Chris Cole (New Groundbreaking Investment Strategy, Portfolio Construction, Vol Secrets, Inflation)

by | Jan 6, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 24 comments

Chris Cole (New Groundbreaking Investment Strategy, Portfolio Construction, Vol Secrets, Inflation)

✅ LYN ALDEN and I discuss portfolio that will HELP YOU profit from DOLLAR losing reserve currency status, click this link to check it out!! 🔥

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#NewResearch #Predictions #BePrepared…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



See also  Investing Insights: Why Dividend-Growth Stocks Might Be Good Choices During Inflation
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  1. J S

    Ubi is the goal and that is only feasible in a deflationed environment

  2. Byculla Wala

    Depending upon the state, going into the RE rental investment is the dummest idea. The laws, the judges, the court system, the social services system etc. will make your life hell ( indivisual investor ) if they are running their own show. Given to management companies is the only game in this approach.

  3. David Rice

    Not Chris Cole the skater.

    Still pretty cool.

  4. Bayan M.

    I'm sorry but who cares about his money after 100 years? What happened to buffett way: find the best stocks in the current business cycle phase and buy it? Don't dive in statistics Remember: In the long run we are all dead

  5. S Zee

    They practiced the pandemic in 2019.

  6. S Zee

    Banks and mega-corporations are run by digusting people, the bankster class, who don't have good plans for us. We need to do something so they can't keep getting away with murder.

  7. D Mc

    Fantastic interview. Very insightful..

  8. Casey Hill

    High Grade, High Dose Fish oil and purified Maqui is wins over dietary nutrient value.

  9. Bartosz

    Sorry to complain, but It'd be nice to ensure that guests have decent microphones before the interview. Sound quality on Chris's side is just crap.

  10. Tom Martin

    This is my favorite Interview on this channel so far—interesting investment strategy that accounts for Macro trends. I will be following Artemis, for sure.

  11. Voyager

    When he said he thinks the govt will "continuously put the pedal to the metal", I immediately thought of the last scene of "Thelma & Louise"

  12. Don Kalzone

    47:14 very interesting point. But isn't that the reason the fed is so active in the bond market?

  13. jf

    I always love the way Chris Cole's eyes glow, when he talks about "all hell breaking loose" scenarios. His facial expression reminds me a liittle bit of Ramsay Bolton while conversating these topics… (was even more so in the past, when his hair was a little longer).

  14. karan shah

    what is left and right wing deleveraging?


    George, this audio is so compressed it's almost unlistenable on Chris's end. Peter's interview was great, but this awful… Please work on requiring a better connection!

  16. Dennis D

    Chris you need to get a microphone/headset if you want to get your great message out effectively!

  17. Hans Maulwurf

    Any chance to go long volatility for retailers?
    Appreciate your ideas…

  18. Hans Maulwurf

    Does Chris actually rebalances between these 5 asset-classes as one of them moves up?
    For example, sell the risen long-volatility in the deflationary event to purchase equities which have droped in price?

  19. Dan Star

    Even with inflating away debt that only works for governments as they transition into a Banana Republic. Devalued money makes private debt burdens harder to pay off because because the new wholesale money doesn't trickle down. Remember what NYC looked like in the 1970s?

  20. Occupy Silver

    Read the Silver "Put Option Strategy" at r/OccupySilver subreddit You should cover it, nobody on YouTube on Silver understand enough to be able to cover this.

  21. Lee Anderson

    Chris Cole is a BEAST!!!

  22. Joe Berardis

    I thought this was Chris Cole the skateboarder… i got excited

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