Comparing 401k, IRA, and Taxable Investing Accounts: Which is the Optimal Choice?

by | Sep 9, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 10 comments

What is the best investing account? A retirement account like an IRA or a simple taxable brokerage account? We are recommended retirement accounts SO often and for SO many people that they seem like the obvious choice for everyone. But the restrictions, rules, and limitations that come along with them actually make them a bad choice for some people. Speaking of bad choices…how bad is a taxable brokerage account really? It must be bad for taxes since its literally named a “taxable” brokerage. Lets do a little more digging and discover just how bad it is when we compare it to the competition!

⏱Handy Timeline:
0:00 Preview
0:10 Everyone recommends retirement accounts
0:33 Why we use retirement accounts
2:01 Personal confession
3:18 4 Reasons to avoid the simplest account
5:37 Using the money we invest
6:15 Using Roth IRA money
6:39 Using Traditional IRA money
7:06 Using 401k money
8:17 The problem with retirement accounts
9:00 The truth about taxable brokerage accounts
10:37 Example: $110k tax-free
12:30 The New Normal in Investing
13:45 2023 Long Term Capital Gains Brackets
14:17 The Strategy
14:47 The best way to get information
14:57 Which investing services I recommend
15:05 Secrets


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📈M1 Finance Investing: (Get $10-30 when you start investing today! To get it, invest at least $100 in an individual account or at least $500 in a retirement account)

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🎥 Investing Videos:
🐿Acorns 1-Year Review! [And My Actual Returns!]
🔑 M1 Finance 2-Year Review (The Good, The Bad, and The Rating)
🎥Best Investing Apps for Beginners in 2021:
❓What EXACTLY Happens to Your Money When You Invest:


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💰Yotta Savings: The savings account that feels more like a lottery! Use my link and we will both get 100 tickets! Just sign up with code BRENDAN4 or tap this link:
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📚The 3 books I recommend most often:
📖1️⃣Atomic Habits by James Clear:
📖2️⃣Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier:
📖3️⃣Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin:
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Which Investing Account is Best? (401k vs IRA vs Taxable)

Investing is an essential part of securing your financial future. And when it comes to investing, choosing the right account is crucial. It can be overwhelming to navigate through the various options and understand which investment account is best suited for your needs. In this article, we will discuss three popular investment accounts – 401k, IRA, and taxable account – and help you make an informed decision.

1. 401k:
A 401k is an employer-sponsored retirement account. It allows employees to contribute a portion of their salary before taxes are deducted. One significant advantage of a 401k is the possibility of an employer match, wherein the employer contributes a percentage of the employee’s salary to the account. This matching can be considered free money and is an attractive incentive to contribute to a 401k.

Contributions to a traditional 401k are made pre-tax, meaning you don’t pay taxes until you withdraw the funds during retirement. However, withdrawals from a 401k are subject to income tax.

– Employer matching contributions
– Tax-deferred growth

– Limited investment options chosen by the employer
– Early withdrawal penalties and restrictions

2. IRA:
An Individual retirement account (IRA) is another popular retirement account for individuals. Unlike a 401k, an IRA is not employer-sponsored and can be opened by anyone, regardless of employment status. There are two common types of IRAs – traditional and Roth.

Traditional IRAs allow tax-deductible contributions, but withdrawals during retirement are taxed as income. Roth IRAs, on the other hand, are funded with after-tax contributions, and qualified withdrawals are tax-free.

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– Flexibility to choose your investment firm and options
– Potential tax deductibility for traditional IRA contributions
– Tax-free growth in Roth IRAs

– Contribution limits lower than 401k
– No employer matching

3. Taxable Account:
A taxable investment account involves investing in stocks, bonds, or other securities without any tax advantages or restrictions. Unlike retirement accounts, contributions to a taxable account are made with after-tax dollars.

– No withdrawal penalties or restrictions
– No contribution limits

– No tax benefits
– Taxes are owed on capital gains and dividends

Choosing the Best Account:
Determining the best investment account depends on your situation and goals. If your employer offers a matching contribution, it is recommended to take full advantage of it by contributing to a 401k. The match is essentially free money and an excellent way to maximize your savings.

If you have already maximized your 401k contribution or your employer doesn’t offer a match, an IRA can be a good choice. It provides more investment choices and tax advantages, depending on whether you opt for a traditional or Roth IRA.

A taxable account is suitable for investors looking for flexibility, accessibility, and no limitations on contributions or withdrawals. It is especially useful for individuals who have already maximized their retirement contributions.

In conclusion, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all investment account. Your decision should be based on your financial goals, income, and eligibility. It may also be beneficial to consult with a financial advisor who can guide you through the complexities and help create a tailored investment strategy that aligns with your needs. Remember, investing wisely today can lead to a more secure financial future tomorrow.

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  1. Linet's Art

    My two cents is that if you are going to focus on a taxable account, then, you should also focus on asset protection to keep that account secure.

  2. DebtFreeStacker

    Would you recommend to match up to the company, maxing IRA, and the rest to tax brokerages?

  3. Mr. Berry

    I'm going with Roth IRA. As a Californian, nothing feels better than tax free stock growth!

  4. guzzi95

    I am happy with my 2 5 year, Fixed Index Annuities. And my 4- CD Ladder.. Of course I am not having to draw off of it at this time.. I got really tired of the yo yo stock market.

  5. Chaitanya Nandurkar

    With everything going on the secret word should be FTX

  6. 文文

    I always thought you are immediately taxed 20% on LTCG. Really awesome video!

  7. onlyGAMEPLAY

    thank you thank you for talking about this. I can only really afford to invest in 1 account and have no 401k. everyone says roth ira or your doing it wrong would it be bad in my case if I just went full force on taxable accounts in your honest non financial advice opinion ?:)

  8. Dale Hall

    Which is the best brokerage account type?
    Standard brokerage
    Margin account
    Retirement account

  9. Nathan Hostetler

    I'm a little worried about how pineapples are involved in investing… I do feel you missed an important feature of an employer's 401k, which is that it often offers some sort of matching, which is FREE MONEY! Don't pass that up, even if you have to wait to access it and for it to be fully vested. Also, my 401k plan offers the ability to take out a loan against my investment, essentially borrowing from myself at a very low interest rate. It was a great option for me to allow me to put a down payment on my house when we suddenly needed to move. But, yeah, there's a reason investors use taxable brokerage accounts… taxes are still really low for average people!

  10. Jordan

    the benefit to retirement accounts is that they force savings since you can't take the money out whenever. but yes I think most people would benefit from taxable brokerage accounts since with the deductions, they'll likely not actually be taxed on it. so like a roth ira plus an hsa plus taxable is a real good combo

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