Continued Banking Crisis: Bailouts, Retail Collapse, and Artificial Markets

by | Mar 4, 2024 | Bank Failures | 40 comments

Continued Banking Crisis: Bailouts, Retail Collapse, and Artificial Markets

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The world is currently facing a banking crisis of epic proportions. With the ongoing economic fallout from the global pandemic, banks have been hit hard, with many struggling to stay afloat. In response, governments have been forced to bail out these financial institutions in order to prevent a complete collapse of the banking sector.

One of the main reasons for the banking crisis is the collapse of the retail sector. With businesses shutting down and people losing their jobs, consumers are spending less and less, leading to a sharp decline in retail sales. This has put immense pressure on banks, as many of them have large portfolios of retail loans that are now at risk of default.

To make matters worse, there are growing concerns about the integrity of financial markets. With central banks pumping trillions of dollars into the economy in the form of stimulus packages, many experts believe that these markets have become artificially inflated. This has led to a situation where the stock market is disconnected from the real economy, creating a dangerous bubble that is just waiting to burst.

In response to these issues, governments around the world have been forced to step in and provide financial support to the banking sector. This has come in the form of bailouts and guarantees, with the hope that these measures will be enough to prevent a complete collapse of the financial system. However, many are questioning whether this is just delaying the inevitable, as the fundamental issues facing the banking sector remain unresolved.

See also  What Led to the Collapse of the Banks? #shorts

The banking crisis has highlighted the need for a fundamental overhaul of the financial system. It has exposed the weaknesses and vulnerabilities that exist within the system, and has shown that the current model is unsustainable in the long term. There is a pressing need for greater regulation and oversight, as well as a shift towards a more sustainable and equitable economic system.

In conclusion, the banking crisis continues to deepen, with banks facing unprecedented challenges in the wake of the global pandemic. The retail collapse, bank bailouts, and fake markets all point to a system that is in desperate need of reform. It is clear that the status quo is no longer tenable, and that urgent action is needed to prevent a complete meltdown of the financial system. Only time will tell whether governments and financial institutions will rise to the challenge and enact the reforms necessary to prevent a catastrophe.

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  1. @mylesshimabukuro7428

    Global elite free to do what they want to our markets with our money thanks to the bought politicians …the Elite provide the economy and money… thanks to our corrupt government… we need to take back our government …. we the people.

  2. @patrickv5563

    so i should basically buy a ton of put options on big companies and banks for 2021 is what your saying? when is this collapse happening and how can i profit from it is all i was waiting for? only thing i got was to buy gold and silver? what about garbage companies and public storage.. these did alright in the 08 housing crash..

  3. @granthill2980

    People lose all touch of reality when it comes to Santa clause and spend with their hearts instead of their heads at Christmas time! Christmas time! The secular world invented this bozo Santa clause to take from the significance Christ's birth to Christians. Our extended family have a huge dinner in His honor. No presents exchanged except for kids. And nothing extravagant. It's all designed to take our attention from Jesus Christ, in my opinion…

  4. @j.namwen.97

    Christmas is gonna be down.

  5. @nutral13

    so what's the total cost to date and the exact timeline of each pay out and cost; 
    this is probably the most important info besides which banks and no one seems to no the answer of the answers just vary(like 240 billion today) like is that the total cost or just today is the pay outs caped at 400 billion or has it already exceeded that number. it really pisses me of that people just taking without giving proper updates.

  6. @BLAM777

    Yes they should have been allowed to fail. GMC that's govt motor company has been bailed out what 3 times because they can't run their business right. Most places that don't run their place right go out of business, their not given our tax dollars so they can do it over and over. Sheep need to wake up. I believe the sheep will spend, spend, spend. So I guess a little up this christmas.

  7. @doinitforfun888

    Sell your property get out of the market before it's too late….

  8. @silverturd4421

    Just watch the first 30's of any commercial and Jeremiah will get credit. Thanks!

  9. @nono-mk7jg

    People buying crap with money they dont have trying to impress people we dont know

  10. @nono-mk7jg

    Real rich people i know, look like the beverly hillbillies.

  11. @jacobspranger1267

    Times are not scary. This is good. Most dont see it this way. They will in time. This is the greatest time in history. We are currently MAKING history! This is awsome. Dont be scared, be prepared. Good things are coming. Dont miss out on our opportunity.

  12. @edwardsather6226

    Woe be to those of us who rent in California. The slumlords are handing out "no fault evictions" and jacking up rents before a statewide rent-control law takes effect. This criminal act will make it difficult for those who want to save money or make down payments. What to do….. Where can I get GOLD? JB hasn't told us.

