Deutsche Bank’s Crash and Severe Recession are Further Complicating the Banking Turmoil.

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Recession News | 34 comments

Deutsche Bank’s Crash and Severe Recession are Further Complicating the Banking Turmoil.

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Deutsche Bank disaster.
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Over the past few years, the global banking industry has been experiencing tumultuous times, with many financial institutions struggling to stay afloat amidst a whirlwind of economic uncertainties. The banking hell is worsening, and the Deutsche Bank Crash and severe recession have thrown the sector into further turmoil.

Deutsche Bank, one of the largest banks in Europe, has been in crisis mode for a while now, with its share price tumbling to record lows in recent times. The bank has been plagued with issues from regulatory fines to internal problems, with its CEO stepping down in April 2018 amid mounting criticism over his handling of the bank’s problems. As a result, the bank has been forced to embark on cost-cutting measures, resulting in thousands of job losses.

The Deutsche Bank crash comes at a time when the world’s economies are facing severe recession due to the coronavirus pandemic. With businesses shutting down and people losing their jobs, the financial industry is also experiencing a significant shock. With global markets facing significant drops due to the pandemic, the banking industry is at the frontline of a crisis that is worsening day by day.

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The severity of the situation has prompted many governments to take measures to protect their economies, with central banks lowering interest rates to cushion the impact of the crisis on businesses and households. The U.S Federal Reserve has lowered rates to zero, while the ECB has announced a €750 billion emergency bond-buying program. However, the measures taken so far may not be enough to weather the crisis, leaving the sector in danger.

The banking industry is facing an uncertain future, with many experts predicting that a full-blown recession is on the horizon. With the Deutsche Bank crash, one of Europe’s largest banks in crisis mode, it’s clear that more challenges lie ahead for the industry. Banks that are struggling to remain viable will need to take drastic measures to stay afloat in the coming months.

In conclusion, the banking hell is worsening, and the Deutsche Bank Crash and severe recession have thrown the sector into further turmoil. The pandemic-induced recession is taking its toll on the global economy, with the banking industry facing significant challenges that may persist for some time. However, with the right measures in place, the financial sector can weather the storm and emerge stronger from this crisis.

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  1. Meet Kevin

    Can't believe I got Affirm for the courses! Part of a select group of beta testers for this! People love the courses!!!

  2. Agnie

    Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was the 16th largest bank in the US, and it wasn't subject to the most strict controls. How many banks actually are subject to those controls, besides the big four? Any bank could suffer a run and fail, and if that happens to a community level or even state level bank it probably won't upset the national economy or ecosystem of banks, but any multi-state bank should be more closely watched.

  3. LlywelynYllevyn11

    Meet Kevin, Steve van metre, meta, beyond meat, baphomeat, lots of fresh meat from fresh kills. Lots of steal in fresh kills from the world trade center onward towards roubinis megathreat. Lots of pain and supply chain interruptions. Singapore private bankers will have every one singing poor. Venture capitalist are pulling their money and bankrupting banks all over the United States and Europe. Everyone is fd I see. Fd I See won't help, these occultist have set this up. These London new york Chicago Vegas boljewviks, along with the Jesuit templars, it is not conspiracy theory.
    It is real. Octogon from Switzerland and England. I see what they are doing. I don't worry. We will get them all. All of them are going down. Chabad and Fram and all are going down with their congress. We will restore the many, Elijah restores in malachi 4. Do not worry. Now your playing with Mr. Brownstone, worry is a waste of your time, I won't leave you alone. We will restore to better than ever. I won't leave you alone, the gun and the roses won't leave you alone.

  4. Kay Hussain

    2023 intrest rates are gonna go down thanks to this banking non sense so more inflation then more money printing

  5. angga

    Aku tdk akan memberi keuntungan info utk mereka yg bukan tim red flag.
    Dunia milikku.

