Calls for Rep. George Santos to resign fall flat

by | Feb 9, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 44 comments

Calls for Rep. George Santos to resign fall flat

Fmr. Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) and Fmr. Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) joined American Voices with Alicia Menendez. They discuss the latest fallout over Rep. George Santos (R-NY), who is being accused of lying about different aspects of his resume and personal life, and what it says about the state of House Republicans and the party overall.

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Calls for Rep. George Santos to resign fall flat

#GOP #congress #georgesantos…(read more)

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In recent weeks, there have been calls for Rep. George Santos to resign from his position as a representative in the state of California. However, the calls have largely fallen flat, with Santos refusing to step down and his supporters standing by him.

The calls for Santos’ resignation began after he was accused of using his position of power to influence government contracts and of using his influence to benefit his own business interests. The allegations have been denied by Santos, who has said that he has acted in accordance with the law and has done nothing wrong.

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Despite the calls for his resignation, Santos has remained steadfast in his position, and his supporters have rallied behind him. Many of his constituents have spoken out in support of him, praising his work in the community and noting that the allegations against him have not been proven.

Santos has also received support from other politicians in the state, who have urged the public to wait for the results of an investigation into the allegations before passing judgment. They have argued that it would be unfair to call for Santos’ resignation before the investigation is complete.

At this time, it appears that the calls for Santos’ resignation will continue to fall flat. He has the backing of his supporters and other politicians, and he appears to be determined to stay in his position. Only time will tell if the allegations against him are proven and if the calls for his resignation will become louder.

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  1. 02jaguilar

    George santos is a conman.and he belongs in jail

  2. SGT Stadanko

    Exactly what Joe Biden did in 1988 when he lied about graduating top of his class, graduating from law school, and many other things (and still does)

  3. JM

    His arrogance is through the roof. He has been emboldened, because those with power are behind him and are enabling him. They have given him the capabilities
    because he suits their personal agendas. Machiavellian principles– does that sound familiar ??

  4. Michael Callaghan

    The Rump did not make lying acceptable to Reps. He lied and Reps knew and every one of them lined up to kiss his a##. Just as Hitler would have been a nobody without millions of Nazis to swear allegiance Trump would have continued being a nobody with an inheritance without the Reps falling in line behind him eager to get their bit power even if it meant putting a mental defective in the White House.

  5. unabrazoatodos

    He should be fired immediately, but we still need to address ill omar being in the u.s. illegally while aiding and abetting terrorist organizations.

  6. Ray Redmond

    what's the purpose of our Justice system and law makers when they overlook, don't speak out and force this clown to resign or a person like Trump to be challenged not to be a viable candidate

  7. Nsilo Thomas

    White folks fear of loss is so high, they just elected and swore in a Russian spy!

  8. kim kristensen

    Only in America carries lies and deception a high value. People buy the big lie, show up in Dallas to see Kennedy reapear, has 3 times the dead count compared with the rest of the world due to covid conspiracy, and the list goes on and on

  9. GoodLife24

    Santos is not getting removed by Congress. The GOP can kick this hornets nest if they want, but it will come back to bite them.
    Santos and his people will have an ax to grind if he is expelled from a party that is now pretending to care about truth.

  10. rolback

    Now let’s have calls to vote for criminal Biden to resign. C’mon man I stole those classified documents and kept them in my garage for 8 years. I take classified documents, seriously.

  11. Bo 2. 4 U


  12. M H

    A sweater? Really?
    How old is he?

  13. rikcab

    Come On, he is the perfect republican puppets. These people are nothing more that greedy, soulless, traitorous, criminals. They will do and say anything to finish the coup they started.

  14. Tay

    Vote for Congressman Fluffy. He says he's republican and supports trump. He will be the first feline GOP member of Congress. There are already plenty of…. Ahem… Cats in the GOP.

  15. Buck Campbell

    If you think Santos should be removed, then you should also remove Sen Blumenthal from CT. He lied about being Vietnam veteran. Much worse lie in my opinion.

  16. The Sharkster

    Why would he resign he bamboozled the voters fair and square I'm sure he is considered a hero in the Republican Party since that's the type of unethical behavior they love.

  17. Tom Osborne


  18. Philoctetes

    Yep. merrick garland is worthless, and POTUS appears blind to the threat.

  19. wayne

    America Justice has caved in gutting voters right and dark money,,

  20. S T

    George Santos has been a new low for America as a reflection of their society, especially for the people who put him on to represent Nassau district, and those who accepted and protected him at the house of GOP! BTW, this con man has put American-Brazilians to shame.

