Complete Guide to Mega Backdoor Roth – Say Goodbye to Capital Gains Tax Forever!

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 14 comments

Complete Guide to Mega Backdoor Roth – Say Goodbye to Capital Gains Tax Forever!

Mega Backdoor Roth 完整攻略. 跟增值稅永遠說再見 !
在這一集我將會介紹怎麼存 Mega Backdoor Roth. 需要完成這個高級動作的各項條件. 教大家怎麼樣才可以存超過普通 roth IRA $6000美元的金額.
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The Mega Backdoor Roth: Your Complete Guide to Saying Goodbye to Capital Gains Taxes Forever!

If you are looking for a way to avoid paying capital gains taxes on your investments forever, the Mega Backdoor Roth is the answer. A Backdoor Roth IRA is a method for high-income earners to contribute to a Roth IRA when their income is too high to make regular contributions.

The Mega Backdoor Roth takes that one step further, allowing more contributions per year and removing the contribution limit on regular Roth IRAs. You can contribute up to $58,000 per year, and all earnings within the Roth IRA are tax-free. This means that you can say goodbye to capital gains taxes forever.

Setting up a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA is simple if you already contribute to a 401(k) at work. The first step is to check if your company allows after-tax contributions. If they do, you can contribute up to $38,500 per year, or 100% of your salary, whichever is lower.

Next, you can rollover your after-tax contributions into a Roth IRA. This is where the “mega” part of the Mega Backdoor Roth comes in. Usually, there is a $6,000 limit on Roth IRA contributions per year, but with the Mega Backdoor Roth, there is no limit. You can rollover as much as you contributed to your 401(k) after-tax.

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The benefits of a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA are enormous. You will be able to contribute more than the standard Roth IRA limit, which is $6,000 per year. Additionally, a Roth IRA grows tax-free, so your investments can grow untaxed. This means that you won’t have to pay any taxes on your capital gains, even when you withdraw your earnings in retirement.

Overall, if you are a high-income earner looking for a way to avoid capital gains taxes, the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA is a great option. With the potential to contribute up to $58,000 per year and avoid capital gains taxes forever, it is an excellent way to save for retirement. Setting it up is also fairly simple, as long as your employer offers after-tax contributions. So, take advantage of this opportunity and maximize your retirement savings!

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  1. Caaat Tree


  2. eric Wang

    如果Roth 401K里也可以买卖个股,投资种类很丰富,还有必要转到Roth IRA吗?Roth IRA是跟着个人走的,不跟公司的,离职时Roth IRA不用动,但Roth 401K要把钱转到新公司的Roth 401K? 如果新公司没有这个选项怎么办?

  3. Molly Han

    感谢科普,我们公司说是有in plan roth 401k conversion,一年unlimited。也有in service distribution and rollover to ira的option,12个月只能做一次。但是奇怪的是 他们说如果我做了in plan roth 401k conversion,就不可以再用in service distribution 去把roth 401k的钱再转到roth ira里面了。请问是这样的吗?还是还有别的什么办法再转呢?

  4. SJ R

    請問自僱的solo 401k也可以這樣操作嗎?謝謝。

  5. ut C

    感谢科普。请问一下,如果不用roth 401K, 直接after tax contribution,然后In-service distributions 到roth IRA不可以吗?为什么中间需要有roth 401K这个过渡?

  6. Xun Yu

    非常谢谢您的视频,很有用的信息。能否请教一下,如果今年存入的after-tax traditional 401k contribution, 因为种种原因没能及时转到Roth IRA, 在此期间获得了收益。之后又成功conversion到了Roth IRA。那么在报税的时候,只有这部分的收益需要缴纳所得税吗?需要填写哪些税表?

  7. Larry Lai


  8. Eefun Huang

    我想确认一下是要先转到roth 401k还是after tax 401k?roth 401k是受19500的限制,不知道你的图示是否准确

  9. yining ma

    感謝您的解說。有一個問題可否請教,我可否不存traditional 401K, 而把57000的额度都存为after tax 401K, 再转到Roth IRA呢?

  10. Marvin H. Hsu

    感謝解說。我看了很多介紹,現在到了要實行的階段。有一個細節問題,幾乎所有教 MEGA Roth IRA 的影片都沒有提到的是。那個 After-tax non-Roth 401k contribution 的錢,一定只能從每個月的 Payroll 來 contribute 嗎? 今年 2021 年己經過一半了,我太晚知道這個方法。我能像 IRA 一樣,存自己的銀行戶頭,一次 funding 三萬塊美金到 after-tax 401k 帳戶嗎? 還是我只能現在開始設定 payroll 每月扣。要是我快要離開公司,也不能一次把它填滿嗎?

  11. Ripley Huang


  12. Shawn C

    Thanks for the video, you explained very well!

  13. Roxanne Tan Capaldi

    Too bad that my company does not permit after tax contribution… ☹️☹️

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