Day 613: Ukrainian Map

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 41 comments

Day 613: Ukrainian Map

29th October 2023. RFs now standing at approximately 299k+ Military Personnel Losses.

Creator’s Overall Point of View:
These analysis videos tend to make commentaries on the shortfalls of an autocratic way of governance, like that of Russia’s.

More over, it’s been relatively easy to come across (in my daily research findings) examples of failures of this autocratic system (wherein power is consolidated by one person at the top[Putin]).

Thereby, creating a system where people within that system are afraid to speak truth to power – an inability for Russian Henchmen/Oligarchs to communicate to the Person at the top – openly, about the critical (pernicious) issues facing their country economically, militarily and technologically.

ie. An increasingly isolated and unaware Vladimir ‘Presitator’ Putin.

Looking to support me (Juzzie)?
This is quite the labor of love for me, although has started taking up 40+ hours of my week 😅, ouch!

If you’d be willing to support me, then so far you can Buy me a Coffee, at:


Patreon, at:

I won’t let the love go unnoticed!

I am still in desperate need of an upgrade to better computer 💻 hardware (I now have the pro🎙mic – thank you all!): so I’d put any additionally received donation support to worthy & fantastic use!

Most importantly: A new & faster 💻Laptop 💻, to speed up post-production (and push out these vids quicker!) at higher clarity too.

** Videos created for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. This content is edited as short excerpts and shared only for the purpose of awareness; all with a dose of Political Satire, and from the perspective of Education & Technology.

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*** Unexpectedly inspired by the political news and educational show stylings of John Oliver & Seth Meyers. Elements of political satire included.

Further information:
I do not condone vioIence. Please note instead that I do support a Country’s right to protect and defend its own sovereignty, the right to exist, and maintain its freedom and way of life.

Peace Out.

My Other Channel:


Juzzie: Military Supply Chain and Logistics Specialist. Technologist. Part-Ukraïnian. All Love.
===============…(read more)

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Day 613: Ukraïnian Map

On Day 613, the people of Ukraine celebrate Ukraïnian Map, a day dedicated to the country’s rich history, culture, and geography. This day is an opportunity for Ukrainians to come together and honor their homeland, its traditions, and its achievements.

The Ukraïnian Map celebration is a time for Ukrainians to reflect on their country’s past and present, as well as to look towards the future. It is a day to celebrate Ukrainian identity and the unique qualities that make Ukraine a vibrant and diverse nation.

One of the key aspects of Ukraïnian Map is the celebration of Ukraine’s geography. The country is known for its beautiful landscapes, from the Carpathian Mountains in the west to the Black Sea coast in the south. Through various events and activities, Ukrainians showcase the natural beauty of their country and its diverse ecosystems.

In addition to celebrating Ukraine’s geography, Ukraïnian Map is also a time to honor the country’s history and culture. Ukraine has a rich heritage that includes folk traditions, music, dance, and art. On this day, Ukrainians showcase their cultural heritage through performances, exhibitions, and other special events that highlight the country’s artistic and creative expression.

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Moreover, Ukraïnian Map serves as a reminder of the importance of national unity and solidarity. It is a day for Ukrainians to come together to celebrate their shared identity and to show pride in their country. The celebration fosters a sense of community and belonging among the people of Ukraine, strengthening the bonds that unite them as a nation.

As Ukraine continues to navigate through challenges and opportunities, Ukraïnian Map serves as a moment of reflection and hope for the future. It is a time to consider the country’s progress and to envision a bright and prosperous future for Ukraine and its people.

In conclusion, Ukraïnian Map is a meaningful day for Ukrainians to celebrate their country’s geography, history, culture, and national identity. It is a time for Ukrainians to come together, share pride in their homeland, and look forward to the future with optimism. This day is a testament to the resilience and spirit of the Ukrainian people, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty and diversity of Ukraine.

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  1. windowboy

    Are you the Perun dude

  2. Carol Williams

    Do hope the promised aid arrives promptly.

  3. Uninstaller

    Watching the Danish flag grow made me panic drink my Tuborg and Carlsberg before it came for them

  4. John Allen

    Looking at the map reminds me of East and West Germany. People died trying to escape Soviet domination.

  5. Badpress

    The comedy clickbait channel

  6. Flufy cat


  7. Victor Celna

    1:37 Where did you find Nadia, Juzzie?

  8. John Saunders

    I love Ukraine but i feel like they lost this year. Russia is getting everything they need from china while support for Ukraine from the west will dry up. And russia has taken more land than Ukraine in just a week than Ukraine has taken all year.

