Calvinism is fundamentally incorrect!

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Inherited IRA | 5 comments

Calvinism is fundamentally incorrect!

In case there was doubt about my perspective. This video declares my position against Calvinism.

Let me be clear.

Here is the Calvinist TULIP… sometimes called “The Doctrines of Grace”.

Total Depravity = Every individual has inherited the sin of Adam from their parents, resulting in a moral incapacity to willingly embrace God’s path and attain salvation due to their inherently corrupted and sinful nature that permeates every aspect of their being.

[RESPONSE: In Romans 1:21 it says “When they came to know God, they failed to honor and appreciate Him. Instead, they indulged in futile thoughts and their foolish hearts were filled with darkness.” Romans 1:28 goes on to say “Furthermore, they chose not to acknowledge God and keep Him in their thoughts. As a consequence, God allowed their minds to become corrupt, leading them to engage in inappropriate actions.” It is clear they CHOSE to disobey. God allowed them to disobey. They were not forced to.]

Unconditional Election = God, in His eternal wisdom, has made the deliberate decision to save a select group of individuals. This choice is not influenced by any perceived virtue, faith, or expected embrace of the Gospel. Rather, God has chosen to bestow His mercy upon those whom He has specifically selected, while withholding it from those who are not chosen. The chosen ones are granted salvation solely through the redemptive work of Christ, while those who are not chosen face the consequences of divine wrath and damnation. By the way, if people are “elected” from eternity, why aren’t they just born saved? Why the charade of having to believe, profess belief, make Jesus Lord, etc. These people are already saved, according to Calvinists, so why bother? Bottom line: It doesn’t make any sense.

[RESPONSE: John 3:16 says, “God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 8:24 states, “That’s why I told you that you will die in your sins. If you don’t believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will die in your sins.” Notice belief is clearly a decision.]

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Limited Atonement = The sacrifice of Christ was exclusively intended for the chosen individuals whom God had predetermined to save, known as the elect, and not for any other individuals.

[RESPONSE: Timothy 2:3-4 tells us that “It is pleasing to God when all people are saved and come to know the truth. God desires this for everyone.” and in 1 Timothy 2:5-6, it is stated that “There is only one God and one Mediator between God and humanity, and that is Jesus Christ. He sacrificed Himself as a ransom for all.” All means all.]

Irresistible Grace = The saving grace of God is bestowed upon those whom He has chosen to save (the elect), triumphing over their reluctance to respond to the Gospel’s call and leading them to embrace a faith that brings salvation. Therefore, when God intentionally decides to save someone, that person will undoubtedly be saved, even if it requires overriding their own will. The deliberate impact of God’s Holy Spirit, who instills faith in the individual, is invincible and cannot be opposed.

[RESPONSE: Acts 7:51 says ‘You are stubborn and closed-minded! Your hearts and ears are uncircumcised! You never listen to the Holy Spirit; just like your ancestors, you continue to resist.” Clearly man CAN resist the Holy Spirit.]

Perseverance of the Saints = Given that God is all-powerful and His intentions cannot be thwarted by humans or any other force, those individuals whom God has summoned into a close relationship with Him will persist in their faith until the very end. It is impossible for them to be permanently condemned.

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[RESPONSE: If the assertion is that once saved always saved, I 100% agree. But many Calvinists claim this tenet means you must persevere to the end. You must strive, stay true, show dedication, turn from sin, try hard, work, work, work! That notion I disagree with 100%. God does the work, not us.]

A better (and more scripturally sound) TULIP would be…

Totally Sinful. All humans are born into sin and are in need of a savior.
Unlimited grace. Once you believe you cannot out-sin God’s grace.
Limitless Atonement. Christ died for ALL. All are welcomed to respond.
Incredible peace. Knowing 100% you are saved is very comforting.
Perpetual salvation. You can NEVER be unsaved once you are saved.

Thanks be to God. He is sovereign, and LOVING!!…(read more)




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Calvinism is just wrong!

The theology of Calvinism, also known as Reformed theology, has been a contentious topic within the Christian community for centuries. Advocates of Calvinism believe in the doctrine of predestination, the idea that God has already determined who will be saved and who will be damned before the foundation of the world. This belief has sparked a great deal of debate and criticism from other Christian groups, and for good reason.

One of the main issues with Calvinism is the belief in predestination. This doctrine essentially nullifies the concept of free will, arguing that our choices and actions are ultimately meaningless because God has already predetermined our fate. This goes against the fundamental belief in many Christian traditions that humans have the ability to choose their own paths and make decisions that impact their salvation.

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Furthermore, Calvinism promotes the idea of double predestination, which asserts that not only has God predestined some to be saved, but also others to be damned. This belief paints God as an arbitrary and cruel deity, selecting certain individuals for heaven while condemning others to eternal suffering, regardless of their actions or beliefs.

Another troubling aspect of Calvinism is its emphasis on the absolute sovereignty of God. While it is important to recognize the power and authority of God, Calvinism takes this to an extreme, portraying God as controlling every aspect of our lives, including our individual choices and actions. This diminishes the responsibility and accountability of humans, and diminishes the value of personal agency and moral responsibility.

In addition, Calvinism often leads to a sense of complacency among believers. If one believes that their fate has already been determined by God, there is little motivation to actively seek a relationship with God, or to strive for righteousness and good works. This can lead to a lack of fervor and zeal in one’s faith, as the concept of predestination can foster a sense of resignation and apathy.

Ultimately, Calvinism is a flawed and damaging belief system that contradicts the core principles of Christianity. It undermines the importance of free will, distorts the character of God, and diminishes the significance of personal responsibility. It is imperative for those who adhere to Christian faith to critically examine the doctrines they follow and ensure that they align with the true teachings of the Bible. Calvinism, with its erroneous and damaging teachings, is just wrong.

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  1. @chrisp9500

    In the last days, there will be those that fall away. I think if we are consistent with free will and the quotes from Romans 1, perseverance of the saints is not necessarily a given. We are told many times to continue and persevere to the end. Nothing will prevent us from being saved or continuing to follow Jesus except our own decision to stop following Christ.

    I haven't heard of any Calvinists who think we need to be sinless.

    But yes, I think Calvinism is a false gospel. (Faith+being chosen= salvation)

  2. @AJTramberg

    Problem with this video is it's also "only half right" about Calvinism….and I'm no Calvinist.

  3. @mikelyons2831

    Well said. "Only an arbitrary pre-chosen elect will irresistibly turn to Christ, consequently all others have been pre-ordained to destruction…by God's divine decree… for His egoic glory?" Yep, that's another gospel.

  4. @AndrewKeifer

    The decline of critical thinking in our culture and schools has aided in this most recent resurgence of Calvinism.

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