CalPERS Aristocracy – Public Pension Reform Parody

by | Oct 3, 2022 | Pers Retirement | 26 comments

CalPERS Aristocracy – Public Pension Reform Parody

Thousands of retired government employees are getting pensions of over $100,00 per year, and us taxpayers have to pay for them. See how it happened. And see how they live.

This a paroday in the spirit of those “Downfall” parodies where I got the original idea.

Thanks to GodzillaPERS for giving me advice about editing and uploading this video. Check it out at …(read more)

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  1. smb12321

    You have to wonder at the self-delusion that persists. In Feb, 2017 they forecast a 5.8% (vs the planned 7.5%) return, The last two years have averaged 1/2 of 1%. Butt never fear – Calpers assures us that the NEXT decades (2027-2037) will bring a 7.83% return. LOL

  2. Julianne Passiflora

    listening to commenters at a uc pension seminar, its hilarious what hypocrits they are….they claim to be so smart, so important, yet they are not smart enough to learn how to invest their money, they want a guarantee instead….ridiculous.

    one of them even said, oh its so hard for the "normal person" to invest their own money….but wait, you are not a "normal person", you are supposedly so much smarter than everyone else, you learn so much faster….


    logical fallacy called special pleading

  3. Paul Henreid

    CalPERS is the bane of the private sector; and as California goes, so goes the country. In California, Communism is the new Capitalism. California fire fighters and police are grossly overpaid and treated like kings and queens. Their work is easy (70% sitting or standing around), and as safe as driving on the 5. There is no better life plan than working for the government; the private sector is for the birds.

  4. kbo6612

    I don't like the public sector employee pensions either; but still, that was promised to them….that is theirs. The public entities are bound by their word to them. Taxpayers shouldn't blame the employees…who did nothing wrong, but rather the gutless irresponsible politicians who made these unsustainable promises.

  5. Deborah Kniss

    Thomas Jefferson believed that a good revolution was needed every 200 years…calpers is a prime example of why the revolution is well overdue

  6. lexrex3

    I think fire fighters, police, and military deserve a good pension. I'm happy for you guys and hope you all get a good pension someday. I think our bigget finacial problem as a nation is funding the wars around the world.

  7. shizzyfinn

    @bri719 really? it's been done before. many times. and much, much better than this.

  8. shizzyfinn

    Ah, the intrepid comedic technique of adding captions to movie scenes. I do believe it was actually humorous for a few weeks in 2006 (remember the re-captioned scenes from the Hitler movie that everyone was emailing around?)

    What's really funny is to make this unfunny (and wildly inaccurate) drivel, CALPERSTOCRACY or whoever actually had to sit through that awful Meryl Streep movie. As Nelson Muntz would say: "Ha ha."

  9. shizzyfinn

    still putting alternate captions to movie scenes are we? that went out in like 2006. but good for you on Windows Movie Maker

  10. amessofpottage

    Show this BS to the thousands of retired secretaries and clerks who have retired with CalPERS and receive a small check monthly. By the way, they pay the entire cost of their health benefits – that have been going up about 10% per year. Oh yes, this is so funny – but it is misinforming the public and is slick nonsense. Payments don't come out of the state treasury. And of course the employee pays in to the retirement system throughout his or her career.

  11. oakdogfu

    if you hate someone who has what you want……would you hate yourself if you had it?

  12. englishvinal8

    Unfortunately, the working grade people who paid into the "retirement accounts" for 20 – 30 or more years do NOT get "big fat pensions"…
    My husband worked for the federal govt. as a WG-10 (blue collar) for 20 years and after taking out for insurance he got $1,075. a month. The SS was reduced $2 for every $1 of fed. pension…. He crossed over and now I get $531.00 a month…..
    How is anybody supposed to LIVE on that?

    Not exactly the "cushy life" that you portray!!

  13. lexrex3

    The state of California is broke. The federal govt. will probably have to help them out so they can meet their obligations.

  14. kmitch2112

    Bunch of jealous cry babies. Get another job if you don't like yours!! Whens the last time you crawled into a burning building or had a gun pointed in your face. Hide behind your computers where you are safe. Change your job cowards, and just hope you live to see your retirement!!

  15. Robert Lagnese

    Just remember your home, 401k, savings account, etc, are't worthless because a fireman or cop has a big pension. look to your politicians, bankers etc. because their million dollar bonuses (still getting them) are ok with you, but not a cops 100,000 pension that he paid for.

  16. circusmaximus10

    Thank Jerry Brown for that and prop13

  17. Robert Tupilo

    Don't forget, many of these pensions are STATE TAX FREE TO BOOT!!! Beautiful. I love this video. Needs to be seen by EVERYBODY, but especially anyone who can put a stop to it.

    Thank you Bell CA for brining this to the fore.

  18. neal rush

    I always hear the term "social justice" in the media. To me that means that all citizens should be rotated in and out of all govt jobs. That would make it fair. As it is now, people stay in high paid do nothing govt jobs for 30 years. That is not fair!!
    Even our private employers could bring us back to work and lay their family members off for 6 months. Spread the hardship around. Greed and avarice is the rule of the day, so we will all hang seperately, one at a time and alone.

  19. yin ng


  20. David Ciani

    That seene about not going to medical school: my step uncle is a doctor and worked for a county hospital in california. he got to help the sick and get his CalPERS pension. (he retired last year with like more than 100% of his salary)

  21. usikuwrites

    There you have it. The real bloodsuckers are not the so-called public aid recipients but they take on so many forms. I bet you the numbers are equally crazy in Crook County Illinois.

  22. Askdjf laksdjf

    Fucking public sector parasites

  23. brian guy

    pure unadulterated genius

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