Dino Kos, from CLS Bank, suggests that we may be in the initial phases of a recession.

by | May 4, 2023 | Recession News | 29 comments

Dino Kos, from CLS Bank, suggests that we may be in the initial phases of a recession.

Dino Kos, special advisor to the CEO of CLS Bank International, joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss Fed policy expectations for next week, revising data to account for invariable lag effects, and more….(read more)

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CLS Bank’s Dino Kos has expressed his opinion that we are likely in the early stages of a recession. In an interview with Bloomberg, Kos stated that while he is not sure whether a recession has actually begun, there are indications that it may be on the horizon.

Kos pointed to several factors that suggest a recession may be looming. The first is the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, which has resulted in economic uncertainty and volatility. Kos also noted that central banks around the world are already cutting interest rates in an effort to stimulate their economies.

Kos also pointed to the fact that the yield curve has inverted several times in recent weeks. The yield curve is a graph that plots the interest rates on bonds of different maturities, and an inversion occurs when short-term bonds have a higher yield than long-term bonds. This inversion is seen as a warning sign of a possible recession, as historically every time the yield curve has inverted, a recession has followed.

Despite these warning signs, Kos emphasized that he does not believe the recession will be as severe as the one that occurred in 2008. He noted that while there may be a slowdown in the economy, it is unlikely to be a full-blown crisis.

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In conclusion, while it is still unclear whether a recession has actually begun, there are indications that we may be in the early stages of one. The ongoing trade war, central bank actions, and yield curve inversion are all warning signs that should not be ignored. However, it is important to remember that not all recessions are created equal, and while there may be some economic turbulence ahead, it is unlikely to be a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis.

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  1. Trent P

    We have been in recession, the problem with this one is it is a slow horrendous crash of a recession. This coupled with the death of the the US dollar, we may be facing down the barrel of the consequences of unfettered capitalism since the Reagan era. The boomers are doing one last death throw, and they're gonna take us all down with them. Scary.

  2. Patricia Carlos

    After a horrendous 2022, shell-stunned financial backers have misfortunes to recover and a lot to consider, as an expansion report and a pile of different information did close to nothing to change assumptions that the Central bank would probably keep climbing interest rates regardless of whether the economy dials back, And that implies more red ink for portfolios for the principal quarter of year 2023. How might I benefit from the ongoing unstable market, I'm currently at a junction choosing if to exchange my $250k security/stock portfolio

  3. Frank Adams

    With the way the market is moving, we'll mostly hold for longer than 2030 to realize profit gain, I think a video on "How to profit from the present market" will be more effective, I mean I've heard of people making upto 250K within few months and I'd like to know how.

  4. Roy Lopez

    You fools we already in recession!

  5. nhlsens

    print more cash and make more inflation so we can worsen the problem. Sounds like a plan to me


    The regulators are completely corrupt and have short hedge funds in their back pocket

  7. Doris steve

    The stock market has been a really tough one this past year, but I watched an interview on CNBC where the anchor kept mentioning "KATRINA VANRENSUM ". This prompted me to get in touch with her, and from August 2022 till now we have been working together, and I can now boast of $540,000 in my trading portfolio.

  8. Chance Assembly

    Let the bank fail then. It's the banks fault for positioning so poorly, it's not like the rate hikes fell out of the sky, Powell had communicated with everyone everystep of the way for over a year now. The bank should liquidate assets, it's depositors should be insured up to 250k and that's the end of it. The public shouldn't be forced to cover the losses of a mismanaged bank, and we certainly shouldn't be printing money to cover losses while fighting inflation either.

  9. Welco

    all of these people should be in prison

  10. Lemarie Cooper

    This recession is most likely the result of an external factor. For the first time in decades, the United States is losing its clout as a federal reserve currency. They don't have any more economies to use to control inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than in the past. They all lend support to the idea that a new multilateral world order is in the works.

  11. Danco Vrboski

    Jasym severna makedonia of prilp I ostanyvat anominen

  12. Wjpea J

    Should raise 1%

  13. TriumphB1

    It's highly amusing to watch the results of human greed, people blame the governments, the Fed, big business the WEF when in reality is us, all of our greed. I sincerely hope the world's economies collapse

  14. Mike Taylor

    To think we haven’t already been in a recession is absurd. Just because they changed the definition while it was happening, doesn’t mean anything, that was a PR move. We’ve been in one for a year now.

  15. Leslie Hatun

    Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street have much if not all Capital Assets and we already saw Blackrock default, banks are defaulting, unrealized losses, capital assets.

  16. Uzi Game GP

    Every top economist is saying pause so Powell will most likely do .25

  17. Harvey Dentist

    We don't need regulations we need the fed to stop manipulating the market

  18. Gabriel

    These guys do a lot talking and not enough listening. Powell has said time and again inflation remains too high. The Fed's credibility is on the line (if it's still credible after so many blunders). They need to and will continue raising rates. Nothing has changed.

  19. Tango K

    LOL, going to get my money now 😀

  20. Willis Braden

    the best decision I ever made in my life was investing in financial market. Trust me guys, it pays a lot. I have come to realize that trading bitcoin is more profitable than holding it and waiting for it to skyrocket. If you trade without a expert then you are gambling and have no business in trading..

  21. Spark0

    We're already in a recession. They just don't want to admit it.. .because they are WEALTHY and they are trying to RETAIN their power and wealth..
    Depression is on the table… Not recession.

  22. Bike & Sail Classical

    Didn't Joe argue in 2018, that the threshold for stress testing banks should be raised from $50 billion to $250 billion?

  23. baloonfart808

    there may be a small problem, nothing to worry about

  24. Virgil Palmer

    You insult Americans every time you say the economy is good and Americans are NOT in a recession..
    Americans are going under and barely getting by..
    You're delusional..

  25. Steve G

    He said the samething 6 months ago

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