Did the Anticipated Recession of 2023 Just Get Called Off?

by | May 21, 2023 | Recession News | 40 comments

Did the Anticipated Recession of 2023 Just Get Called Off?

Let’s discuss the 2023 Recession, how the Federal Reserve might be able to perform a Soft Landing, what this means for home prices, and how the IRS may be changing – Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan | GET MY WEEKLY EMAIL MARKET NEWSLETTER:



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As The Boston Globe Pointed Out, throughout the last 6 recessions that have been confirmed…there is an AVERAGE LAG TIME of 7.3 MONTHS between the time a recession takes place – and the time it’s actually announced. in the 44 years they’ve been operating, they have never ONCE had to rescind or change their declaration – which means, they’re extremely accurate – and as a result, the process takes almost a YEAR to compile. That’s why: we only know about it…when it’s already over.

Just recently, Goldman Sachs shared their thoughts that 4 US Cities could see a “2008-style housing crash” throughout 2023. As they say: San Jose, Austin, Phoenix, and San Diego “will likely see peak-to-trough declines of more than 25%….such declines would rival those seen around the country around a decade-and-a-half ago” – SIMPLY because: those were the areas which already saw some of THE MOST growth since 2020.

Obviously, that kind of price growth is completely unsustainable – and, with interest rates going up – we’re bound to see a rather substantial drop throughout some of the hottest markets. In fact, Goldman Sachs says that “Home prices are believed to have peaked in June of 2022,” which means – on a NATIONAL basis…we could see a decline of 10%, before growth begins to recover in 2024. On top of that, Morgan Stanley anticipates a 4% drop from stagnant demand, Wells Fargo seeing declines of 5.5%, and Interactive Brokers calling for more than 20%.

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The White House just introduced: “The Renters Bill of Rights.”

Under this, The Federal Housing Finance Agency would examine limits on rent increases, and prevent tenants from being unfairly denied access to housing. In addition to that, lawmakers have called on the FTC to issue new regulations on excessive rent increases, enforce actions against price-gouging, and limit rent charged with properties that are financed with government backed mortgages.

However – unfortunately, studies have found that rent control does NOT help with housing affordability. In fact, a 1992 poll of the American Economic Association found that 93% of its members agreed that “a ceiling on rents reduces the quality and quantity of housing.”

On top of that, a Stanford study has argued that Rent Control actually has an ADVERSE affect on prices for renters and actually works AGAINST making housing more affordable.

-Rent controlled tenants were 20% more likely to stay in their unit.

-Renters were more likely to move elsewhere if they didn’t have the incentive of having their rent capped where they currently were living

-Landlords of rent controlled buildings were more likely to convert their buildings in such a way that it wasn’t rent controlled, reducing the amount of housing by 15%

-The loss of available housing drove up prices of rental units. It was found that a 6% decrease in housing supply led to a 7% increase in rental prices.


Michael Burry posted a rather ominous chart of the 2001 Dot Com bubble, showing that – the prior rebound was eerily similar to what we’re seeing today…before dropping another 30%…and, even though ANYTHING is possible, my guess is that we’re largely going to look to the FED throughout these next few months to determine whether or not the worst is behind us.

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The year 2023 was long anticipated to be the year of the next recession, with many economists predicting a downturn in the global economy. However, recent events have prompted a rethinking of those predictions, and some experts are now suggesting that the 2023 recession may have just been cancelled.

One of the biggest factors contributing to this shift in outlook is the unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus that has been implemented around the world in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Central banks have slashed interest rates and injected trillions of dollars into financial markets, while governments have rolled out massive stimulus packages to support businesses and households.

These measures have effectively propped up the global economy and prevented a widespread collapse that many feared at the outset of the pandemic. While there have certainly been significant disruptions and economic hardships, especially for vulnerable communities, the overall impact has been less severe than many had expected.

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Another important factor is the nature of the current recovery. Unlike previous economic recoveries, which were driven by growth in specific industries or sectors, the current recovery is being fueled by a broad-based resurgence in consumer spending and business investment. This suggests that the recovery has greater momentum and resilience than previous recoveries, and is less susceptible to a sudden reversal.

Of course, there are still risks and uncertainties that could derail the recovery and lead to a recession in 2023 or beyond. A resurgence of COVID-19 or the emergence of a new variant could disrupt economic activity and lead to renewed lockdowns and restrictions. Geopolitical tensions, such as the ongoing trade war between the US and China, could also pose a threat to global economic stability.

However, despite these potential risks, the overall outlook for the global economy is increasingly positive. Economic growth is expected to remain strong in the coming years, driven by rising consumer confidence, robust business investment, and supportive macroeconomic policies.

In conclusion, the idea that the 2023 recession has been cancelled may seem far-fetched to some, but it is increasingly becoming a plausible scenario. The unprecedented fiscal and monetary stimulus that has been implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the broad-based nature of the current economic recovery, suggest that the global economy may be more resilient than previously thought. Of course, there are still risks and uncertainties that must be monitored closely, but the overall outlook is increasingly upbeat.

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  1. YeetusOnix97

    Reminder that sales taxes are regressive

  2. Matthew Nirenberg

    Abolishing the IRS and having a flat 30% sales tax is a great idea and easily implementable if done by the federal govt, especially given most people are using electronic payment methods these days.

    As for housing – building more won't do anything other than make everything worse. They're doing that in Australia and guess what, houses are getting more impossible to afford. Why? Because every time they build more housing or new suburbs, its always marketed as the "best thing ever" and priced according to the neighbouring areas plus a premium because its new and "fancy", no matter how average it is.