  21. DR.NEGA

    if he succeed , i pretty sure he will…we dems need drop our saint act and go full democrat like them are doing with GOP party…gonna full power….we can be better liars than them…since nation was born by founding liars that king of england was victim of this nightmare back then….he describe Americans as animals so we should act like them

  22. Albert Lopez

    He is the poster child for republican voters.
    They don't care who runs as long as its
    a republican. Their ignorance is destroying
    this country.

  23. Zac McCracken

    Santos represents the GOP. That's the GOP. Liars and grifters. Starting with the loser Trump and ending with the newbie Santos. This party is a disgrace to the United States.

  24. Thomas Hanner

    Of course calls for Rep. Geroge Santos to resign fall flat, as with most any other Republican, he has no clue, no integrity, no ethics, no morals, no honor…

  25. Josh Barker

    Republicans have been comfortable with outright blatant lying for a lot longer than Trump has had control. Trump just pushed it to 1000%. Why do we continue to tolerate conservatives, they don’t care about the rest of the people, they don’t care about the country obviously. Let’s just act exile them and be done with it.

  26. j Rowdy GI

    Watch Biden's interview from 1988 talking about his college grades and awards and get back to me. It was such a lie even the MSM and Johnny Carson called him out.

  27. K.K

    America, please stop letting governments stand above the law if they are proven the filth of society.

  28. Cathy

    In his quest for personal power no matter at what costs, as we could all see during the speaker election saga, spine-less McCarthy is singlehandedly destroying any chance the Republican party may have in 2024,, both in general elections and the Presidential bid.Good job indeed!

  29. J K

    This is horrendous

  30. A M

    Why does msnbc choose wording like that? " falls on deaf ears" or " is ignored", maybe, but "falls flat" implies the accusations are wrong.

  31. androcus1

    Oh for bucket after bucket of the Nickolodeon slime to be poured on this lowlife excuse of a human being!!!

  32. Judy Leitner

    It’s all about the Nazi Republican party they will put anybody in there as long as they are a thief a liar a fraud look at 135 Republican congressman that helped the January 6 overthrow and yet they’ve never even been talked to Jim Jordan big big trader and here you go McCarthy biggest liar and fried in the world he got money from Santos Santa says I’ll give you money you swear me in oven for you and that’s exactly how McCarthy got the speaker Santos was the throw vote so he’s nowGoing right along with the Trump ideology steel lie cheat grift lie more steal more and keep doing it because nobody has any authority to stop you and if they do they don’t care like the justice department like the ethics committee that the Republicans have got it down to nothing so that they can continue their lies and facts of taxpayers money Republicans are Nazis if you don’t believe it read Mein Kampf it’s Hitler’s playbook and they’re running it right along

  33. Aqua Juwel

    Creep party galore………Welcome to the republican party

  34. I am Well

    So DEMOCRATS have to vouch for gop candidates?

  35. cutehumor

    Article I, Section 5, of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." basically 67% of congress need to vote Santos out. 290 house representatives out of 435 house representatives need to vote Santos out. There are only 212 democrats in the house of representatives. You need 78 republicans to vote to oust Santos. This won't happen. Santos will need to resign. IF Santos does not resign, he will be in congress until the next election in 2 years

  36. DRKrust492

    Sociopaths never regret. He won't resign.

  37. M. M.

    They promise to take care of themselves not those that elected them.
    Makes no sense swearing them in!

  38. John Seneff

    Hope he gets charged for something.

  39. middleclassic

    Anybody who supported or still supports Donald Trump is responsible for this toxic dumpster fire of a person.

  40. Peter Jarro

    Kevin McCarthy doesn't realise that his obsession on keeping the gavel; giving George Santos a free pass to hoodwink members of his Constituency and bask in this transitory lunacy. May have a deleterious effect to elect another Republican candidate in the New York 3rd congressional district come 2024.

  41. Ken Sweetser

    Biden lies more than Santos when is biden going to resign. Santos lied about himself he didn't lie about other people like the dems do. Obama Hillary biden lies and spyed on Trump. How many millions did Hillary lies cost the tax payer with all her lies. Bidens are are running out of documents to sell

  42. Peter Jarro

    How can George Santos stand there and take his Oath Of Office; when he's nothing but a fraud. Shameless!!

  43. joe rogers

    A bunch of mice

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