Centenarians Share their Best Financial Tips on “Your Safe Money Show” on July 29, 2023

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Roth IRA | 1 comment

Centenarians Share their Best Financial Tips on “Your Safe Money Show” on July 29, 2023

Todd will have how to roll over funds from a 529 college savings plan to a Roth IRA. Did you know the mortgage rate you get depends on your credit score? And car insurance rates have surged and where you live matters, he will go into detail on those two topics. Plus, Centenarians share tips for a happy life….(read more)




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Your Safe Money Show: Tips from Centenarians

As we gather wisdom and experience throughout our lives, there’s something truly inspiring about hearing from those who have reached the milestone of being centenarians. These remarkable individuals have witnessed and navigated through decades of economic ups and downs, making them a valuable source of financial advice. In the latest episode of “Your Safe Money Show,” we had the pleasure of speaking with several centenarians, who shared their secrets to financial success and security. Here are some of the valuable tips they imparted.

1. Live below your means:
Centenarians unanimously emphasized the importance of living below your means. Saving and investing wisely requires keeping your expenses in check and avoiding unnecessary splurges. By adopting a frugal mindset, they were able to build a solid financial foundation that withstood the test of time.

2. Start saving early:
One common thread among centenarian testimonies was the early adoption of saving habits. Whether it was putting away a portion of their pocket money as children or making consistent contributions to retirement accounts throughout their working years, they understood the significance of starting early. The power of compounding interest played a significant role in fostering financial independence during their later years.

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3. Diversify your investments:
To ensure long-term financial security, centenarians advised diversifying investments across different asset classes. Real estate, bonds, stocks, and other forms of investments were considered essential components of their portfolios. By creating a well-rounded investment strategy, they were able to weather economic storms and capitalize on various opportunities for growth.

4. Seek expert advice:
Centenarians attributed part of their financial success to seeking counsel from financial experts. Consulting with professionals who understand the intricacies of the market and have a deep understanding of their client’s financial goals can help in navigating through the complexities of investing. It is important to build a relationship of trust with a financial advisor and seek their guidance whenever necessary.

5. Stay informed and adaptable:
Throughout their lives, centenarians stayed informed about financial matters. They followed market trends, learned about new investment strategies, and read up on economic forecasts. By staying informed, they were able to make informed decisions and adjust their investment strategies as needed. Developing a curious mindset and being open to learning throughout your life can greatly contribute to your financial well-being.

6. Embrace a long-term perspective:
A key lesson from centenarians is the importance of having a long-term perspective when it comes to financial planning. They understood that investing is not a sprint but a marathon. They urged individuals to be patient, avoid impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations, and focus on long-term goals. By taking a patient approach, they were able to reap the rewards of their investments over time.

7. Take care of your health:
Centenarians highlighted the importance of physical and mental well-being in maintaining financial security. They emphasized the need to prioritize health by adopting a healthy lifestyle, staying physically active, and engaging in activities that promote mental stimulation. They believed that good health is the foundation for an active and fulfilling retirement, allowing individuals to enjoy their hard-earned savings.

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Centenarians are living proof that a disciplined approach to finance coupled with a longevity mindset can help individuals navigate through the uncertainties of life. Their stories serve as a reminder that regardless of our age, it is never too late to implement sound financial practices and secure a brighter future.

Listening to the wisdom shared by these centenarians on “Your Safe Money Show” provided invaluable insights for anyone looking to enhance their financial well-being. By embracing their advice and adopting their strategies, we can all take steps towards achieving financial security and a prosperous future.

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1 Comment

  1. Kurt Kragt

    Thank you for making your show available here. I was not able to listen live this week.

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