Canada’s Bank Bailouts – The Big Lie Persists

by | Dec 23, 2023 | Bank Failures | 29 comments

Canada’s Bank Bailouts – The Big Lie Persists

The Big Lie continues – Canadian Bank Bailouts (Links to relevant material below)

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The Big Lie continues – Canadian Bank Bailouts

It’s been over a decade since the global financial crisis of 2008, and yet the effects of that catastrophic event are still being felt today. In the aftermath of the crisis, numerous banks and financial institutions around the world were bailed out by their respective governments, using taxpayers’ money to prevent a complete economic collapse. The scale of these bailouts was staggering, and the public outcry was understandably immense.

In Canada, however, there has been a persistent narrative that the country’s banking system weathered the storm without the need for any government support. This narrative has been repeated by politicians, economists, and even the banks themselves, painting a picture of Canadian banks as models of stability and resilience. But the truth is far more complicated and disturbing.

In reality, Canadian banks did receive substantial support from the government during the financial crisis. While it may not have been in the form of a direct bailout, the government took a number of extraordinary measures to prop up the banking system and prevent a collapse. These measures included implicit guarantees, liquidity support, and extraordinary regulatory forbearance.

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One of the most significant examples of government support for Canadian banks during the crisis was the extraordinary liquidity support provided by the Bank of Canada. The central bank provided hundreds of billions of dollars in emergency liquidity to the banking system, ensuring that the banks had access to the funds they needed to stay afloat. Without this support, the Canadian banking system would have been in serious trouble.

Despite this undeniable reality, the myth of the “bailout-free” Canadian banking system persists. This myth has been perpetuated by the banks themselves, who have a vested interest in maintaining the perception of their strength and stability. It has also been embraced by politicians who are eager to promote Canada as a beacon of financial stability in a world of turmoil.

The problem with this narrative is that it obscures the true state of the Canadian banking system and prevents an honest assessment of the risks and vulnerabilities that still exist. By denying the reality of the government support that was provided during the crisis, the public is left with a false sense of security and confidence in the banking system.

It’s time to confront the Big Lie head-on and acknowledge the truth about Canadian bank bailouts. The government did indeed play a crucial role in supporting the banking system during the financial crisis, and it’s important for Canadians to understand the full extent of that support. Only by acknowledging the truth can we have a meaningful conversation about the strengths and weaknesses of the Canadian banking system and work towards a more stable and resilient financial sector in the future.

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  1. @doncummings3915

    Stephen Harper turned Canadians off so much, they elected Trudeau…this is one of the biggest traitors in Canadian History not to mention a complete Globalist Shill and these are only his good points. I have never recovered from the 2008 crash and hundreds of thousands of Canadians whose businesses were forced to close will back me up on this….in 2008 my after tax earnings were $98,000.00 …the next year $17,000.– I was forced to sell my house and go bankrupt. The wife walked out the door, I was diagnosed with Cancer, my best fried died…yes the complete country and western song which all started with the bank collapse. The only difference here in Canada was the BS story told in the Media. People don't realize that small business owners have to guarantee business loans personally as well, so if your business goes down, be damned all of the employees you carried, all of the good you did while the business prospers…it haunts your personal credit for many many years as well. My business went down as a direct fear created by the actions of the sub prime market which drove down business confidence…period. Stephen Harper's Conservative Party is the reason and the need for Maxime Bernier and the People's Party of Canada…for those that believe in patriotic conservative values. Stephen Harper was a corrupt Globalist shill and did his part to lead our Country to the precipice we are know standing on the edge of….Ph….ck O…ff Mr. Harper, and go back in the prairie dog hole you came out of….the only thing I think of when I hear your name is traitor and a fraud…and I suddenly have gut cramps…you were and are a member of the dirty Cabal that has brought this world to the edge of disaster …my God where do these assholes get their arrogance

  2. @brentmcfadden944

    Guess the WHOLE damn system is the Muppet Show! Sesame Street puppets for REAL! Welcome aboard Canadiots!

