Causes of Gum Recession: Accumulation of Plaque, Tartar, and Calculus in Dentistry

by | Jul 5, 2023 | Recession News | 19 comments

Causes of Gum Recession: Accumulation of Plaque, Tartar, and Calculus in Dentistry

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Gum Recession Due to Build-Up: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to not only having a beautiful smile but also to ensuring overall oral health. Gum recession, a common dental problem, can occur due to various reasons, including improper dental care, plaque and tartar build-up, and lack of professional dental treatment. In this article, we will explore the causes, prevention, and treatment options for gum recession caused by build-up.

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or the tooth’s root. This can lead to sensitivity, the appearance of longer teeth, and even tooth loss if left untreated. One of the main causes of gum recession is the build-up of plaque and tartar, also known as calculus.

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on the teeth when bacteria in the mouth mix with saliva and food particles. If not removed through regular brushing and flossing, plaque hardens and becomes tartar or calculus. Tartar is a rough, yellowish substance that can only be removed by a dental professional. When plaque and tartar accumulate along the gumline, they can irritate the gum tissue, causing inflammation and recession.

Preventing gum recession due to build-up starts with maintaining proper oral hygiene. Regular brushing, at least twice a day, using a soft-bristled toothbrush is crucial. It is also important to use fluoride toothpaste to protect and strengthen teeth. Flossing at least once a day helps remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas between teeth and along the gumline. Additionally, using an antiseptic mouthwash can reduce bacterial activity and further promote gum health.

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Professional dental cleanings are essential in preventing gum recession caused by build-up. Dentists or dental hygienists not only remove plaque and tartar from the teeth but also examine the gum tissue for signs of recession. Regular check-ups and cleanings, usually recommended every six months, help identify and address any issues before they worsen.

If gum recession occurs due to build-up, treatment options depend on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, improving oral hygiene practices and receiving a professional cleaning may be sufficient to stop further recession. However, in more advanced stages, other treatments might be necessary.

Scaling and root planing is a procedure used to remove tartar and plaque from below the gumline and smooth the root surfaces. This helps the gum tissue reattach to the teeth, preventing further recession and reducing the risk of infection. In cases where gum recession has caused significant damage, gum graft surgery might be required. During this procedure, tissue from another part of the mouth is used to cover the exposed tooth roots, restoring both the appearance and function of the gums.

In conclusion, gum recession due to build-up is a potential oral health concern that can be prevented through proper oral hygiene practices and regular professional dental care. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are necessary to remove plaque and tartar and maintain healthy gums. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings allow for early detection and treatment of gum recession. If gum recession occurs, scaling and root planing or gum graft surgery may be necessary to restore the gum tissue. Remember, a healthy smile begins with healthy gums.

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  1. Renee' D.

    'Cmon dentists! Create the cure for gum recession! AND, natural repair and restoration of teeth!!!

  2. Brandy G

    Is that painful? Does that person have to be numbed?

  3. LycanGoon

    Having a newborn and dealing with lack of sleep then going through multiple dentists appt in a month…i never had an issue with anathsesia until now…they jad to inject me so many times and even then i still felt something. The first visit, my dentist injected me and that shit was painful, i felt a ton of liquid around my gums and i had a panic attack…i drove home like an iddiot and almost passed out while driving…i had 4 more panic attacks that day and each 1 worse than the other.

  4. Red Rabbit Resistance

    put a micro bladder under the gumline. stretch the gums, (they are sponge). Suture them together.

    There is oral medication to rinse. your gums will heal fused together. Takes about 6 months for a 100% reconstruction of a recessed gum line.

    not all can be surgically repaired. Sometimes there isnt enough tissue. transplants can be done, but are not always successful. Must be maintained daily but can last a life time.

  5. Melonie Thompson

    Umm mine reversed. I started brushing with charcoal toothpaste 1-2 times a month and flossing more.

  6. Laura Parish

    Bull it can grow back. My gums have grown back from my lip ring.

  7. Aimee Grober

    That microphone is such an affectation

  8. Clarisa Rodriguez

    If you're not planning on visiting your dentist at least 1x a year (or can't afford to do so), do yourself a favor and get yourself an ultrasonic toothbrush, it's way more expensive than a regular one, but way way way less expensive than paying treatment for something like this. I've had one for many years (gifted by a kind relative), and I finally went to the dentist a few days ago for routine cleaning, she could not believe it had been aprox 4 years.. plus cero cavities.

  9. Heather’s YarnLife

    That’s a lie do oil pulling and your gums and enamel grow back mine sure did I had to stop oil pulling due to tmj but I do still use coconut oil and let it just sit in my mouth

  10. Nicole Petree

    Age 12 I had a skin graft from room of my mouth for the recession.Dr told me it may help to keep those teeth for at least 15yrs but then they would fall out. I went til age 36, so 22yrs! He was an amazing surgeon ❤

  11. Sad Soup

    This tooth is propbly experiencing traumatic occlusion due to malalignment. If the occlusion is adjusted then shloud the gum not grow back to some degree?

  12. Anthony Durand

    That's a lot of time where your had dirt between your teeth when it's actually created a life of its own and started modifying your gums.. If I had a mouth like that I'd be embarassed to go out..

  13. Arizona_Lilly

    U keep get gum sx and certain tooth slate we’ll help BUT that’s very bad beyond repair

  14. Zara♡

    Mm ok? So what’s done about it though

  15. Just Jessy

    So now what do you do for that tooth? That's so scary, they're gonna lose it

  16. Unicorn-Town-Going-Down

    so then… what do you do?? cuz leaving that exposed causes sensitivity and tooth decay problems, yeah??

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