Can One Legally Collect a Pension After Retiring from a Government Job? – Dr. Zakir Naik

by | Jun 21, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 23 comments

Can One Legally Collect a Pension After Retiring from a Government Job? – Dr. Zakir Naik

Is it Permissible to take Pension after one Retired from a Government Job? – Dr Zakir Naik

Live Q&A by Dr Zakir Naik

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Is it permissible to take a pension after one retires from a government job? This is a question that has been asked by many individuals, particularly those who are concerned about the Islamic perspective on financial matters. To shed light on this topic, let us turn to the renowned Islamic scholar, Dr. Zakir Naik.

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Dr. Zakir Naik, a prominent figure in the Islamic world, has dedicated his life to spreading the message of Islam and answering questions related to religious matters. He is known for his deep knowledge of the Quran and Hadith, the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

According to Dr. Zakir Naik, taking a pension after retiring from a government job is permissible in Islam. He explains that a pension is a form of financial support provided to individuals who have served their country diligently and contributed to society during their active years.

Islam places a great emphasis on justice and fairness in all aspects of life, including financial matters. When an individual works for the government, they contribute their time, skills, and efforts to the betterment of society. In return, it is only fair that they receive a pension that sustains them during their retirement years.

Moreover, Dr. Zakir Naik states that Islamic teachings encourage individuals to plan for their future, including their retirement. Islam promotes the concept of being self-sufficient and not burdening others, including the state or society, when one can provide for themselves.

Retirement is a phase in life where individuals may not have the physical capabilities to continue working, and it is important for them to have financial support. The pension serves as a means of livelihood for retirees, enabling them to maintain a decent standard of living without relying on charity or the support of others.

However, it is worth noting that the concept of a pension should be in line with Islamic principles. For example, Islamic finance prohibits any involvement in transactions that are considered sinful or unethical, such as interest-based transactions (Riba). Therefore, if the pension scheme entails interest-based investments, it would be against Islamic principles.

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Dr. Zakir Naik also highlights the importance of individuals fulfilling their financial obligations towards their families and dependents. While the pension serves as a means of personal support, it does not absolve individuals of their responsibilities towards their loved ones.

In conclusion, Dr. Zakir Naik affirms that taking a pension after retiring from a government job is permissible in Islam. Islam recognizes the importance of financial security during retirement, and a pension serves as a means to fulfill this need. However, it is essential that the pension scheme aligns with Islamic principles, avoiding any involvement in interest-based transactions. Additionally, individuals must remember their responsibilities towards their families and dependents, ensuring that their financial obligations are met.

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  1. YB

    Zakir, is it ok to ask from the present govt. for gratuity or pension when one was caught and proven to have stolen the people’s monies while serving in the PM office?
    My former PM aka Bossku – Najib have stolen multi-billions of dollars (USD) and yet he is asking for his entitlement of RM$100 Millions for serving as a Prime Minister of Malaysia. What is your advice to us – Malaysians, since you are now residing in Malaysia?

  2. SHANI

    Dear Sir one day you will destroy this world by devide and rule…

  3. ايمان عبد الله

    It what about the element of gambling in that the money may be paid out to you for many years , that are more than what you worked for or that you might die a month after you retire and then get nothing

    So does that take the ruling of gambling?


    Sir plz urdu substitle add karein videos me

  5. S was

    How is Islamic insurance halal? There is no islamic sharia. Unfortunately the mufti of islams have turned all haram things halal We are living in end times;

  6. omarr Phillips

    Surah 10:19
    One Community

    Surah 24:35
    Allah Is The Light

    Surah 24:25
    it is Allah

    Surah 23:52

    Surah 18:14
    We made firm their hearts when they stood up and said, "Our Lord is the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.
    Never will we invoke
    besides Him any Deity.
    We would have certainly spoken, then, an
    Excessive Transgression.

    King James Version
    King James Version

    Revelation 22:18
    I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    Deuteronomy 13:6-13

    Romans 10:13
    For Whosoever

    Psalm 118:27
    God is The Lord

    Psalm 27:1

    1 John 5:7
    The Holy Ghost

    John 5:35

    John 1:1
    The Word

    John 1:6-13

    Zechariah 14:9

    Acts 20:28
    The Church of God

    Jeremiah 3:21
    They Have Forgotten

    Psalm 119:130

    Ecclesiastes 12:10-14
    Fear God

    Ecclesiastes 12:10-14
    Fear God

    Revelation 22:9
    Worship God

  7. Hd Hidden

    A lot of thanks you.

