Conservatives Advocate for Eliminating ‘Inflationary Deficit and Taxes’: Canadian Political Discourse

by | Oct 1, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 40 comments

Conservatives Advocate for Eliminating ‘Inflationary Deficit and Taxes’: Canadian Political Discourse

During question period, MPs debate the cost of living in Canada and what steps are being taken to provide relief to Canadians.

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Conservatives in Canada have recently called for the federal government to eliminate what they call the “inflationary deficit and taxes.” This call comes amid ongoing debates surrounding the country’s economic recovery and the role of government in stimulating growth.

The conservatives argue that excessive government spending, coupled with high taxes, has created an inflationary deficit. They argue that this deficit is exacerbating the rising cost of living for Canadians and stifling economic growth. In their view, reducing government spending and cutting taxes will help tackle these issues.

One of the primary concerns driving this conservative push is the recent surge in inflation. Inflation measures the increase in prices of goods and services over time, effectively eroding the purchasing power of individuals and weakening their overall welfare. Critics suggest that much of this inflation can be attributed to the massive government spending programs enacted to combat the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Conservatives argue that the government’s response to the pandemic has been excessive. While they acknowledge the need for support during the crisis, they believe the scale of the spending was unnecessary and driven by political motivations. According to this perspective, the inflationary pressures currently faced by Canadians are a direct result of this fiscal largesse.

To remedy the situation, conservatives propose reducing government spending and cutting taxes. They argue that these measures will stimulate economic growth by allowing individuals and businesses to keep more of their hard-earned money. By decreasing the burden on taxpayers, conservatives contend that individuals will have more disposable income to spend, leading to increased demand and economic activity.

Critics of this conservative stance argue that reducing spending and cutting taxes may not be the most effective solution. They emphasize that during periods of economic uncertainty, government spending can play a crucial role in stabilizing the economy and protecting vulnerable citizens. They point to social programs and healthcare investments as examples of necessary government spending that helps improve societal well-being.

Moreover, critics highlight that inflation is influenced by a multitude of factors beyond government spending, including international commodity prices, supply chain disruptions, and global economic trends. They argue that attributing all inflationary pressures to government policies oversimplifies a complex issue and may not lead to the desired outcome.

The conservative call to eliminate the “inflationary deficit and taxes” adds a new layer to the ongoing Canadian political debate surrounding economic recovery. As the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of government in stimulus measures and managing inflation will continue to be heavily scrutinized.

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Ultimately, finding the right balance between government spending, taxation, and economic growth is a complex task. It requires a comprehensive understanding of the factors driving inflation, careful analysis of the potential consequences of reducing government spending, and consideration of the societal benefits derived from public investments. As Canadian politics navigate these challenging waters, it remains to be seen how policymakers will respond to the conservative call for lower deficits and taxes.

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  1. Marilyn Haley

    What liberals did is give millions more tax payers hard earned money to Ukraine while Canadians lose there home living in tents and staving

  2. Marilyn Haley

    Lol crypto ?? If that's all liberal has on Pierre, it's laughable

  3. paul donovan

    Poilievre continues to mislead. The biggest cause of food inflation is climate change.

  4. Scott Kononiuk

    Imagine listening to Francois all day long. Voice is as bad as Freeloaders.

  5. Lois Lilly

    Conservatives approving $626 million more for Ukraine is not a move to stop inflation; what it is is causing more war and death in Ukraine.

  6. Tommy chopper

    We are in a silent depression they just won’t acknowledge it until we’re all poor.

  7. GhostDuck0K

    Poilievre seems to be rallying the troops to give Mr. Champagne an Atomic Wedgie. All he needs is the baked-bean teeth.

  8. Chim Broadcasting

    No money for aged
    Blood work and eye care extra SHame on PO

  9. drummernico25

    Guinness book of record!! LMAO! PP destroyed Liberals. Can’t wait to become Canadian Citizen so I can vote for PP.

  10. Matt I

    Bitcoin is up 55% YTD

  11. Jumbo Me

    Hilarious Pierre demolishes liberals again. So fun watching the liberals spin in circles

  12. Littlelittle5

    Want to know where YOUR Money is going?????

    Canada's ODA (Official developmemt assustance) increased by a further 19% in 2022 to US$7.8 billion, its highest ODA spend to date, largely due to support to Ukraine (some in the form of humanitarian assistance), increased costs for in-donor refugees, as well as higher contributions to international organizations.

  13. dustin gray

    Do something real, get rid of the carbon tax, clean fuel standard and gst/hst on gas!

  14. Dan Adams

    Canada is so fucked…. I never even had a chance… Oh well… At least I can get some assisted suicide when I've suffered enough.

  15. Frank Stared

    PP speaks for the rich. Whatever he says, reasonable and thoughtful citizens need to do the opposite. For instance, taxes are too high for the poor and struggling but far, far too low for the privileged and rich and well off. We need to tax the rich until there are no poor…

  16. Nader naderi

    We do jot need " Mini Trump" in canada

  17. Littlelittle5

    LOL Students are an "ASSET"? that's all to the Liberals.

  18. Mel K

    Liberals only help themselves. Are you better off today than in 2015?

  19. Mel K

    Sean the drunk!

  20. Aaron M

    Two completely corrupt parties that barely pretend to care about the housing crisis. Love to see it.

  21. Rick Binda

    All of them useless and serving the important companies who have fed both parties who have switched seats?
    All useless ! Diect democry remote democracy WILL work we have learned by their own decisions out of the covid times .
    These puppets can be removed permanently anc a JUST system started.

  22. Loni Stepan

    The House of Commons has become an absolute joke. We pay these clowns a lot of money to get together, hurl insults at each other, dodge questions, and get nothing done.

  23. Os P

    I love how I can just wait a while and then Crypto will go up and they can quote this clip rofl

  24. Darren Porter

    Where's my grocery rebate?

  25. Im Sorry Dave

    12:45 How are international students “the future of this country”? Once again Liberals screw over Canadians-in favour of other countries!!!

  26. Im Sorry Dave

    1:43 Liberals are focusing on UKRAINIANS – not Canadians!

  27. April Goffinet

    Will Poilievre ever shut up!

  28. Dark Side of Reality

    They want to turn London Ontario into a 15minute city.Yet they don't question them on their true intentions for Canadians.

  29. AI_focus

    No, she doesn't have any plans. I bet she doesn't know anything about making plans.

  30. Littlelittle5

    The little munchkin from the Wizard of Oz started all of this!

    Go Pierre❤

  31. Mike

    Vote for Bernier.

    In an insane world, it’s the sanest choice.

  32. Chris P

    PP 4 PM!

  33. William Routhier

    Who’s the new guy?
    Like I said, who is the new housing guy Big L?

  34. cojo

    Its easy to be a critic. I would like to see the opposition offer more constructive solutions.

  35. C P

    I think electing Poilievre would be a huge mistake. Canada would take a huge step back. He's honestly right up there with Doug Ford. Dangerously incompetent.

  36. Johnny Weisberger

    With or without his glasses, Pierre Poilievre can pull U-turns around every Liberal in Ottawa. From Saskatchewan, hats off!!

  37. JSR

    i am a conservative and love pp more than andrew

  38. William Robinson

    At this point anything tabled by the Liberal or NDP parties is a joke.. mocking Canadians and pouring money into countries where we have no business at all.. Liberal NDP coalition was designed to tear Canada apart and its doing just that..


    It’s amusing ….. the only folks politicians care about are donors and corporate sponsors

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