Clients Reportedly Blacklisted by Banks; Are You at Risk Next?

by | Jul 25, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 45 comments

Clients Reportedly Blacklisted by Banks; Are You at Risk Next?

The UK government is looking into allegations that certain individuals are being blacklisted by banks with controversial political views. Doomberg says such blacklisting is a scandal and a threat to free speech. “You can be effectively evicted from modern society with no recourse, no due process and you can’t even see why.” Doomberg states. “If we don’t put a line in the sand and a stop to [this blacklisting] soon, it will be deeply quelling of free speech.”

Doomberg article “You’re Next”

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0:00 Intro
2:02 Blacklisted by banks
6:10 Banking crisis
16:57 Gold confiscation
18:45 Doomberg’s substack
19:38 Miles Franklin
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Banks Allegedly Blacklisting Clients; You’re Next | Doomberg

In recent years, there have been growing concerns about banks allegedly blacklisting certain clients. This practice, if true, raises significant ethical and legal questions regarding discrimination and financial exclusion. While banks have faced criticisms in the past regarding their business practices, this issue of alleged blacklisting is particularly alarming, as it highlights a dangerous power imbalance between financial institutions and their clients.

Banks are known to maintain stringent risk management practices to safeguard their interests. They implement various measures to assess the creditworthiness of potential customers, such as evaluating their financial history, credit scores, and ability to repay loans. However, there have been reports suggesting that some banks might be taking their risk management practices too far by engaging in blacklisting.

Blacklisting refers to the act of intentionally excluding certain individuals or businesses from accessing various banking services or financial opportunities without legitimate or transparent reasons. It is important to note that these allegations remain unproven, but the existence of such claims raises legitimate concerns.

The consequences of alleged blacklisting can be devastating for individuals or companies unfairly targeted. Blacklisted clients could be denied access to essential services such as loans, mortgages, credit cards, or even basic banking facilities. This denial may disrupt their ability to conduct normal financial transactions and limit chances for growth or financial stability.

One of the major concerns associated with this alleged blacklisting practice is the potential for discrimination. If banks indeed engage in selective targeting of clients based on their race, ethnicity, gender, or any other protected characteristic, it raises serious questions about fairness and equal opportunity. Discrimination in the financial sector infringes upon basic human rights and perpetuates systemic inequalities.

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To address these concerns, it is crucial for regulatory bodies and authorities to thoroughly investigate allegations of blacklisting and ensure banks are held accountable for their actions. Transparency and fair lending practices should be upheld, with clear guidelines to prevent discrimination and ensure equal access to banking services.

Clients and customers should also be proactive in understanding their rights and advocating for fair treatment. Staying informed about banking regulations and seeking legal guidance, if necessary, can help protect one’s financial interests.

Moreover, the rise of financial technology (fintech) and decentralized finance (DeFi) should be closely monitored in relation to blacklisting concerns. These emerging sectors have the potential to disrupt traditional banking practices and provide alternative financial solutions that prioritize inclusivity and accessibility. However, it is important to ensure that emerging technologies do not perpetuate or intensify discrimination in the financial system.

In conclusion, the alleged blacklisting of clients by banks raises valid concerns regarding discrimination, fairness, and financial exclusion. It is imperative for regulators to thoroughly investigate these claims to protect the rights and well-being of individuals and businesses. Transparency, accountability, and equal access to financial services should be the pillars of a democratic and inclusive banking system.

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  1. Liberty and Finance

    Thank you for watching! I hope you find this comment section to be a fantastic way to share thoughts and ideas! Always REPORT AS SPAM any comments sharing a phone number, email, any contact info, or trading advice. Be aware of IMPERSONATORS offering phone numbers, and please know we will NEVER put contact info in the comments section or offer market trading advice.

  2. Bodie

    Don't worry they won't ever blacklist Doomberg because he says he's gonna give the government all of his gold and silver as soon as they outlaw its ownership! With that vanilla-weak attitude, thank God he wasn't one of our founding fathers.

  3. Mike G

    This guy has way to much faith in government and policy.

  4. nucemgd

    Doomberg you're a little behind…banks and credit card processors have been denying citizens of the US access to services for many, many years now. This just for having unapproved opinions. Finally normies are getting a taste of it and they're shocked, shocked I tell you! Hahaha

  5. h0tne0

    In commercial banks can blacklist you then wait til you see the central banks shut off your CBDC. Oh it's not genocide, they just starved to death for having a different political or religious view. Don't think they aren't thinning the herd with toxic jabs to weaken the revolt.

  6. Phillip Wallbank

    Please get rid of this stupid bird crap.

  7. John Barabe

    Bail in's seem to be forgotten with the outlook that under FDIC limits are safe. I don't believe for a minute that the bank issues are solved.

  8. Stephen Odey

    Nigel Farage , has a tenuous handle on the truth . If true , he’s being probably being attacked by his political frenemies in power now , the Conservatives , who see him as a electoral threat .However everyone should be allow a bank account if they wish .

  9. Shaf Serious

    Whos the chicken?

