Can Masks actually raise the risk of infection?

by | Jan 13, 2024 | Silver IRA | 30 comments

Can Masks actually raise the risk of infection?

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With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have become a common sight in public spaces as they are an important tool in preventing the spread of the virus. However, there has been some debate surrounding whether wearing masks could actually increase the risk of infection.

One argument against the use of masks is that they can create a false sense of security, leading people to neglect other important preventative measures such as maintaining social distancing, practicing good hand hygiene, and staying home when feeling unwell. In this scenario, wearing a mask may lead to complacency and a lack of vigilance in following other health guidelines, ultimately increasing the risk of infection.

Another concern is the improper use of masks. If not worn correctly, masks can actually become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Touching the mask with contaminated hands, wearing a dirty or wet mask, or reusing a disposable mask can all contribute to an increased risk of infection. In addition, wearing a mask for extended periods of time without proper ventilation can create a warm and moist environment, which is conducive to the growth of microorganisms.

Furthermore, some believe that wearing masks could potentially lead to a false sense of security, causing individuals to spend more time in crowded or high-risk environments, assuming that the mask will provide complete protection. This can increase the risk of exposure to the virus and negate the benefits of wearing a mask.

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However, it is important to consider the overwhelming evidence that supports the effectiveness of masks in reducing the transmission of respiratory droplets and, in turn, the spread of COVID-19. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), masks are a critical tool in the fight against the virus, especially in situations where it may be difficult to maintain physical distance.

Properly wearing and caring for masks is crucial in mitigating potential risks. This includes ensuring a snug fit, frequently washing reusable masks, and properly disposing of disposable masks. It is also important to continue following other preventative measures alongside wearing a mask.

Ultimately, while there may be some arguments against mask-wearing, the overwhelming scientific consensus is that masks are a crucial component in preventing the spread of COVID-19. However, it’s important to use them in conjunction with other preventative measures and to ensure that they are being used correctly to minimize any potential risks.

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  1. @billparker244

    My local CDC employees were laughing at masks when all this first started. So I knew from the beginning they were crap. I always figured masks gave people a false sense of security and exposed themselves and others more often than they otherwise would have. So lib-tards were the ones getting everyone sick. I mean, you're breathing through that thing constantly and getting it all soggy with your saliva, then blowing even more of your germs around. If you have half a brain, you could've guessed it was a bad idea even without science. We were also taught in the military that our gas masks wouldn't stop some types of agents including biological weapons. So if a gas mask couldn't stop it, how could a flimsy mask? They're only meant to keep a doctor from accidentally hocking a loogie into a person's opened body during surgery.

  2. @Dee-sn5uh

    As a 5 year old boy stated,”If a fart can get through your clothes,a mask won’t stop a virus!”Common sense helps!We all are going to have to trust our intelligence and common sense more often during these crazy,bizarre times!We can no longer blindly trust anyone especially those in the medical and pharmaceutical industries!Most all hospitals and doctors offices ,thus doctors,are owned by large corporations who have no medical backgrounds.These doctors are going to have to do as they are told no matter how bizarre or loose their jobs.It’s a difficult decision and those with no morals will do as they are paid to do,no matter what!

  3. @jonfleck8687

    Why isn't Fauci in prison yet? Asking for a friend

  4. @JJFX-

    I thought youtube was recommending an old video. It blows my mind that we're in 2024 and this is still a debated topic.

  5. @dannyd7426

    I graduated in science and I still hate the “data are” phrasery…
    Points of data are blah blah
    Data is like water is… bodies of water are like points of data are…
    It just sounds so freaking stupid

  6. @ridemywheelie

    People who wear masks like to pretend that its a magical shield. Smarter people realize that we meed to keep our immune system strong.

  7. @wakeUPdummies

    Same as free speech. We just dont know, until some dipshit makes a ridiculous assertion that later gets tested.

  8. @terryhughes7196

    If no one wore masks no one would know that we are in a pandemic. They were just a symbol put on your face

  9. @MediaLieDetector

    Medical ignorance makes depopulation easy.

  10. @MediaLieDetector

    Learn what a virus actually is. Then know the whole truth.

  11. @elgringoec

    Chris, what other behaviors are associated with those who wear masks a lot? Let me go out on a limb here and suggest those who mingle with others, some of whom may be sick. Retail, healthcare, and schooling for examples. What's also associated with lots of public interaction? That's right, picking up viruses.

