CATL’s Novel Compact Battery | A Comparison with Tesla’s 4680 Technology?

by | May 31, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 27 comments

CATL’s Novel Compact Battery | A Comparison with Tesla’s 4680 Technology?

The worlds largest lithium-ion battery manufacturer CATL recently announced a next generation “condensed battery” technology that they claim has an energy density of up to 500 Wh/kg, but what is a condense battery, and is this hype or the real deal? In this video I share my thoughts and observations on this new battery technology and then at the end of the video briefly compare it to Tesla’s 4680 battery technology.

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*** All video and pictures are used with permission or in accordance with the copyright owner’s stated policies and use allowance, or applicable fair use laws. ***

Image & Video Clip Sources:

1. Tesla thumbnail battery image and other Tesla images and video clips used courtesy of Tesla, Inc. (where noted in the video).

2. CATL thumbnail battery image and other CATL images and video clips used courtesy of CATL (where noted in the video).

3. Various Zendure images and video clips used courtesy of Zendure (where noted in the video).

Data Sources:

CATL Announcement:

SuperBase V Kickstarter:

Zendure CEO Interview:

NOTE: The content found in this video should NOT be regarded as financial advice. I am not a financial advisor, and this is NOT in any way a recommendation or offer to buy or sell securities. While the information in this video is believed to be accurate at the time of recording, no guarantees are being made about the accuracy of the information presented in the video. As of the recording of this video, I am NOT invested in Tesla, nor CATL stock or securities, nor any other company mentioned in this video….(read more)

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Chinese battery manufacturer CATL (Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd.) has recently unveiled their latest product, the “NEO” condensed battery. This new battery is designed for electric vehicles, and is intended to be used in conjunction with other electric vehicle components, such as electric motors, so as to create a more efficient and energy-dense system overall.

The NEO battery is expected to offer a number of advantages over previous CATL batteries, in particular in terms of energy efficiency and density. The specific energy density of the NEO battery is expected to be in excess of 300 Wh/kg, which would make it one of the highest energy density batteries available on the market today. This high energy density should, in turn, allow electric vehicles equipped with NEO batteries to have a greater range, or alternatively to be equipped with smaller, lighter batteries that offer the same range as larger, heavier batteries equipped with less advanced chemistry.

One of the most interesting aspects of the NEO battery, however, is its size. Unlike other high-powered batteries currently available, which tend to be relatively large and bulky, the NEO battery is quite compact. This is due to the fact that it is designed using a new form of cell technology that is significantly more efficient than traditional lithium-ion batteries. This makes the NEO battery suitable for a much wider range of applications, and opens up the possibility of a new generation of small, lightweight electric vehicles that are both more efficient and more energy-dense than their predecessors.

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Compared to Tesla’s 4680 battery, the NEO battery has some key differences. The 4680 battery is larger in size and has a slightly lower specific energy density of around 250 Wh/kg. However, it is designed to be part of a new, fully integrated battery pack that is intended to offer a much higher overall energy density, as well as a range of other benefits. Moreover, the 4680 battery is designed using a new form of cell technology that Tesla claims is significantly more efficient than previous lithium-ion cells, and which has the potential to revolutionize the electric vehicle industry as a whole.

Overall, both the NEO and the 4680 batteries represent significant advances in the field of electric vehicle batteries, and are likely to play an important role in shaping the future of the industry. Despite their differences, both batteries offer major improvements over current lithium-ion batteries in terms of energy density, efficiency, and size. This should help to drive down the cost of electric vehicles, while also making them more practical and appealing to a wider range of consumers. As battery technology continues to improve, it seems likely that we will see even more impressive advances in the years to come, making electric vehicles an increasingly attractive and viable option for drivers around the world.

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  1. Pedro fp

    Enough with this "4680" because Elon said it is that. 4680 breaks an international standard for cylindrical cell nomenclature, which is 2 digits for the diameter in mm (which presupposes a diameter less than 100 mm), then as many digits required for the height in tenths of mm. The reason is that in some applications the height fit is tenth of mm critical. The correct designation for what Elon calls 4680 is 46800.

  2. Ken H

    I would not compare western trends to China, they are far ahead. Any use of SS or SSS is using a lithium anode, no other reason, so the density should be close to what they say. Lithium metal is likely the reason for the low quantity build as its very expensive. There are names looking to use a form of vapor deposition to get lithium metal prices down. Still seems CATL is many many years ahead of their Western counterparts. Remember they made 811's years before anyone in the West thought possible

  3. Dan Car

    tesla 4680 are a disaster

  4. Stryker Ace

    Ultra Sports Cars, Yachts for the uber wealthy, Long Haul Semis, Cargo Shipping, metropolitan city buildings, heavy Construction vehicles, military industry, etc could all be interested in these expensive battery solutions. Huge huge market for high density batteries and those groups will pay a pretty penny for these solutions.