  6. angga

    Makanya jangan main main dengan suku bunga

  7. angga

    Assalamualaikum ibu Sri Mulyani. Pak Jokowi. Mohon persiapkan peta pertahanan ekonomi utk Indonesia sesegera mungkin agar tdk ikut terperosok ke jurang kejatuhan skandal ekonomi dunia. Insha Allah sudah kami blokir agar Indonesia tdk terdampak, tapi mohon gunakan segala cara menaikkan optimisme publik di perbankan lokal kita atau bank2 dengan reputasi terbaik , persiapan segala cadangan anggaran utk segala situasi

  8. ADRIE

    Damn I wish I could sponsor you guys

  9. OKEIVORY 30

    Investing in alternative income streams that are independent of the government should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment.

  10. Du-rock KOUMASSI

    The question is are we going to trust the one who said "inflation is transitory" ?

  11. G Money

    the risk that everyone is missing here is the exact same thing that caused 2008….. its MBS… its always MBS lol. yeah the MBS's are not themselves garbage like in 2008, BUT they are being valued based on the shiller home price index, currently down ~4.4% from 2021 year end highs.
    the problem is that if you calculate the equilibrium home price value just based on individual affordability, go ahead, type in a 4% down loan at 2021 4%APR, and then find the new value for that same house with everything the same (final monthly payment) but use the current garbage 7% APR rate banks need to charge.
    you realize that home prices should approach a -25% change in value over time….. the problem is that all these MBS's that the banks are holding are being marked down only 4.4%….. and thats the shell trick that j powell, j yellen, and j biden are doing when they go on TV and say THE BANKS ARE WELL CAPITALIZED AND SOLVENT EVERYONE NEEDS TO CHILL.

    nah dude, MBS' are going to go the same way as all these bank's greedy+dumbdumbdumb unhedged bond assets.
    yeah we may have given banks a 12 month lifeline/bailout on their dumbdumbdumb bond gambles, but the other half of most banks' assest portfolios is in MBS' and those have a potential unrealized loss of an additional -20.5%! (-25% – 4.5%)

    the banks are not well capitalized and are not solvent and are playing their last cards unless the fed takes dramatic steps soon to lower interest rates….. stop making new tools and complicating this new stealth QE while we are saying we are doing QT…. we have to lower rates or its game over…. the problem is if we do that the rich will get poorer and the poor will get richer…

  12. Leah Rolan

    One world order and one bank left standing? This is terrible and if anyone has 1 account with more than 250k, fix it.

  13. AmyX

    Should I sell my BND?!

  14. Terry judge

    I'm really worried about the current bank crisis. If a bank as big as SVB could fail, I fear for a lot more. I know a friend who is running a high-growth startup, and was badly hit by the bank run. I have pulled out more than $340k from my bank. After all, the FDIC covers only up to$250,000, and the implosion could have bad effect. Looking to invest into the stock market now. Does anyone know how I could go about it?

  15. colin bickford

    So if all this is going on why can this not happen in Canada? I seen Brett Wilson say yes not even worried a little bit about it in Canada.

  16. James Riley

    Whoop whoop far otm puts will print

  17. garry garmash

    You should be embarrassed to push buy now pay later.

  18. Eliah B

    Bond holders got screwed, right? They always find ways to protect the shareholders. Hahaha, good that the 1 tier holders back out. This might be an explosive situation. Thx for the explanation… Good job…

  19. Evelyne Bushari

    Dear Kevin u need to seperste ur adds from ur outcast pls!

  20. Natalie L Soloperto

    are you sure you wouldn't rather tell everyone "the banking heaven is bettering" like all the governments?

  21. books from Windblown

    2021 January storming of the capitol.
    2022 February: Russian invasion.
    2023 march: banking collapse

  22. G M

    Are you in the lobby of a hotel doing this? Wtf?

  23. Theressa

    The recent bank bailout serves as a timely reminder for businesses to diversify their financial holdings and mitigate risk. It is essential to allocate funds proportionately across multiple investments to prevent significant losses in case of any financial turmoil or market downturn. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?

  24. Ashish

    Is this phenomenon worldwide

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  26. robloxedits1

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