  9. Brad Crosling

    Russian ignorance will cost them for generations to come. Nations that support Russia will find themselves isolated. Go Ukraine!

  10. christopher cole

    They could be using invisibility shields made with thin Fresnel lenses

  11. saparotrob

    RE: 5:40 minute mark. Damn it man, was it a turret toss? Slava Ukraine!

  12. Christie Prince

    Rushia was attempting to trick UA to use their highly valuable ATACMS trying to Destroy fake RU Airplanes

  13. Samson David

    Your map hasn't changed since day one

  14. Live By The Sword Die By The Sword

    Ukraine are finished sadly,the Wall Street journal said today United States only have a few months of military funding left for Ukraine.Russia has over 300,000 troops just sitting back in reserve and the Russian army will be 1.2 million strong in the next few months.Ukraine have a serious manpower and ammunition shortage.The Russian army has been holding back for a long time now because they don’t want an escalation by NATO but the Russians are seriously thinking going all in to end this as soon as possible.

  15. Tim Hedley

    Juzzie top reporting as usual thank you! with the added benefit of dark humor, and evan not so dark, but thank you, absalute stand out reporting, Slava Ukraine, Glory to all the heroes, which includes the family's we don't hear about, glory to them as well, and god bless them all

  16. Nguyễn Thị Âu Cơ

    ❤❤❤❤❤ SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

    ❤❤❤❤❤ SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

  17. EagleMob

    Sorry J.
    MY posts don't got on.line
    Thank you for keeping us up to date.
    I give up on posting : (

  18. EagleMob

    hehe 60% of my posts deleted or Censored.. as i suspected.
    is Useless to post anything HARD issues on YTube.

  19. Geoff Currie

    Where on earth has the other daily update on Ukraine channel disappeared to over the last couple weeks, does anyone know. I always watched this one and the other?

  20. EagleMob

    NVM this posts will not get to you ..will be deleted from me , that is the BS policy from YT crap AI crap bs.
    67% from what we publish in YT will be deleted or Censored.

  21. Scott Smith

    First meme is absolutely the truth. Finland and Sweden are perfect examples. NATO has expanded not because eastern european countries love America, but because russia persistently treats its neighbors like garbage.

  22. EagleMob

    WE have now Ai=Artificial intelligence, We have AA=artificial algorithms , We have None Ai in some countries who use power to CORRUPT others with MONEY.
    This days all what #she=corruption" wants is MONEY . NO more #what she wants is a little baby#.
    Who invited Hungary to EU and NATO ?
    Maybe the most STUPID leaders in all EUROPE !!
    Unstable countries SHOULD NEVER ENTER EU OR NATO !!!

  23. Matt Beacroft

    Ukraine should be supplied with F-16s and long-range precision munitions, such as ATACMS (more, and the 300km variant of ATACMS should be included), and the russian military facilities inside of russia should be considered legitimate targets. Most likely the hesitance of Ukraine's partners in this regard is not directly due to concern about provoking the orcs (we all know the kremlin will bark loudly – like a miniture yappy dog – and do absolutely nothing else, for the russian orcs know they can not win a direct war against NATO). Instead, it is due to a concern by western politicians that their own populations might not fully support the military aid to Ukraine. However, such a concern is ill-founded. For example, support for military aid to Ukraine in the US is over 80% and still increasing. This is because Americans can see that not only is aiding Ukraine the ethical thing to do, it is the practical thing as well. America has spent only approximately 5% of our military budget so far to help Ukraine. However, more than half of the Russian army has been destroyed. This is a tremendous bargain by any measure! In addition to this, when russia is defeated in this war, their ideology of Fascist Imperialism will also be defeated, making Europe a more peaceful, stable place for many generations – preventing a new arms race in the region. That is why billions spent today saves trillions tomorrow. The vast majority of Americans understand this. Americans also want to see Ukrainian military and civilian casualties minimized. This is why Americans are correct to support giving Ukraine:
    1) F-16s and F-15s for air-supremacy.
    2) Grippen Fighters as well – they are less sensitive to rough runways, and easier to maintain – making them useful for some areas.
    3) ATACMS (more, and include the 300km version), and other long range munitions, and a carte-blanche to destroy orc military targets inside Russian territory.
    4) More Patriot and C-RAMs air defenses (Patriot missiles are expensive, so a tiered air defense is best – let C-RAMs take care of the cheap drones).
    5) M1 Abrams MBT, and M109-A6 Paladins (SPG), and A-10 Warhogs (for ruZZian orc removal in detail)

    To facilitate a faster Ukrainian victory, and with fewer Ukrainian losses, the democracies of the world need to send military support to Ukraine. Please write to your elected representatives to request this military aid. If you are a US citizen, please consider writing to President Biden and your other elected representatives, and demand Ukraine be given the above weapons – in war-winning quantities, and soon. The sooner we give Ukraine the weapons it needs to liberate all of its territory, the sooner this war will be over, and with fewer Ukrainian casualties. Letters can be submitted electronically via the Whitehouse website. One can also google for ones' elected representatives – many of which have similar websites. One may simply write and submit a letter electronically to make one's desire known.