  8. Yunus Shariff

    Hello dear,
    Zakir Naik,
    Hope nd wish u a very hpy day.

    If we have any doubts or questions where can v contact u or any what's app number.

  9. Zozo Conde

    My Brother Zakir:
    The Quran says Riba is Haram for the one who receives it and the one who pays it. In a pension fund, it is the employer who does the contracting with the Insurance and it is mandatory to contribute in the fund. The employee is not involved in the contract between the Employer and the Insurance, therefore it is halal for the employee to earn pension.

    If I use your logic, then you cannot eat the food from a friend who works in the loan department of a bank. Riba runs the world and anybody who earn some money, there is always an element of Riba in it. How are you going to identify this element of Riba. You are talking about Islamic banking, they are all the same dealing with Riba, the only thing that they did change the name.

  10. Stephen Connolly

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. Most government sector pensions (particularly in the UK) are not based on Riba (usury) because they are unfunded and thus paid from general taxation. As for private pension schemes, these are stock market related, of course, but that doesn't make them prone to usury either, because Riba/usury is defined as economic exploitation which does not apply to most shares etc listed on the major stock markets concerned (read this resource for an up-to-date discussion of Riba together with accompanying peer reviewed literature: (note Dr Mohammad Omar Farooq's important recent contributions to the subject which helps clarify what is meant in terms of usury)).
    One problematic possibility, is, however, the potential for investments in companies related to alcohol, gambling, pork products, pornography and other immoral/unethical products/services. In which case, it is important for Muslims to insist their pension subscriptions are invested in ethical stocks which avoid these categories. Modern private pension schemes allow for picking and choosing from a range of options in this respect.
    Unfortunately, unlike Dr Mohammad Omar Farooq, Dr Zakir Naik (may Allah reward him) is not an acknowledged expert in the subject of economics or finance so his opinion should be treated with much caution.

  11. Amit Jha

    Hagna, mootna v haram to nahi Islam me? If you follow thease people jannat mile na mile jindgi jahnum jarror ho jayegi

  12. Afroz Qureshi

    Jazakallah sir may allah grant you afiyah fiddunya wal akhirah, ameen.

  13. Mohsin Bashir

    Hit like if you want a VIDEO ON ISLAMOPHOBIA

  14. Mama mia

    The salary itself is based on borrowed what pension fund interest!!

  15. Rahul Verma

    Since inflation will be increasing then those interest is a balance for inflation. If you have deposited $30000 in 2020 then 2060 that should be 45k for which you can buy same thing.

  16. Arvind Joshi

    Dear Sir. Thank you for the informative sessions Re : "Receiving Pension after retirement ". Please explain about a large number of Muslims — sons of Allah, receiving "dole" from the British government. Is it permissible to receive this FREE money and other benefits?? From what I understand is that the "dole" benefits is supposed to be for a person who has worked and paid TAXES in Britain. Thank you.

  17. Wadi Noor

    Ch 2 v 276
    Ch 2 v 278
    Ch 2 v 279
    Ch 3 v 130
    Ch 30 v 39
    Ribaa is haram

  18. Hameed Ghori

    In India how will someone know how much is the interest? There is no way pensioners are informed what part of pension is principal amount and what is coming from interest?

  19. Syed Zubair

    Assalamualaikum Zakir sir you are greatest man

  20. nagapavan satya

    Interest was abolished in Islam to make sure that people are not exploited. But saying entire interest is sin is wrong because you are ignoring the effect of inflation. Interest should be at such a level so as to balance inflation. Your advice will not do good to people as your giving a outdated solution to current economic needs.

  21. abdi nuur

    Asalam Aleykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatu. Brother Dr. Zaikir Naik thanks for your great advice which based on the Quran and the Hadith of the Sarul (SAW) this is my question to you you said invest on Takaful insurance which is Halal pension investment insurance but the Takaful insurance which is in Africa are dealing in Comprehensive insurance and life insurance for human and Animals how Takaful is Halal investment if they are dealing with this all. Shukran and im looking forward to your answer.
    Wasalam Aleykum.

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