money Guy as top tier content and knowledge.

  6. Colin Schubert

    Tons of value in this! I’m in my first year of my own plumbing business and found the advise given to Caleb very applicable to my own situation. Thanks!

  7. Kevin Kanter

    Focus — race to 3 Million — then I can go do real estate – such a little kid !!!!
    I've known some entrepreneurs with multiple sequential successful ventures and they have a team w/ them – legal, accountant, technical board, cfo – industry mentors – the more you know your business the more you find good people who make your business faster & easier. but LOL — get out of google sheets & better software – gosh – there is great scenario-building as well as integrated tax-financial planning – business growth software — sheesh. …. <edit > = the summarized last 2 minutes of the show (after the Tesla infomercial) >>> LOL

  8. Kevin Kanter

    i hope Caleb does more in-depth public facing technical content —- and I've subscribed — but I don't think he will give the content anywhere close that Bo & Brian give. I think i have to dive into the resources of the MoneyGuy — certainly don't think i have the liquidity of a HNWI for AboundWealth engagement — lol…..

  9. Thomas Veleba

    I absolutely love this video!!! I took so much from it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making NEARLY as much as Caleb is and I won't be to where he is for a while, but as a 25 y/o from a family of financially illiterate people, I have no clue what to do with the wealth I have now. I'm doing well for myself and have a lot of my ducks in a row, but it's hard to know the back end stuff that you guys were talking about having not been taught growing up

  10. Murray Nguyen

    Damn. I need Caleb to be on Dave Ramsey next.

  11. Timothy Slevin-Vegdahl

    Most of this was great to see. As a financial planner myslef, I'm a bit confused to see very little talk about risk management in an actual risk mitigation way as far as immediate steps.They really want him to be concentrated in his business while he gradually builds diversification on the side. Wheres the 3d doo doo plan? No talk about disability insurance or possible succesion of his business. Also no talk about estate planning. Maybe they just thought that stuff wasnt very interesting content.

  12. Dane Van Slooten

    Always surprised at how lax and unprepared Caleb is with his own finances

  13. Jerry

    Low iq

  14. CrownLovell

    Great video like both channels I'd probably watch more money guys videos if they wouldn't stress the age of being 20 so much it's so disappointing!! Wonder how many people in there 20s watch this!!

  15. Mad BBQer

    Collaborating with a grifter who has NO financial education or experience simply brings down the relevance of your own channel. What's more important, clicks/views or integrity? I believe we have our answer.

  16. Daniel Walker

    It’s so interesting to see that Caleb keeps returning to the minimum possible in his estimates – still very much thinking about survival arrangements most of the time

  17. HeyHarker

    Caleb's content largely deals with the goal of getting out of debt. It was great hearing about smart goals beyond being out of debt.

  18. Jacob Stone

    We almost have the same background Caleb. Lower middle class, dad was a mechanic and mom was a waitress.

  19. K HK

    Caleb! Maybe confronting the negative people and learning how to deal with the ensuing anxiety is part of your journey. Perhaps there's a lesson in this process that will help you have even greater coping skills. Just something to think about! Stay positive; a satisfying resolution is on its way! 5 7 9 11–> 135!! 🙂

  20. Chase Zimmerman

    Dude on the left just gives me sketchy used car sales man vibes

  21. 05gtcaleb

    Love this episode. This truly showed how good the money guy(s) are. I hope to one day soon be at a point to be able to work with them

  22. Christian Hawkins

    Wow, it is astonishing to see Caleb fall into the same patterns as his guests. "I can live off my EF for 6 months" and "I have not inflated my lifestyle" and "But now I am done with all my house upgrades". He is lying to himself no less than his guests 😀

    Edit: at 1:18:00 ish he admits that there is something he wants to do with the pool. This is hillarious.

  23. NiqolusTrades

    I think the biggest questions is does @calebhammer want the business to exist in 5-10 20 years? Is youtube a tool for a real estate portfolio or is content creation his future, can some one be the face of the channel ?

  24. Thomas A

    Money guy advice: if you owe the government 100k, simply give someone else 300k to cancel it out

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