  5. Alex Kumar

    You done excellent job try to collect sparse info on CATL condensed battery . But i still think it will be game changer in 2-3 years. I am concerned on 4680 packaging as shown in munro live – it is unrepairable and i think more difficult to recycle.

  6. p s

    Imagine if the battery self ignites on the plane, that would be scary.

  7. Donald Duck

    When the hype is exceeded by the available information, reality is far behind.

  8. xlargetophat

    Sounds like nickel battery to me

  9. xlargetophat

    The biggest battery company in the world doesn't hype things

  10. Filipe Gonçalves

    Cheap? they will not be… for sure, at least until they have real competition. Regarding the energy density we should expect something impressive, close to what they announced, otherwise they will be irrelevant. Keep in mind that their current ternary cells are already close to 300 wh/kg so we should expect a big jump from there

  11. Indigenous Earthling

    Tesla's 4680 battery program will not be rendered obsolete by any other battery OEM. Tesla simply needs more batteries as fast and as cheap as they can get them for vehicles and fixed energy storage. By making their own batteries Tesla also captures IRA federal subsidies for every battery they make. Tesla will likely learn from and incorporate mature and beneficial alternative battery technologies (and technologists) into their own 4680 program.

  12. Indigenous Earthling

    CATL has been working on this for a while. China is pushing this and has a more supportive regulatory environment. They will likely release these condensed batteries, as well as sodium ion batteries, to China market BEV OEM partners by the end of this year.

  13. Jim Otlowski

    Thank you. I had heard a little bit about the new CATL battery, but your video gave a much better understanding of what it actually is.

  14. I Kaya

    500KWh/kg if it happens at an affordable price, would be a significant improvement in EVs

    A 300 mile EV with a 70KWh pack weighing 450kg would become a 300 mile EV with a 63KWh pack (more efficient as less mass) weighing 200kg

    So a massive 250kg reduction in weight. A 2,000kg EV would become a 1,750kg EV. It woupd possibly be even better as the weight reductions could potentially allow lower weight motor & suspension

  15. redsoxboy

    My takeaway from CATL was that the condensed battery is similar to the Amprius 500 Wh/kg battery right now. CATL says they are engaging with aviation customers right now and that the batteries will be mass produced later this year. I'm slightly skeptical about what their definition of "mass produced" means exactly. But if they can get the cost per Kwh down to reasonable levels even within a few years, this is a game changer.

  16. TheAussief1

    Has any Chinese company released accurate information on there new products?
    This will be no different, if the real numbers are merely half of what they stated, that would better than most claims.

  17. Classic Gaming Times

    CATL translated in real battery term would have 200kw at 400kg Tesla model 3 has a battery of 460kg and 60kw, with catl battery model 3 would have a 1500km range +-

  18. Marcus Mackay

    If you’re right with the 98 watt/hr per 4680 then we will see a 400 mile range model Y which would be job done for EVs

  19. nebulous

    what is their volumetric energy density? is it also like double the normal?

  20. Marcus Mackay

    John please can you put a cup of coffee on the counter in the background to freak out your fans. Even if this has to be done digitally it will be worth it!

  21. nebulous

    that's cool! i calculated recently that with a doubling of the volumetric energy density electric motorcycles might have a range very comparable to internal combustion engine motorcycle so this is very important development. 🙂

  22. nowsc

    … When you say that CATL is not a competitor to TESLA, but a supplier, that doesn’t seem right. Both are in the business of selling batteries! For now, CATL is a supplier because of how history works.

  23. GoCoyote

    Mobile phones and computers have been the primary early adopters of high energy density batteries. The 500 Whr/k is considered to be the practical energy density needed for aircraft. Since aircraft have much higher cost than EVs, they will be able to much more easily able to absorb the higher cost of these new higher energy density batteries until production scales up and economies of scale kick in.

  24. Russell Fine Arts

    Thanks John, great overview. I think your predictions are correct, this CATL battery will take a couple-few years to test out and come down in price, as will the NASA, and all other solid-state batts. They all seem to be struggling with the same problem—low cycle life and high cost.

  25. BlacksioC

    Drink a shot every time he says CATL

  26. R Gerald Alexander

    Yep, totally agree…going from lab to production is not a quick process.

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