Coincidence? Simultaneous United National & Biden Death Warning To America!

by | Aug 7, 2022 | Silver IRA | 26 comments

Coincidence? Simultaneous United National & Biden Death Warning To America!

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    do the research. nukes do not exist. why are cute women so naive

  2. DestroyNWO

    The USA and NATO are trying to start WW3 with Russia, and it will be a nuclear war. We should be trying to negotiate a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine instead of funding this proxy war against Russia.

  3. Disciple of Christ

    Things are heating up and the children of God are going home soon!

  4. William Brown

    Because biden is a puppet to the u.n and their greatest weapon against us is fear!

  5. 5 flapjacks

    Well, whatever happens in the near or distant future with all that's going on, make sure Jesus is your savior. Trust with confidence and understanding that Jesus removed all of your sins when He died and rose. Simple! If you need some teaching on the matter, the You Tube channel….faith cometh by hearing….has a teaching series titled, 'change of mind' which is more than able to help you understand the matter…

  6. Brainstain

    Maybe this is why the rich and Powerful have all bought underground bunkers maybe they know something that we don't. What a way to get rid of people than to drop nukes while the rich and Powerful hide in their bunkers or live in their underground cities. Are they priming us for this event you know their rules are they have to reveal what they're going to do before they do it that's Lucifer's law!

  7. Donald D Giesler

    One minute to the 12 o’clock to nuclear annihilation.

  8. Mark Cooper

    We are already in Tribulation and have been for more than a year. God said he would send his son back within a Generation of Israel getting their land back (1948)(Mathew 24:32-36). Psalms 90:10 A Generation is 70 or 80 years. 80+1948=2028. Revelation 12 Sign was back on September 23rd, 2017 and when you add the 1260 days (Rev 12:6) then you get March 6th, 2021 (Tribulation Started). People attack me all the time telling me I won’t know when Jesus will return. The Bible clearly tells you when he his returning. He didn't say you won’t know the Month or the Year, he said you wouldn't know the day or the hour. Everyone needs to read the Bible clearly and stop listening to Satan telling you that you won’t know the Year of his return when he clearly tells you in GODS WORD when he his returning.

    The Mark of the beast is WO2020060606 and its on our doorstep. It will launch in about 3 years give or take a few months. There are many other signs as well, More Frequent Earthquakes, Volcano eruptions, More Severe Weather, Plandemics, Vaccines killing people, One World Currency (Block Chain Crypto Currency and the Great Reset) which they have openly admitted to over a month ago (at the World Governmental Forum). The One World Government (Which the World Economic Forum has recently admitted to along with multiple World Leaders), One World Religion (Which the Pope is currently setting up with all other Religions except for Judea Christianity), and the Building of the 3rd Temple (all material is prefabbed and in a Wearhouse awaiting for permission to start construction). These are also the other signs talked about in the Bible. Why else does the Elite have Agenda 21 changed to Agenda 2030? Because at first, they didn't know what year Jesus was returning until just over a decade ago. Also don't forget Jesus Cruxification was almost 2000 years ago (30 AD). Also Elon Musk is working on AI Robots that will be out before the End of this year 2022. Even he admits you can work if you want to, but you wont need to because there will be Universal Basic Income.

    The bible doesn't support a Pre-tribulation Rapture Either, The Rapture is just moments before Jesus 2nd coming (either the same day or hour of his arrival). Satan put the Pre- Tribulation Rapture in to deceive Christians to take the Mark of The Beast. People that believe in Pre-Tribulation Rapture will never believe they are in Tribulation because they believe they will leave before it starts. Satan is counting on it, so when he releases the Mark of The Beast it will Not be advertised as the Mark so people will fall for taking it. Think about it, where was the Rapture for all of our Millions of Christian Brothers and Sisters that were tortured to death by the Roman Catholic Church’s 1st and 2nd inquisitions? God said that his people would perish for lack of knowledge. I just gave you the proof from the Bible of God Knowledge for his People. It's time to stop pretending and start believing in God's Word before your deceived in taking the Mark of The Beast.

  9. RebeLeigh Curtis

    Yup its not the same guy. He was already dead and if you compare pictures he had a scar on his forehead and the supposed current picture doesn't look like him and has no scar. I saw his obituary yesterday. Same thing with bin laden several years ago. Saw his obit and video of his funeral which showed his face and it was definitely him. This is all bs to buy votes! Obama did it and now biden. Don't fall for it!

  10. Jamie Mezs

    Kind of miss President Trump and a strong American. In November American people will vote in a constitutional leader who will be pro America.

  11. Troy Potter

    What about the threats the other 4 that the afghan chief was killed?

  12. Chuck Lindley

    I'm ready lets get it over with to many low lifes in this world tired of the threats Send everything to China Russia Iran strike first before they do and you know they will try

  13. William Chilianis

    Could be the bast thing to happen to the US actually. Something has to give .

  14. Rational man

    It is God and God alone who will destroy this world and create a new heaven and earth.

  15. tisrael8

    You are going to be nuclear annihilated according to the bible!

  16. t

    A domestic terrorist as president change my mind

  17. Sam Dill


  18. MultiSteve147

    As long as the knowledge of nuclear weapons exist, the threat of a nuclear Holocaust will also exist. The weapons are not the problem the knowledge of them are.

  19. Dean Newberry

    I love that camo jacket

  20. Look in the mirror

    The only danger for humanity is the USA and the criminal organization called NATO, nor Russia not China Not Iran.

  21. Louis Pawloski

    The UN that caused all this is complaining about it.

    This is just attempted gun control on an international scale.

  22. david broadhurst

    United nations needs to be destroyed!

  23. Frank McNeice

    Fear is a method of control I hope that's all this is

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