  3. @brentmcfadden944

    Money laundering by All the Crooks!

  4. @JG-bo3cp

    Isn't it that typical "honest" politician Harper that sold off almost all of our gold? His speech to go into Afghanistan was word for word the same as a politician in Australia (I believe).

  5. @desdicado999

    Review the youtube the myth is Canada for more insight into what Canada is and is not

  6. @desdicado999

    Canadian banks and their lap dog Canada's revenue agency are completely controlled by a communistic agenda which basically has the aim of the removal of all private property, .Canada is now completely controlled by the communist organization known as the UN under the organization know as UNIDROIT.

  7. @freddykrueger6571

    There are a ton of schemes where the taxpayer ends up paying for the downside while the banks keeps the upside. These programs comes under various names like CMHC, National Housing Strategy..etc. Its where banks get to make sub-prime loans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars and if the mortgage defaults, the taxpayer is forced to pay banks for the defaulted mortgage. It makes govt inflate housing prices to prevent any correction of the real estate market which would otherwise put taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of billions in losses. 100% scam.

  8. @dc3914

    Thanks for this informative video that educated me. Listening to you speak the truth with no filter is perfect. The truth is damn near impossible to find so I will be watching anything you put up.

  9. @ultimohombre7498

    Man, I've just started to watch your video, I'm into it for not even 2 minutes and I LOVE IT! Will watch the remainder and share with all my friends and family, that is if they're not too busy watching football or hockey!! What's wrong with these people????????

  10. @mikepech1648

    I don't watch anything about financial information For the main reason being was I never had enough money to worry about it. But when I retired and had more time on my hands, some idiots voted in Trudeau. I've never seen anything go downhill as fast as Canada in everything. The money spent and thrown away just blows me away. Now on my pensions, I have to watch every penny. I know if i was in high finance right now, I'd be taking ulcer meds for sure.I'm surprised we don't have big business share holders diving off tall buildings. All governments are shady to a certain point. But the liberals throw it in our faces and dare us to do anything about it.

  11. @GlobalResistanceCoalition

    I love watching politically illiterate Canadians spew out groupthink propaganda on subjects they know very little about. Especially Libertarians finger puppets who think they've got the world by the tail, they are just as bad as Soros and Ass. Antifa foot soldiers imposing neo-Liberal bullshit. If you'd of paid attention like you say you have, you'd know that the Canadian bank bailouts orders came down from up on high, and I'm not talking about Harper's PMO, they came from the IMF of which Canada is bound by law to follow any and all whimsical non-logical orders or suffer the consequences of standing up to the Globalist own Private Institutions. The last time Canada stood up to the private banking cartel politically illiterate Canadian were enraged at Harper for loosing Canada's bid to sit at the UNSC.

    Perhaps we should talk about the IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde visit to Ottawa right on the heels of Globalist owned UNPA Member Crime Minister Trudeau 2015 election win. funny how no one talks about how the IMF Managing Director ordered Canada's newly elected part time Prime Minister drama teacher to liquidate Canada's gold holdings in exchange of worthless Exceptional American Bonds and IMF SDR"s that are backed IMF purloined Gold.

    You have very little to say and what you do say ain't nothing but CoIntelPro mixed in with Propaganda and ego. Idiot pawns like you make the Messengers mission that much more difficult. I will give you this, you're right, we didn't need Lobbyist Harper to tell us that the populism is on the rise, but what Harper failed to mention and you obviously do not have the political wherewithal to grasp is that Populism much like America's Libertarian movement is yet just another Globalist orchestrated colour revolution style attempt by the Hegemony Cabal to divide and conquer North America and you my dumb as a door knob Libertarian friend are dancing along the Pied piper song.