    The information you shared from this "study" doesn't tell you a damn thing. Don't be fooled by thinking they've shown anything by it. No question of effectiveness of masking was addressed by those correlative observations! There's no way to tell from this if masks are completely useless or if they're 80% effective at reducing virus pickup. After all, 20% of a huge number is a lot!

  12. @johnbroughton3401

    We knew masks were useless to stop the spread of viruses in the 90s. How did the 30 lb. brain types forget this? It was/is a psyop to obscure our humanity and make us look gagged.

  13. @capevancouver1157

    Sponge strapped to the face whatever in the world trapped there ,warm humid exhaust , its a peaty dish strapped to your face ?

  14. @bossanovaboy

    Of course they increase your risk of any infection because they keep whatever passes through them. Happy new year! Never let the government decide what you wear, would it be a mask, clothing, short hair ( yes, they wanted us to be short- haired behind the iron curtain) or whatever.

  15. @Beleeuer

    The whole thing was a scam. It's just a Linus blanket. 6 6 6 is social distancing

  16. @Jason-rl7nf

    It's very easy to break covidians braisn with this simplr question/comparison.

    Ask them, "you understand that viruses can survive on surfaces for extended periods of time and if you touch that surface and then your mouth, you can contract the virus, right?"

    They, of course, will answer "Yes, that's why we had to wipe everything down all the time during covid."

    Then follow up with this question…

    "Then why do you think it's a good idea to wear a contaminated surface over your mouth all day long?!"

  17. @its_not_it_apostrophe_s

    And yet here we are in L.A. County with a reinstated mask mandate for health care facilities. No doubt this will soon include all public places. 🙁

  18. @rogerhuffmanjr.7695

    I have a question for you Chris, (Mr. Reagan). Why do we have plenty of RINOs to go around, but we never hear of any DINOs? Google it. Google doesn't recognize the term like for RINOs. That's because it doesn't exist. Why is that? We have old school moderate Democrats, sure, but they're becoming increasingly rare and they never make no bones about their stances on things. Perhaps a topic for a future video. Why are there no DINOs?

  19. @deco2gogo

    I never wore a mask unless I had a dentist appointment, and I never got covid or anything else. I got a few nasty looks in the grocery store, but soon I started seeing other maskless people, and it was nice to be able to smile at each other, which we always did. Thanks for confirming what many of us already knew, Mr. Reagan!

  20. @RavenMacGowan

    Masks not working against a virus is no surprise; it is one of th first things we are taught in med school. They are worn to protect against bacteria. As for people wearing masks getting sick, that was predictable also because they are just breathing in bacteria that is growing in a warm, moist environment. I remember when they came up with "CoVID Pneumonia" which is absolute bullshit. People were just getting Pneumonia from wearing masks constantly.

  21. @rayhensley9537

    Of course its yes. People are touching everything then adjusting their muzzle bringing extra germs to their respiratory system.

  22. @agentmith

    I just watched a Cosby episode last night where Sandra had strep throat and Bill told her to wear a mask to protect her babies, and Clair the mom ripped into him saying that bacteria are tiny and masks wouldn’t protect them (and viruses are much smaller than bacteria). I thought that was hilarious that this was common knowledge even back in the 80s.

  23. @Ridingrules10000

    No one with a brain in their heads is surprised by the finding that cloth masks didn't suppress the transmission of Covid.

  24. @RMBOYD81

    Been saying this from the beginning

  25. @rosezingleman5007

    I was denied medical care in Virginia because I use oxygen for a genetic blood disorder and I faint when I rebreathe my used oxygen. We left metro DC after 35 years for Tenn where I wasn’t booted out of the hospital. And there were no “hotspot” hospitals in metro DC. Pure propaganda.

  26. @frankarvia634

    Look up The Rosenau experiments. You’ll see that nobody was able to contract anything free m anyone

  27. @WoodsPrecisionArms

    I said that from the beginning they increase your chances to get it because when your mouth is covered you instinctively breath through your mouth and because the mask doesn’t stop anything you are sucking the virus right in instead of through your nose where the nose is naturally made to stop viruses

  28. @TonkaJay

    They've done studies on masks since the Spanish Flu and not a single one said masks work.

    These studies existed prior to 2020.

    That is why it's so frustrating when people say they work.

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