Debt Reset, Gold IRA Conversion, and CBDCs: What You Need to Know

by | Jan 23, 2023 | Gold IRA | 38 comments

Debt Reset, Gold IRA Conversion, and CBDCs: What You Need to Know

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❓ Viewer Questions:
Question 1: 1:05
When the reset happens, how long after the reset would the banks reset all debt, i.e. mortgages, car loans and credit cards? Am I understanding this correctly: after the reset I would pay off all debt with the revalued gold and silver?

Question 2: 2:30
I’m 56 and would like to cash in my IRA, pay the taxes and buy physical gold. Since you have done this before did you ever feel nervous about your decision?

Question 3: 5:18
To avoid CBDC’s. Can’t we just all go to the bank to close our accounts and get cash?

Question 4: 8:21
In regard to CBDC’s, we see the problem, what is the solution for stopping them?

Question 5: 10:20
So if you have a gold coin how you going to go buy a loaf of bread, chipping the coin?

Question 6: 11:28
Why is the US mint not producing enough silver eagles to meet demand? isn’t that illegal?

Question 7: 16:47
Which one will come first… the collapse or digital currency

Question 8: 21:07
Why doesn’t the IRS accept silver or gold coins for us to pay taxes?

🔗 To see Lynette’s slides, research links or questions from this video:

See also  The Gold IRA by American Bullion


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If you want to know what to DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

Yes, Gold and Silver, but what types, what dates? How much of each? What strategy? And what long-term plan?

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See also  Could Crypto Be the Answer to Bank Bailouts? Tax Payers May Hold the Key

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  1. ryan bicera

    Do you think that central banks will back their CBDCs with gold . They’re already tokenizing gold on a cryptocurrency like xdc ( xin fin). I know ripple the company has had their hands with central banks and helping them build their CBDCs… now I can see CBDCs built on xrp ledger being backed by gold. They would be able to trade something like digital pound with digital USA dollar using xrp and it would settle in 3-5 seconds. If these CBDCs are backed by gold fine right. But Chinas CBDCs are not private at all. They can use your facial scan to charge your WeChat or wallet or whatever your CBDCs in. Everything’s traceable and taxable on their cbdc ledger.

    Interesting how the adoption will take place.

  2. C R

    I have no family as a victim of child abuse, tried to change my life got through 3 years of a law degree just to have the very large and powerful corporate firm I worked for steal my wages and bully me for months about it.

    I learned about finance there and have been warning people and being called crazy for a few years now. Sadly I've been unemployed since. People at the firm honestly seemed oblivious, one of my mates had an economics degree said don't be silly the fed reserve will fix it like damn.

    But long story short I have no community and no assets. I am probably going to starve but not before my beautiful pet bunny im sure and it makes me quite sad.

    Though as capitalists say – life isn't fair.

  3. Lisa Lockwood

    The shortages will definitely get worse if they bring in money that has to be spent within a certain time frame or ot goes away. Then people have to rush out and spend it and pretty soon, there's nothing left on the shelves for people to buy.

  4. Aldo Urbina

    what about crypto

  5. Private Uploads- Geo

    isn't it true that last year the BIS re-designated gold, so that is now a Tier-1 asset, meaning it can be held on the books at face value? If gold is revalued skyward, this might make these failing banks "solvent", whereas many are not right now.

  6. David Ramadeen

    All Baloney: The RESET to NOTHING. You will OWN NOTHING.

  7. Mariana Megyeri

    Sorry, is just my point of view:
    If you think Rotchild banks were bad, just wait for CENTRAL BANKS…no cash…no freedom…this will be our END,FREEDOM HUMANITY END!!!
    I don't see the hope are we are fighting than? To have credit score and CBDC? Gold and silver… for you and the banks… I don't have any financial opportunities to buy precious metals…
    That's mean is really THE END, a bad one!

  8. Michael Sorrell


  9. Gavin Claassen

    How will Fiat CBDC's hold any more purchasing power than our current paper fiat Dollar ? Unless the Fed is going to "gold back" their CBDC's i cant see a CBDC Dollar buying any more than a paper fiat Dollar ???!!!

  10. Pat kelly

    SMH… People look up basil 4. NO contracts w gold. As of now BRICS countries are digital and asset backed LIKE GOLD AND OIL, ALSO OFAC. CBDC are fiat which died in 2008. Please look up Ripple and XRP. You need a PPM in a International lawyer. You need s Land trust with land. LOOK INTO GLINT Sorry Digital it 100% QFS shes half right but VES/ Venezuela rate is $16,00 lol….. America is buying OIL FROM VENEZUELA .. EGYPT JOINED BRICS THATS IT, YOU KNOW LIKE RUSSIA. SMH. Americans look into RIPPLE PLEASE backed by gold and the world is connected aka banks u cant buy anything with gold bar.

