Cox Predicts the Onset of Highly-Anticipated Recession in Modern History Is Just Getting Started

by | Jun 15, 2023 | Recession News | 19 comments

Cox Predicts the Onset of Highly-Anticipated Recession in Modern History Is Just Getting Started

Jamie Cox, managing partners at Harris Financial Group, says investors are not as scared about a recession as they are the fallout from a potential debt ceiling default. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO:

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BREAKING: Recession News


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Cox: We’re in the Beginning Stages of the Most-Anticipated Recession in Modern History

As economies around the world continue to grapple with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we are in the beginning stages of what could potentially be the most-anticipated recession in modern history. Like a dark cloud hanging over us, this impending recession looms large and casts a shadow of uncertainty on both individuals and businesses worldwide.

Often referred to as the “Great Lockdown Recession,” this economic downturn is likely to be unparalleled in its magnitude and impact. The anticipation surrounding this recession stems not only from the severity of the crisis but also from the fact that it was anticipated long before it even began.

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In early 2020, as news of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China started to spread globally, economists and financial experts raised concerns about its potential impact on the global economy. The unprecedented measures taken to curb the spread of the virus, such as nationwide lockdowns and travel restrictions, have disrupted supply chains, halted economic activities, and led to mass layoffs and business closures.

The signs of economic distress are already evident. Major stock markets have experienced sharp declines, unemployment rates have skyrocketed, and GDP growth has plummeted to record lows. Governments have been forced to step in and enact massive fiscal stimulus packages to mitigate the economic fallout. Despite these efforts, there are no guarantees that we will be able to avoid a widespread recession.

Historically, recessions have come and gone in cycles, but this one is unique in its nature. The unpredictability of the duration and severity of the pandemic contributes to the uncertainty surrounding this recession. Even if the virus is effectively contained and a vaccine is developed, the road to economic recovery will be long and challenging. It will take time for businesses to rebuild, for jobs to be restored, and for consumer confidence to return to pre-crisis levels.

The impact of this recession will be far-reaching and will affect various sectors of the economy. Industries such as travel, hospitality, and retail have already been hit hard, with many businesses facing bankruptcy or insolvency. The ripple effect will extend to other sectors, including manufacturing, finance, and real estate. Small businesses, in particular, will bear the brunt of the recession, as they usually lack the resources and resilience to weather prolonged economic downturns.

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One cannot understate the psychological impact of this recession on individuals. The fear of losing jobs, the uncertainty about future financial stability, and the anxiety caused by overall economic instability will inevitably take a toll on mental health. Governments and organizations must prioritize support systems and invest in mental health resources to help individuals cope with the stressors of this anticipated recession.

While the path ahead seems uncertain, it’s crucial to remember that recessions, although painful, are not permanent. Economies have rebounded before, and they will rebound again. Governments and policymakers must continue to closely monitor the situation, adapting policies and measures to ensure effective relief and recovery.

In the midst of this seemingly gloomy outlook, it’s important to remember that economies are resilient, and humans have an incredible capacity to adapt and innovate. Lessons learned from previous recessions can guide us through this unprecedented crisis. By fostering collaboration and embracing technological advancements, we can work towards building more robust and sustainable economies.

We are undoubtedly facing unprecedented challenges, but by instilling hope, promoting solidarity, and implementing effective strategies, we can emerge from this anticipated recession stronger, more united, and better prepared for the trials that lay ahead.

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  1. Karen Clayton

    Honestly crypto is quite profitable and lucrative I’m absolutely glad earning 27 percent weekly. I’d suggest you give crypto currency investment a trial and see for yourself it’s been all beneficial.

  2. The One And Only

    weve been in a recession for a year now

  3. On The Money

    You dont "predict" recessions. If everyone is expecting it it isn't happening! Lots of people going to miss out AGAIN staying on sidelines.

  4. Bobby Ward

    For those if you not old enough for 2008 or a student of history..they say this every single time. Google it and see for yourself all the headlines from past recessions

  5. Jim W

    Don't you mean the most anticipated depression in modern history, since we have been in a recession for quite a while.

  6. free88

    They say exactly this literally every single time. Its always the most anticipated recession ever, everyone is already positioned for it, consumer is strong, blah, blah, blah, and then you get wrecked.

  7. The North

    Consumers are strong and they’re gonna stay that way huh? We’ll see once student loans come back

  8. Lemarie Cooper

    A recession as bad it can be, provides good buying opportunities in the markets if you’re careful and it can also create volatility giving great short time buy and sell opportunities too. This is not financial advise but get buying, cash isn’t king at all in this time.

  9. A D



    fake news. no oil price spike. the oil price spike was in june 2022. so we entered a small slow down, and a stock market "bear" market. no real negative gdp to speak of. all is good. nasdaq will pass one more point of resistance by fall and then we are golden. banks will suffer a bit but nothing to worry about v shaped recover but a real recession once the 4.5 trillion enters the stock market , I would say 2026-2027 would be a credit crunch when oil does spike ( 200+)

  11. Franky Honnolus

    Consumers are so strong?? Is this a video from 20 years ago or what

  12. Dennis Bachetti

    My father left me quite an impressive portfolio and told me if Biden got in to get the hell out. He passed away soon after. Well it flourished under Trump, making over $170K . When Biden came in I went to my financial advisor and told him I was ready to cash out. As usual they talk their game and try to keep you on. Even my friends and family thought I should let it keep on flourishing. In short, Biden destroyed it. I’ve lost that $170K plus an additional $70K and it kept going down.
    I’m a fool for not taking my father’s advice about Biden or I’d be retired now. I am totally out of the stock market and have my money in bonds & CD’s now that pay didly. Hell, even PayPal is paying 4.15%!
    Obama was right about one thing : if you want something F’ up Joe’s your man”

  13. Adam Walker

    I'm so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever,hoping to retire next year… Investment should always be on any creative man's heart for success in life.

  14. TurtleSnap!!!

    Where can i sign up for his financial course?

  15. Max P

    that must be the recession all "experts" are talking about, yet nothing is happening.

  16. Charity Johnson

    How can I get more profitable investment in the market? Is this pump shorts getting wrecked and liquidated, or any indication of whale, corporate treasury buys?

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    BRICS announces New World Reserve Currency as America commits economic suicide.

  18. John Cris

    I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market. i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making over $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000. i need to know how to go about it. I need guidance on what investments to make.

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