    This simply pushes the areas prices up by increasing local property values. Then to make it even worse, they let foreign companies and foreign investors (who aren't citizens or permanent residents) swoop in and buy it all up for insane prices which continues to push prices up. The only affordable property in Australia is in the countryside away from everything so if you need to work or buy food, good luck.

    Oh yeah, all these new developments are always done on the best farmland by increasing council rates (a type of property tax) so much that farmers have no choice but to sell. No farmers means no food but the govt doesn't care – they only look at the money they're making via the taxes they get from the development and sales (Stamp Duty, CGT, GST, etc.).

    Urban sprawl needs to stop – aside from destroying prime farmland, its abolishing the countryside. Cities are now so sprawled that they're becoming one. Its assumed that if the current urban sprawl continues in Victoria, Australia, that Kyneton will become a suburb of Melbourne by 2035.

  3. Donald wayne

    Several of the biggest market experts have been voicing their opinions on exactly how awful they think the next downturn would be, and how far equities may have to go, as recession draws closer and inflation continues well above the Fed's 2% objective. I'm trying to build a portfolio of at least $850k by the time I'm 60, therefore I need suggestions on what investments to make.

  4. JB Jr

    We're just changing definition of stuff, great….we're so screwed.

  5. Bradley King

    Who cares why is the house in prices are coming down, the fact is is that they are all coming down, not just for cities, if you think that then again you are delusional, the ship is sinking, this recession is turning into a depression, why you were pushing this narrative, I’m not really sure, don’t really care, but your information is crap

  6. Bradley King

    The job market is strong you say? Boy are you delusional

  7. Singularity Approved

    Lol don't believe government data. Do your own research and look at the charts. Technical analysis is the only real data you need to see the truth.

  8. Sunshine

    Haven’t watched Gram’s videos in a while. Wow this channel has reached its peak years ago. Now it’s declining steeply

  9. Jeff Bidniy

    Loved the research on rent control.

  10. Matt Collins

    The government lies? Ya don't say

  11. D Dod

    THE HANDS! Pleeeeeese make it stop.

  12. Suf Wear

    Why are your hands so wavy

  13. Frank Mayze

    Didn't this guy promote ftx

  14. Aging Bjd

    I live in detroit. What does this mean for us?

  15. Nashe Fore

    Check ur comments…the boys ate crazy

  16. InfiniteNallidge

    Is not more than half of the GDP increase in inventory?

  17. Jorge Lopez

    Just viewing my neighborhood rn and just by looking at it I can tell we are definitely heading to a recession. More than 75% of my neighbors cars are parked outside during the week. Before, when the economy had a (+) growth, during the week only 20% of their cars were parked. What does that let me know, that their employers are downsizing in work schedule’s & employees. I hope I am wrong and that they are using their vacation days early on in the year 2023. Pray for America, pray for the world.

  18. Cheng Fu

    This country is a joke and chipotle is not the answer plain and simple the times the status quo everything about today's world is just nothing but trash it's pathetic it's dumb is lazy it's annoying it's bad driving it's irritating no privacy know this and that no freedom of speech by the way all these things on a sign of enslavement which leads to rebellions anyway is a complete mess out there and one that shouldn't even be the rich will only get richer the country is a joke just like whatever goofball hacker try to hack this phone but look on the bright side since there won't be a stimulus check due to the field covid placebo of a show called vaccine at least you can either get down or free bowl of ice cream hopefully or now a burrito pathetic I don't like spicy foods

  19. Serge Lynx

    Rent control. I like in theory…. But will it hold….. seriously doubt it. If it will force morons who buy up houses to rent and force them to sell. Then I’m all for it. Ending income tax? That’s rich coming from a state that has tax on everything.

  20. K A

    Not in California, just got a gas bill of $700

  21. Abel Jacobo

    No recession? Inflation has collapsed my life

  22. Preston Asmar

    Nobody’s gonna mention how he said “what’s up graham! it’s guys here.” 0:00

  23. Bud Hannah

    Thank you for finally quiting the click bait. It was always informative, but this "no bs" is far more interesting.

  24. Garrett’s Gaming

    Death taxes and consumption taxes is what we’ve needed for a long time. Our system is an outdated nightmare

  25. Deividas Jočeris (Deividas Stiklas)

    When FED stop hiking the rates… after few months they low down the rates and then after month or more or less markets start to go down after lowing rates straight the line down. Everyone can check it in charts (interest rate + s&p500)

  26. Dee

    Anyone ever hear of Rome yea that is USA now

  27. Priyanka Sharma

    Do you think it’s a bad time or good time to get into real estate for new realtors?

  28. M Bank

    besides layoffs, recession is somewhat tolerable

  29. Jesse Carreon

    Plot twist. Recession came and went.

  30. Ken Chapman

    If I call a chicken sandwich, a bacon sandwich, by Washington's definition I now have a chicken bacon sandwich. Instead of just calling it what it was to begin with. FOWL.

  31. Shay Micah

    I agree that Rent Control is a band-aid but there are in fact enough buildings to place people in, especially California.

  32. Omri Zecharia

    This guy is full of BS watch the whole video no decisions what so ever, you really want to know what the stock market doing watch Warren Buffett and Charlie

  33. Uncle Tony

    Recession is pushed by over-spending by Uncle Joe and his crew, just like Obama! It was not like that during the trump regime, every sector of the economy is starting to falter, and the population is having to cope with the highest cost of living in nearly four decades. My question is where should we put our investment money now to better prepare for the future and a liquidity crisis? I have $102,000 to grow

  34. John rogers

    Bettn on the drop

  35. Brian Andarde

    Why do you always say “what’s up Gram, it’s guys here!?”

  36. perry0104

    Do a video on the N.E.S.E.R.A. and the Quantum Financial system. These will replace the current system.

  37. John W

    you have to be the biggest click baiter of all time which is very impressive

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