  12. @Talsomfa

    the eu nazi free trade he gave them pos money too two times

  13. @billmcillwraith6155

    Are you surprised , we didn’t vote for Trudeau we voted out King Harper

  14. @bradlangton1549

    F-YOU, leave Harper alone, he was a far better PM than any other piece of SHIT LIBTARD Leftist hypocrite. YOU WANT CHANGE, VOTE FOR MAXIME BERNIER in 2019.

  15. @cayrick

    The fact that banks that produce nothing get so much support is proof of who rules over you. Gov't and banks work hand in hand and this is largely why they get protected. Again if Canadian banks are so solid why bail -in laws. What other industry gets this kind of protection.

  16. @cayrick

    Good reporting. Canada introduced bank bail-in laws (Harper) before the G20 did.

  17. @martysaskatchewan740

    Harper took away my right to possess a firearm due to my allegedly illegal gardening skills. At the time of my arrest I didn't own a gun have a gun or even have a license to own one but still received a 10 year firearm ban.

  18. @Nathanbran2

    Great coverage…thanks!!!

  19. @lastman20121

    The bank bailouts were the biggest heists in history and if governments bail them out once it'll happen again and their hands will go into taxpayer's pockets even deeper.

  20. @western1voice699

    the wheat board thing? libya? bilderberg? how about the bohemian grove? just assimilate harper, otta be in jail. hell, all of em deserve to be behind bars. one scandal after another, we get the tab! they call it a, bail in, now. WHO has HEARD of T.I.S.A. ? see the break down on wikileaks, show it to the libtards that say they're fighting for equality, tfw's etc.

  21. @hriscamley3420

    Great video. Keep this going and lazy Canadians will start to wake up.

  22. @danmiles2031

    its not so much frustration to me , because then i would believe things would change , … no its more than that there is a common denominator in all of this in North America .. maybe globally … to me …people are waking up , But they just don,t know how to deal with it on such a large scale and so many angles .. we have been programmed for so many years to work hard , pay your taxes , raise your kids right, don,t rock the boat . the politician is looking out for our best interests, trust your police have faith in the almighty then suddenly piece by piece our views our dreams , our thoughts and our faith are been attacked a disease …and we are all scrambling for a cure …. even though we know deep down inside to alleviate this disease or to find a cure for it …. we have to rethink , re -evaluate our direction in life , and decide what really is important .in short … to take a stand / draw a line …. my theory …this is all designed to totally break up of the family structure and the church /synagouge /temple etc …. there is nothing stronger than a family structure in my view…. families that have gone through devastating hardships that are still together proves they can overcome any obstacle for me .. is really just Good vs evil NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS just my tin foil hat loonies worth … have a great day

  23. @jonyfish8852


  24. @danmiles2031

    you know what I don,t get is … after all this BS, and been constantly screwed over by banks , politicians and so on …… If people really … I mean REALLY got pissed ( torches and pitchforks pissed off ) ….. where in the HELL do these ass -hats plan on hiding ? ..MARS ? do they not understand that payback is NOT a BITCH but Rather CUJO ? …. IF FRONTIER jUSTICE ever came back ….. God help these bankers , and politicians across the globe …… maybe there is a reason why our streetlights are so high and curved ….. just sayin … things get hung up on there all the time …….. so I been told … any ways long story short … keep poking the Grizzly … and see where it gets you

  25. @danmiles2031

    and of course … lets not forget that little ( I like to use ) Not withstanding clause , where all the Banks in Canada … in the event start to fail … they can dip into everyone.s account and offer a basic IOU in place of … Kinda like getting screwed but without the kiss to go with it ….. I wonder how many Canadians know about that little clause with our banks … great video as always ..cheers

  26. @gailjohnston9253

    We shouldn't be bailing out anything. Let the banks fail now because under this incompetent govt, we will fail worse later. Enough already.
    Send the refugees back to where they came from.
    I'd take a Harper any day over this Communist Soros hand puppet.

  27. @Ingentiy

    Did I hear Harper warn us about the rise of populism, and, praise his?

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