Cigar Stream #192: Examining Censorship During the Presidencies of FDR and Harry S. Truman

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 29 comments

Cigar Stream #192: Examining Censorship During the Presidencies of FDR and Harry S. Truman

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Cigar Stream #192: Censorship Under FDR and Harry S. Truman

Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental rights that many consider to be the cornerstone of a democratic society. However, throughout history, there have been instances where these rights have been constrained, often under the guise of national security or moral values. One such period was during the presidencies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, where censorship played a significant role in shaping public discourse and perceptions.

During the tumultuous years of World War II and the subsequent Cold War, both Roosevelt and Truman implemented policies that limited free expression. The main reasoning behind these restrictions was to protect military operations and prevent the dissemination of classified information that could aid the enemy. One of the most notable examples of censorship during this time was the temporary closure of all radio stations by the government shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. This action aimed to prevent enemy agents from using radio broadcasts to gather information about the war effort and hindered the dissemination of news and entertainment to the American public.

Additionally, the Office of Censorship, established in 1941, played a crucial role in wartime censorship. Headed by Byron Price, this office had the authority to investigate and censor all communications channels, including mail, radio, and even personal correspondence. The Office of Censorship monitored and suppressed information that was deemed potential threats to national security, such as troop movements, military strategies, and any critical content regarding the war effort. While some may argue that such measures were necessary to protect the nation, others perceived them as an infringement on the citizens’ right to access information and engage in open debate.

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Censorship during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations was not solely limited to wartime concerns; it extended to morally sensitive topics as well. In the post-war era, both presidents faced pressure to enforce moral values and combat perceived threats to societal norms. This led to the establishment of the Motion Picture Production Code (also known as the Hays Code) in 1930, before Roosevelt’s presidency, and its strict enforcement during this period. The Hays Code policed the content of films, limiting depictions of violence, sexuality, and moral ambiguity. It ensured that movies adhered to a set of guidelines that reflected conservative values and avoided controversial themes.

The censorship efforts under Roosevelt and Truman can be understood within the context of the times. The United States was at war, facing external threats and grappling with internal tensions. However, the restriction of free expression during this period led to a stifling of dissenting voices and hindered the free flow of information.

Critics argue that these censorship measures were excessive, distorting public opinion and limiting the plurality of voices in society. They assert that censorship imposed during times of crisis can easily be exploited to promote specific political agendas and silence critics. Others contend that limited censorship is necessary during times of war for national security reasons and to maintain social order. They argue that allowing unfiltered and potentially harmful information to circulate could have dire consequences for the nation and its citizens.

Ultimately, the censorship measures implemented under FDR and Truman aimed to strike a balance between national security concerns and societal values. While these measures were often necessary to safeguard vital information and wartime efforts, they also curtailed the free exchange of ideas and challenged the democratic values that America holds dear.

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As we reflect on this period of history, it serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a delicate equilibrium between national security and freedom of expression. The lessons learned from the censorship policies of the Roosevelt and Truman era can inform present-day debates on balancing our security needs with preserving the fundamental rights that make democracies thrive.

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  1. abra cadabrazz

    By the way, social media is tailor made to derail focused interest in any given subject

  2. abra cadabrazz

    This is exactly the book I’ve been looking for

  3. Michael Sliwowski

    I did not know of printing plate distraction. This censorship is greater in scale than Internet censorship.

  4. LGtBT

    About the destruction of book plates, around 50% of the books in many schools and public libraries in Canada have been destroyed after an order to review the diversity and equity criteria of all books published before 2008. Removed books weren't put up for sale, but ordered destroyed.
    "'Empty shelves with absolutely no books': Students, parents question school board's library weeding process" -CBC

    Trudeau's 'aboriginal advisor' removed 3,500 books from school's already-curated approved reading list, ordered them destroyed, went to one school, dug a pit and burned the books with students!
    She resigned when it turned out she wasn't actually aboriginal…

  5. tm2383

    "The obvious lack of censorship in these fields merely helps conceal it elsewhere."

  6. Karl Burton

    I can't understand why Amazon sells this, I wouldn't have thought it was their thing

  7. Karl Burton

    Overwhelming. You can watch this and read along with the transcript, for anyone who'd find this useful, and hadn't noticed.

  8. Karl Burton

    Does anyone have a useful link detailing the book printing plates destruction, please ?

  9. Tim Cornish

    And you chide Gen X for being cynical. I guess receipts not enough to warrant?

  10. Tim Cornish

    This must be some new phenomenon that power is corrupt and not transparent as well as nudging the message. The USA invented it.

  11. Tim Cornish

    What? Governments hide things from their citizens and not transparent?

  12. Tim Cornish

    There’s some real gymnastics to reach the conclusion. 23:44 so far sounding as if through many loving parts, we forced Germany and Japan into their expansion and:or aggression. We maybe wanted an excuse, but proclaiming the Axis as dindo is a bit much


    I am very much persuaded by Dianne West's thesis in "American Betrayal" that US strategy during WWII cannot be understood until one understands the determination of the FDR admin to put the interests of the USSR above all things including those of the US. The British didn't have a chance.

  14. Borbali

    Which plates did they destroy exactly? I mean for which books. Does it not say?

  15. Chase

    I skipped the ad.

  16. Adeimantus

    Good stream, cheers.

  17. Made In England

    The world has been trying to respond to the factory system since 1780’s and a response to communism since 1871. It seems like a solution to the problems generated by modern capitalism but it always fails. Yet there are other solutions but the capitalists never suggest them.

  18. Porphyrogenitus [ポーフィ]

    "What happened to The Christophers why did they lose?"

    That organization still exists; they even have a website. But if you check out their recent annual awards (as I did) you can see what happened to them: like so many other organizations, they got converged into the blob. Their priorities are regime priorities now. I don't know the history of how they got from what they were in their origins to their condition now, but I bet it's the usual method of the subverters worming their way in through infiltration and just wanting it more. Happens at every level. Thus Conquest's three laws. With the codicil that even explicitly "conservative" entities end up…not conserving anything (call this R.L. Dabney's Law).

  19. Lone Wolf

    Isn't UO just a react video?

  20. ZG

    Excellent work, AA.

  21. Brock

    Skyrim sucks

  22. Churble Furbles

    Substack should be infrequent, after subbing to a few too many I find I just ignore the most frequent ones.

  23. Yo Ba

    Get Matthew Ehret to talk about this

  24. TheLifesentence2278

    WW2 was the war to save Stalin from the very beginning until the end.

  25. txr

    So, it’s -bergs all the way down
    …and it always was

  26. DeathsHead Knight

    LOL @ them kvetching about Oliver Twist and shutting it down

  27. Made In England

    The Russia conflict is going the same way as the ww2. You can read “the nameless war” by ramsey the sitting MP they jailed in 1939 for campaigning for peace with Germany

  28. Oki Nakamura

    This just wild. I never imagined how invidious and widespread the falsification and censorship has been.

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