Differentiating Between Truth and Fact and Making Sense of It

by | Nov 7, 2023 | Gold IRA | 16 comments

Differentiating Between Truth and Fact and Making Sense of It

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In today’s world, where information is at our fingertips and constantly bombarding us from every direction, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to discern between truth and fact. With the rise of fake news, misinformation, and biased reporting, it’s more important than ever to understand the difference between the two and how to make sense of it all.

The truth is the state of being in accord with fact or reality, while a fact is a statement that can be proven or proved to be true. While these definitions may seem similar, there can be a subtle but important distinction between the two. For example, something can be a fact, such as a statistic, but may not necessarily present the whole truth. On the other hand, the truth encompasses a deeper understanding of a situation, including context and nuance that may not be immediately evident.

So how can we navigate through the myriad of information and separate truth from fact? Here are a few tips to help make sense of it all:

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1. Check the source: It’s important to consider the credibility of the source of information. Is it a reputable news outlet, or is it a random website with questionable authority? Checking for bias, conflicts of interest, and the overall track record of the source can help determine its reliability.

2. Cross-reference: Don’t just rely on one source of information. Cross-referencing multiple sources can help verify the accuracy of a particular piece of information and provide a more well-rounded understanding.

3. Consider the context: Facts can be manipulated or presented in a way that skews the truth. Take the time to consider the broader context of a situation or piece of information to get a more accurate picture of the truth.

4. Be critical: Don’t take everything at face value. Be skeptical and ask questions. Look for evidence to support claims and be wary of sensationalized or emotionally charged information.

In a world where information is constantly being disseminated and manipulated, it’s essential to be discerning consumers of information. Understanding the difference between truth and fact and actively engaging in critical thinking can help navigate through the noise and form a more accurate understanding of the world around us.

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  1. Samantha

    I love your example of changing the colour of a flower with thought alone. Anastasia and Vladimir explore this premise in The Ringing Cedars of Russia series (I think in book two, three, or four; I can't remember.)

  2. Raven Lenore

    "Since 'tis nature's law to change,
    Consistency alone is strange."

    -John Wilmot

  3. Stefano Denicci

    The science can change. The facts can change. Hold on to intuition, empathy and imagination.

  4. tamara b

    They lied to us for 6000 years. Im using forks lol

  5. Freedom rings.

    What is Honesty? Honesty, speaking and acting truthfully, is more than not lying, deceiving, stealing, or cheating. It entails showing respect towards others and having integrity and self-awareness.
    Being true to yourself. We have many different "selves" in the course of our lives and careers. …
    Always aligning what you feel with what you say or do. …
    Making values-based choices.

  6. Alejandro Limache

    Truth is something unquestionable by anybody, it should not depend on the observer.

  7. Lower Class Citizn

    The only thing that i consider an irrefutable fact is "change" itself! Many a blessing as well as much love

  8. Lisa Moag


  9. Wendy Brown

    Thank you Sean for this
    video. I love and appreciate you.

  10. Alisa Battaglia

    There is TRUTH with a capital "T"..the eternal unchanging Truths and then there is ones subjective or personal truth. Totally different

  11. LorenzoNW

    People often confuse Truth with opinion. Truth is the way things actually are, independent of you, me, or data. Opinions are relative. “My truth” is just a way to assert “my opinion” and an attempt to validate it to oneself and others.

  12. joseph milkowski

    i think it was pilate who said "what is truth?" there can only be one truth and there can only be one fact, problem is we were all sold a bunch of bullshit and now we have to dig through it all and try to figure it out.

  13. Colm Pullen

    What I noticed is that both facts and truths flow out to various 'perceptive frameworks' such as mathematics, psychology, food preparation, religions, etc. One cannot perceive and then prove' a truth without a 'set of perceptive frameworks'. Proving a truth within frameworks of mathematics using Christian frameworks/teachings simply does not work. What I have experienced is that as I allow myself to 'expand my awareness' I become aware of additional perceptive frameworks (ways of seeing things) and perceptived frameworks will blend, opening new energetic space with expanded understanding.

  14. Another Perspective

    You are literally calling opinions "truths"… Opinions are NOT truths…

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