    Slava Ukraine, Success to the anti-putin Partisans and Defeat to the orcs ! !

  24. ron s

    28th is good day, 29th not as good, below average
    18 artillery is still "above average" which is under 12.
    23 APC is above average of under 16

    I call the pyramids "dragon's dentures" …

  25. Ray Grant

    Outstanding Denmark indeed..!

  26. Noah Fence

    300,000 on halloween

  27. EagleMob

    lol to long post.. got YOU TUBED CENSORED to tell the truth.. YOU TUBE don't like that is bs!!!
    TBH FO YB and allso Elon Musk who try to rule on MEDIA!!!
    Russian lovers for the MONEY !!!

  28. EagleMob

    Countries in EU, that should be out is of EU should be Hungary and Serbia , in NATO is all so Hungary and suspicious Turkey.
    I don't understand WHY those countries are in EU so fast ???
    HUNGARIAN gov is not Democratic.
    Why EU support HUNGARY with millions and ORBAN is blocking support for UKRAINE as Democratic country??
    I BLAME on other EU member who AGREE that HUNGARY should be in Eu, and all so in NATO !!
    HUNGARY doesn't fit hour values !!! S%IT politics. MONEY MONEY.
    A EUROPEAN COMMUNITY CORRUPTED.. that is only good.
    Or is every one for themselves.
    HUNGARY =Out off EU and NATO, TURKEY out of NATO= Unstable country TURKEY. TURKEY Should NEVER been in day is Putin, the other day is Orban and Putin.

    ORBAN=HUNGARY is now blocking support to Ukraine 50 billion€ and is blocking all so Sweden to enter NATO.


  29. CV GODD

    Wow 300k already dead for Russia… and they’ll just keep sending them to die in Ukraine! Now they’re getting the immigrants in Russia to fight. They’re from Kazakhstan and other countries next to Russia. They are threatening to take their Russian citizenship if they don’t go fight for Russia! This shows they’re running out of real troops or they’re just sending all the cannon fodder in first. Than they’ll send in the elite troops that are actually trained!

  30. HangPutin00

    What happen? I thought Russian equipment was way superior? What's the matter, you can't even compete against western artillery? "20 years ahead of the west" I remember shills quoting. Lol, "world's 2nd dumpster army" North Korea holds the number 1 title regarding countries with Nukes, because we can go on for days about middle eastern terrorist armie and African terrorists armies.

  31. T S

    Juzzie, Great channel! In terms of Kherson, any engineering solutions to build the capacity to cross the river? Is it possible for AFU to prepare wooden pontoon bridges in mass for the assault? If they could bear the weight of vehicles, at least jeeps with manpads and mortars, this is an elegant solution for many reasons: (1) It's cheap, UKR has a lot of trees, (2) likewise easy to build and conceal within tree lines, (3) easy to move and install overnight, (4) easy to move in case of attack by unmooring and floating, (5) if destroyed by air, easily replaced, especial;y if the AFY builds up a spare capacity. True they have the metal segment bridges from NATO, but those are more valuable and should be reserved once the bridgeheads are fairly safe. What do you think? An offensive across Kherson could reach Melitopol quickly, once the AFU has some bases on the left side of the river. At least Kherson could be cut off from resupply at first, and then Crimea and Zaporhizia cutoff from each other.

  32. mjgasiecki

    Even with the heavy losses, Russia will probably take over avdiivka. It’s not great that they will lose such a stronghold

  33. d d

    probably because there are no new movements

  34. d d

    but the battle lines are hardly a movin'

  35. nicusor pelin

    WOW! what planet is all this happening on? or what good are these lies?

  36. Bluebandit

    15% rate is crazy, when my goverment raised rate to 6% there was a lot of protest since credit rates become so much bigger that some people couldn't afford them. Seems like russians are less keen to protest but it definetly means that a lot of russian households are in deep shit. I actually read somewhere that more than 10 milions working russians adults are in deep debt now and it checks out with this news.

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