  13. @joycecastona5327

    Regarding home insurance. It depends on the contract and the exclusions. They may not allow coverage due to brush fires as such but will cover them for all other perils.

  14. @sallyclay1974

    The problem with the news media, is, the economy is only ok for the percentage of folks that have interests and stocks in our financial market.We have never recovered from the foreclosures of 2008. Most regular working people, can't afford to invest, or live in a luxury condo.The homeless problems, r all over the world.

  15. @lowreztv

    PLEASE address how I'll buy things with gold in the coming depression… I think cigarettes will be more valuable…. Gold is fiat, the WTC vaults were hacked on 9/11 and Ft. Knox is probably empty… no one even knows how much exists… it's no longer a standard or any more of an asset than a bottle of whiskey and probably less of value during very hard times.

  16. @danieltrammell1916

    Don't worry, Trump, Republicans and Network News said Wall Street making money. Unemployment going down. Who do you believe?

  17. @JJ-qo3cz

    They want people to buy expensive things like houses to pay more property tax, buy a more expensive vehicle to pay more registration fees, buy new expensive products to pay more taxes. It's all a set up to keep the economic machine and the government's functioning at a high level.

  18. @matts9518

    JB, you said you are paying off debt, so you are buying gold and silver even though you are trying to pay off debt? I'd focus on that debt first.

  19. @matts9518

    Most look rich, their life is contingent on working to keep up with their payments. Guess I'll enjoy that peasant lifestyle, but at least I pay cash for everything and I'm not reliant on a job that requires my soul, but to each there own, I wont judge you.

  20. @matts9518

    I love smoking my weed that I grew, but I'm awake and prepared, dont group all of us stoners in one group. Good luck to everyone

  21. @jostmeify

    Great stuff as always keep it up

  22. @tisheysman9738

    All eyes should be on this STAT:

    Historically, there were incidences, where government seats of power, such as capitols, have "moved into the interior," in order to "assert dominance," over the provinces deemed as threats…

    The United Nations set up a "compound" in Utah – yes UTAH – and told American Citizens they were not allowed to film, speak, or be in their "compound," because it is the jurisdiction of the UN aka their "mini state."

    The strategy of the UN going far into the interior of the USA, setting up there OWN jurisdiction, and calling it a "UN Compound" – is an emboldened encroachment into this nation's sovereign interior states, to engage in Agenda 2030 – Discuss, plan and implement Small Armaments CONFISCATION – and assert their perceived authority over US Citizens, on USA soil, by foreigners who do NOT acknowledge OUR Constitution, and are actively seeking to your it…

  23. @happyhealthyhuman

    its not how much is spent at christmas, its how much spent is on credit cards. that shows insanity has reached a solid level 10 in America today. maybe these people will be saved by a debt jubilee. next problem is everyone is fat sick and dependent on the expensive and garbage sick care industry and the toxic pills. total train wreck straight ahead.

  24. @monaoconnell5650

    I am not shopping for luxuries. This to me is absurd. Most of us are barely getting by.

  25. @michelesimko7541

    Pay cash. Pay off credit cards. Not an easy time when you do this

  26. @vahehovsepian5560

    So you think it’s Arizona it’s a good place to live I have three kids and I wanna know if it’s a good place to live

  27. @Chris-12423

    Jeremiah, It will not be a good Christmas for those that have money in stocks. Experts warning of a collapse before year end. Dec 11 will be the deciding date I think.. FED may not cut again. Watch this video: Yield curve possibly inverted last Dec! Lady in the video knows her stuff, and she used to work at the FED! 45 days to go.

  28. @purpletree8965

    Buy Food, water, shoes, camping equipment, have small bills on hand- 5's,1's. 10. No body will have change for 20's, 50's, 100's.

  29. @kalykalypso

    The sheep will NEVER give up their social media accounts.

  30. @ms8172

    And the S&P 500 hits all time highs today.

  31. @markymark7814

    I see it slowing down because my friend is in the retail business she can't even pay her rent

  32. @drrightwing4435

    The Q4 holiday season will be foretelling

  33. @MrEroshan

    Just remember you cant eat precious metals, I'm not selling you my provisions for some metal.

  34. @davidrynberk3675

    Another 450 to be laid off at the Ford plant in february was announced today where we live.Last month 200 were laid off ,so that is 650 jobs in a short time.

  35. @carlm2590

    What about Credit Unions will they be safe?

  36. @axethemonarchy4412

    Check out The Dollar Vigilante, Berwick snuck on Epstein Pedo Island

  37. @jacobeksor6088

    I’m Montagnard indigenous live in America before I use to shopping all the time but now until I watching you video I have to save my $ haaa

  38. @carlm2590

    He wasn't wrong about them even though he is reviled in history

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