  10. Det Yelram


  11. ET Baby

    Men today are cowards

  12. S T

    Fook banks, get out of the system bc its coming down sooner or later, and it appears closer than many think. We are just going to have to learn to totally ignore government until it dries up and blows away in the wind. Just trade you productivity with others directly in a barter club, you will get to keep all your earnings, and choke off the filthy criminal governments at the same time.

  13. Chris

    Doomberg? What is wrong with you Liberty and Finance? A stupid cartoon bird that doesn't know what it's talking about. The bank crisis is over? Won't be watching your show anymore. You just became a joke.

  14. Edward Schindler

    The BRICS currency discussed is supposed to be a TRADE currency, NOT a reserve currency. There is a huge difference between them and this was incorrectly portrayed during the discussion. Always pay attention to anything that you hear on U-tube.

  15. M B

    Doomberg once he shows his face I'll listen and give him more of w chance

  16. Over Engineer

    Doomberg I think you're going to be very wrong about the banking crisis being over. the fed has done everything necessary to make it explode and they can't unlight the fuse now.


    Doomberg makes too many assumptions about the stability of our banks. He states the "banking crisis" is behind us. He does NOT know that. I can appreciate his contribution here, but some of these "experts" are a little to overly confident in their abilities to predict future outcomes. I hold very little cash in the bank. Enough money for bills My savings are in metals. At this point it is not only prudent but a moral decision. Vote with your money. Making more money is not everything and not the end goal. Keeping our freedoms comes first. END THE FED. Gold is money.

  18. Koubena Kombi

    The amount of debt… agendas… even saying putin invaded ukraine… I think the green chicken has lost its ways. The marginalization of individuals by the system is already expected. Stop depending/using it. I know it is convenient, and so is freedom. Stop making concessions.

  19. RADEK

    stop paying taxes stop using the bankers currency problem solved

  20. All Things Prophetic Ministries

    What about import and export of goods not being done for excepted by the dollar of other nations

  21. DK viking KD

    We have built the most incredible free and flourishing societies in the history of the world, and yet we're moving steadily towards the ideas and methods of the Soviet Union..

  22. Stampatron

    The whole story about Farage is a very clever way for the powers that be to stifle free speech among the general public:

    "i best not speak out about the 'injustices' or i might lose MY bank account" will be people's subconscious narrative

  23. Pablo Hill

    I can tell him how to get around it

  24. rphb

    I am pretty sure I am already blacklisted based on my behavior of "withdrawing everything on my account as soon as I get something in"

  25. Greg Collins

    Rev 13 is coming true… "And no man may buy or sell without the mark…"

  26. Richard Gray

    I live in the UK and have little positive to say for Nigel Farage, but even he, in my opinion, should not have his bank account closed on a whim

  27. Chris Jones

    Total what?. Strange name for communism.

  28. B Ver

    Merger of corporate / state power defined by MUSSOLINI

  29. Thorsten Trapp

    Doomberg still doesn’t understand that you can’t trust the FED…too much talking crap. Does he know anything about history?

  30. Ray Demos

    Your hedged with gold, the problem is the inner city poor and not, see the problem, countries do not want to give away their physical finished goods anymore for fiat

  31. Marc Ritchie

    Rick rule will give farrage a bank

  32. 72Brundlefly

    This guy is clueless and has no idea what he's talking about? Why do you keep bringing on people like this? So you can become bigshots because you think they are bigshots? There was a banking crisis. There still is a banking crisis. Its trying to be swept under the rug and this guy is helping those in power do that. Its going to rear its ugly head again and soon. The only reason this guy is popular is because of click bait and his stupid emoji avatar thingy. No sane person would ever pay $30 over buying an oz of silver to sub to this guy.

  33. Randy Litwin

    I personally don't trust the fed….the bankster gangsters

  34. Fast Eddy

    SILVER is More VALUABLE than GOLD …GOLD is Little Brother

  35. Fast Eddy

    In Venezuela if Bill is used or torn its Not accepted

  36. Greg Speth

    Look what they did to Peter Schiff, they ended his bank . His bank was 100% funded ….

  37. Fast Eddy

    Safety deposit boxes are also going away along with your pensions . So dont forget to pay your taxes so you fund YOUR Own Demise

  38. Are You Smart AS A Silver Stacker

    Not the America I grew up in .. We fed the 50 year olds and the children back in my day … why are you paying taxes when your money is helping nobody ?

  39. Fast Eddy

    SVB and First National werent on The Bad Bank List lol…SVB had 10 CHINESE Billionaires BIDEN Bailed THEN Out lol

  40. Stan Burman

    Always a pleasure absorbing wisdom from Doomberg. Thank you.

  41. Gary

    Didn't a bank cancel Trump about 2yrs ago?

  42. apple pie

    I appreciate that your guest, Doomberg, is popular. But that doesn't give him an excuse to be on your show naked! At least insist that he wears a t-shirt.

  43. American Prepper

    I cannot wait until the far right is in power and uses all these tactics against the left to teach them a lesson so both sides stick to the middle more

  44. Jeff White Fitness Solutions

    If they can remove Russia from the banking system the average Joe doesn't stand a chance…

  45. UnpopularOpinion

    You can start your own credit union for a few thousand bucks and use the star interbank system for atm/debit transactions. What if we all had our own credit unions or community based credit unions?

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