Consumers Confront an Uphill Battle, According to SoFi’s Liz Young and August Inflation Data

by | Sep 26, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 18 comments

Consumers Confront an Uphill Battle, According to SoFi’s Liz Young and August Inflation Data

Liz Young, SoFi head of investment strategy, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss the latest market trends, why she says this week’s CPI data was either a positive or a worrying sign depending on who you ask, the impact on consumer, and more….(read more)

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Inflation has become a pressing concern in recent times, with rising prices impacting consumers’ purchasing power and disturbing the overall economic balance. As the world grapples with soaring inflation rates, experts and analysts have taken center stage to dissect and interpret the available data. Among them, Liz Young, the Head of Investment Strategy at SoFi, has been closely monitoring the situation, shedding light on the implications of August’s inflation data.

In her analysis, Liz Young notes that consumers are currently facing an uphill battle in dealing with the consequences of increasing inflation. August’s inflation figures, released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, indicate that Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 5.3% on a year-on-year basis. This surge highlights the persistence of inflationary pressures and strengthens the case for concerns surrounding the deteriorating purchasing power of consumers.

One major factor contributing to rising prices is the supply chain disruptions caused by the ongoing global pandemic. Manufacturing delays, shipping bottlenecks, and shortages of key raw materials have all played a significant role in driving up prices. From essential goods like food and energy to everyday items like clothing and vehicles, consumers are witnessing the steady erosion of their ability to afford goods and services.

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Liz Young emphasizes that the current situation puts pressure on both businesses and households. For businesses, rising costs hamper profit margins, posing challenges for sustained growth and potentially leading to reduced investments and employment. On the other hand, households face the burden of increased costs, forcing them to limit their expenditure and potentially reducing overall economic activity.

However, it is essential to note that inflation dynamics are complex and multifaceted. The recent rise in prices may not persist indefinitely, and the situation could change in the coming months. Liz Young highlights several factors that could potentially moderate the effects of inflation, such as the normalization of supply chains, pent-up demand subsiding, and reduced fiscal stimulus measures. As the economy adapts to the post-pandemic landscape, these factors may contribute to a stabilization of prices and ease the pressure on consumers.

Nevertheless, it is crucial for individuals and policymakers to be vigilant and prepared for potential outcomes. Liz Young suggests that consumers should proactively manage their finances, focusing on reducing debt and building emergency savings. It is also essential for policymakers to carefully monitor inflation data and devise appropriate measures to address any further increases, striking a delicate balance between stimulating economic growth and controlling prices.

In conclusion, Liz Young’s evaluation of August’s inflation data highlights the challenges faced by consumers in the current economic climate. The steady rise in prices has begun to erode purchasing power, negatively impacting households and businesses alike. However, despite the uphill battle faced by consumers, Liz Young also notes that the situation is dynamic and subject to change. By proactively managing finances and utilizing appropriate policy measures, it is possible to navigate these difficult times and ensure a stable economic environment for all.

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  1. Vitellius

    Inflation is re-accelerating. Government deficit spending is out of control like in a banana republic.

  2. Rima & Nahid

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  3. Tony B

    Another thing the rates are there that discussion is done, so 1 hike 2 hikes whatever the past ones are starting to be felt just intime for 90 plus oil perfect. Fighting the fed all year all year and winning sooner or later that stops in small caps it has a while ago

  4. Tony B

    I love how directly after this the market dropped and went down all day all day straight downtrend day.

  5. aloalo

    If I were FED would hike next week against all odds and without formally announcing it would call it a day and done for this cycle…no point in rising or cutting as long as going with the flow expectations

  6. Williams

    Hit 250k today, big thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months, i started with 14k in August 2022.

  7. Martin Morris

    thank you cannot subtract out all numbers cpi make politicians happy

  8. Vahid Buljkic

    China's Inflation rate is only 0.2 % . China is winning.

  9. W O

    Liz hitting the nail on the head here!!!

  10. anonsurf

    She always gives you a negative take on things regarding markets. Basically said high prices are hurting Americans in so many words. Yes, everyone knows that already.

  11. Da Masky

    thanks Liz!

  12. William Walker

    <I have about 5% of my portfolio in uranium stock, any advice on any other stock that I can grow my $300k capital to a million dollars?

  13. Ron Silva

    $103.00 to fill my tank yesterday in nut job CA .

  14. Jason Hutchinson

    Liz Young is on CNBC twice a day. At which point is she an investment professional or broadcast professional? I prefer the people who manage my pension and investments be more the former, than the latter.

  15. Charles Smith Franklin

    I really love your content. It is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. I'm excited I started making over $75k every 30days.

  16. 2023 Gainer

    AI Sector stocks Still showing Strong Dip-Buying in Sept. * SOUN.. SoundHound AI.. 79 % Gross Margin…42 % Revenue Growth… * NVDA.. Nvidia…* BBIG Big Bear…* GFAI.. Guardforce AI…* BFRG.. Bullfrog AI…* IDAI.. T Stamp.more.

  17. Robert Robert

    she is just so attractive. And smart. And intense…sigh

  18. Head Space and Timing

    Bravo Liz. Rarely do you hear analysts spell out that “prices” are still going up and it’s affecting Main Street America in a big way. She is very good at explaining where we are and not dwelling on predictions because no one knows till it happens.

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