  11. Donni Don

    QUESTION: If the future is digital currency, do you think that legal tender coins will stop being minted as well? Maybe coins will be even more valuable in the future if they stopped minting them! Thoughts? Thank you for time and knowledge, you rule, blessings from Sydney Australia

  12. Kat

    Thanks for the response; I'm starting to really worry; and was hoping to hear something positive here. As I'm a real estate broker, and sounds like I will go bankrupt before we do anything else…sales have diminished incredibly since October 2021

  13. Jeanne Burden

    where would you get your gold from? is Kitco a good place

  14. Desert Sky

    Question: How can you/we get detailed info on HOW Wells Fargo Bank is involved in the FedCoin beta testing?-–I've called Well Fargo Bank, gone to three branches & spoken to the Managers & Tellers, and NOT ONE Wells employee has even heard of CBDC / FedCoin!—-
    They have no clue that Wells is part of the beta test of FedCoin, nor have they heard the term
    CBCD (Central Bank Digital Currency—for any Wells employees reading this post).

    Thanks again, Lynette & Eric!!!—-God Bless you both & keep up the great work to help Mankind over the evil that is attempting to destroy everything we love & know.

  15. Kat

    All of this sounds so complicated. Is there someone in each state that you recommend to walk us through all of this?

  16. T M


  17. Will Loudner

    I used to pay $2 over spot for silver buffaloes. Now silver buffaloes are $6 Plus over spot if you can find them.

  18. MrRRHHMM


  19. Chuck 555

    I bought a roll of 2023 silver eagles at $38.33 each

  20. Chuck 555

    No doubt they will try to ban the holding of gold and silver

  21. Pavol Biskup

    Good job, guys. I am looking forward to watching another video.

  22. CharlieNya

    Isn’t it true that there is not enough gold, let alone “collectible” gold for every US citizen to purchase just one ounce?

  23. Lucien Blondeel

    What if they make holding gold illegal?

  24. Tim Fatout

    Government will confiscate gold and Silver – they will set a bogus price and force everyone to sell their gold and silver to the government for CBDC. We will probably see "Black Currencies" – Illegal paper money, controlled by gangs and organized crime – will make the gangsters of the 1920s look like school children.

  25. Tim Fatout

    The health care industry always consumes all of everyone's retirement money.

  26. Anthony Bostock

    So what Lynette is talking about when she says you need to hold cash, what she means is that you should be holding Gold and Silver not the fiat currency that is currently being printed and thrown around the place.

  27. Nick Kautz

    Happy New Year!

  28. John Ingram

    Wait, ok he just said there has been a serious demand/supply shortage (or issue) in silver for the past three years. On January 4, 2020 the price of an ounce of silver was $18.06 and today on January 4, 2023 the price of an ounce of silver is $23.75. I have one word for that …..PATHETIC! You guys say these things insinuating that this "demand/supply shortage" has caused the price of silver to go up meaning that it was somehow a great investment. Not only is that RIDICULOUS, more importantly what you fail to mention is that the silver market is 100% manipulated by the fake millions of ounces per day paper trades on the criminal COMEX.

  29. John Ingram

    Well, by purchasing income producing property, you are assuming that the income producing property never stops being income producing property. Income producing property is in no way just 'set it and forget it". One has to constantly insure, repair and replace wear and tear aspects, annual upkeep and maintenance, have property management company (not cheap either) or do it yourself while you still have your health, AND effectively market it against your competitors for tenants on an ongoing basis. Drop the ball on any one of those aspects and your "income producing property" loses value, loses tenants, etc and can easily become income negative. I have owned income property and it is anything but easy. Pass it onto your children you say? Who of these children are going to take the responsibilities that I just mentioned to keep it income positive. They likely won't.

  30. John Wheat

    Did I detect a caveat here Lynette? "The Absolute, Safest Thing I Can Do At This Point In Time" I think you know full well, should there indeed be a reset, and a fundamental revaluation of gold, the tectonic plates are going to shift detrimentally for stackers. Even a return to "A Partial "Gold Standard" would require a massive revaluation, and subsequently, prohibition. There are several ways that gold prohibition could be implemented, confiscation, nationalisation, a windfall tax, perhaps in the region of 70-80%, maybe all of the above. And this time round, apart from personal effects, jewelry, and items of historical significance, there won't be "A Get Out Of Jail Free Card" labeled, "Collectables". I realise that ITM is a commercial enterprise, it sells stuff, including strategy. But thinking around corners strategies, should always include the possibility, that the powers that be, will likely be coming for you!

  31. Ignition BlastOff

    Like it or leave it, CBDC's ARE COMING.

  32. m l

    Voting won't work. Just stack.

  33. Greg Douglas

    Doesn’t it seem a little odd that the US Mint can’t get the blanks to make Eagles, but Canada, Australia, UK, China, Austria, South Africa, and everyone else can??? Umm. Something doesn’t add up.

  34. Are You Smart AS A Silver Stacker

    They wont do it without also doing a Genocide with it . Inflation will be out of this world if supply slows from Recession.. How can they print 10 tril in 2 years and than have a recession 2 years later ? Will involve a Genocide on us .

  35. OVER HERE!

    I say again and I’ll say it again
    In gold I trust, silver is my friend, canned goods an acquaintance.

  36. Yodel-Lay Hee-Hoo

    What is going to happen to people that are on welfare?

  37. Wayne Faulkner

    Great show to start 2023.
    In 2009 the Basel Committee recommended Gold be a Tier 1 asset.
    In 2019 Gold was made a Tier 1 asset.
    Check out the 20 year gold chart, China started buying gold in 2009.

  38. Rob Vandrish

    You can buy fractional gold 1 gram, 2.5 gram, 5 grams, 1/10th, 1/20th oz etc

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