Discover Our Stock Portfolio that Generates Over $500 a Month in Passive Income – Episode 14

by | Jan 1, 2024 | Fidelity IRA | 47 comments

Discover Our Stock Portfolio that Generates Over 0 a Month in Passive Income – Episode 14

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▸▸▸Enroll in our How to Move to Portugal Course: A Step-By-Step Course to Relocating and Living in Portugal: This course is designed for people interested in moving to Portugal. In the course, we explain the visa process, the documents you need to submit for your application, and the step-by-step process that we took to obtain our visas; we explain the residency permit process and how we obtained our residence permit here in Portugal; we explain the process for buying and renting a house in Portugal; we discuss healthcare, school options, and setting up NIFs, we explain taxes here in Portugal, and MORE!

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Our Rich Journey – Making Over $500 a Month in Passive Income from Stocks – See Inside Our Stock Portfolio (Ep. 14): It’s August and time to go back into our stock portfolio and show you how it has been performing. We began this particular portfolio in March of 2020 by investing $5,000 into three different investments. Each month after that, we invested another $1,200 into our portfolio. And each month, we’ve opened up our portfolio and shared the performance of our investments. We’re doing that again in this video, but we’re also addressing the topic of investing for passive income – specifically, how we created a portfolio that has generated more than $500 a month in passive income for the past 17 months.

▸▸▸Check out some of our other videos!
ETF vs. Index Funds | Our Investments for Financial Independence (FIRE Investing):

If you like our video, please make sure to “like” the video and subscribe to our channel. We post one video a week related to our journey towards financial independence, including making money, saving money, and investing money. Make sure to check out all our videos and . . . join the journey!

We are not financial advisors. Our videos are for educational purposes only and merely cite our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!

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REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA

Making over $500 a month in passive income from stocks may seem like a lofty goal, but it is definitely achievable with the right strategy and approach to investing. In episode 14 of our stock portfolio series, we will take a closer look at how our portfolio is generating this level of income and provide some insights into how you can do the same.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that generating passive income from stocks requires a long-term, disciplined approach to investing. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather a methodical and strategic way to build wealth over time.

One of the key strategies we use to generate passive income from stocks is by investing in dividend-paying stocks. These are stocks of companies that distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of regular dividend payments. By investing in a diversified portfolio of these types of stocks, we are able to generate a steady stream of passive income, regardless of market conditions.

Another strategy we employ is to reinvest our dividends back into the stock market. This allows us to benefit from the compounding effect, where our investment returns generate additional returns over time. This not only accelerates the growth of our portfolio but also increases our passive income over time.

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Furthermore, we also engage in covered call options trading as a means of generating additional income from our stock holdings. This involves selling call options on stocks that we already own, thereby collecting the premium income from the options contracts. This strategy can be an effective way to enhance our overall passive income from our stock portfolio.

Additionally, we also focus on finding high-quality, undervalued stocks that have the potential for long-term growth. By investing in companies with solid fundamentals and growth prospects, we are able to generate not only passive income but also capital appreciation on our investment over time.

Lastly, it is important to regularly review and rebalance our stock portfolio to ensure that it remains aligned with our investment goals and risk tolerance. This includes periodically adding new stocks, trimming positions that have become overvalued, and diversifying across different sectors and industries.

In conclusion, making over $500 a month in passive income from stocks is indeed achievable with the right investment strategy. By focusing on dividend-paying stocks, reinvesting dividends, utilizing covered call options, and investing in high-quality companies, it is possible to build a portfolio that generates a steady stream of passive income over time. While there is no guarantee of success in the stock market, adopting a disciplined and long-term approach to investing can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving this level of passive income from stocks.

Truth about Gold
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  1. @OurRichJourney

    Enrollment is now open for our 365 Days to F.I.R.E. Program

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    ◼ Completed F.I.R.E. Plan, Stock Investing Plan, Real Estate Investing Plan, etc. by the end of program
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    ◼ Lifetime access to daily tasks, recorded live Q&As, recorded book club meetings, Facebook group, and resources
    ◼ Discounted future meetups as 365 Days to F.I.R.E. program alumni

    AND, for the Plus Coaching Option
    ◼ All of the above AND
    ◼ 365 days of email support: Email us your questions throughout all of 2024! We’ll answer your individual questions!
    ◼ Monthly Plan Reviews – Send us your baseline plan, stock investing plan, real estate investing plan, saving money plan . . . each plan you work on each month(!!!!) and we’ll send you our feedback!
    ◼ Additional invites (to bring additional guests) to our meetups on Portugal!

    To learn more and enroll NOW, go to:

  2. @shinyshinythings

    I was wondering how so much of your income was based on growth, then I saw the date of the video! I need to catch up on how it’s going for you now that things have gotten so much rockier.

  3. @joshuacarson7115

    I must say that this by far amazing. It's so great to know that some income could actually be made just through investing. I've learned from some of the videos.

  4. @oliveokoro6240

    I will like to invest could you guide me

  5. @kalyug11

    I was wondering what your advice is in terms of when to invest in those same index funds and ETFs with Fidelity? Currently in March 2023, three banks of gone bankrupt in the US and stock market is decreasing everyday. I have 70 K cash I saved and am ready to invest but I was wondering if I should wait a month and see if the recession crash happens? This would make it cheaper to buy for me than invest all that money now. What is your advice?

  6. @Greencloud8

    How do you guarantee their dividends will not go down?
    How about the taxes?

  7. @savvystatus3581

    Thank you guys I’m currently a young dude trying bounce back from so many mistakes not a dollar to my name but taking this new found knowledge with me on my second chance when it comes & you guys are making it so SOO easy to comprehend ..thank you Much❤

  8. @LisaGray1000

    I'd love some advice we have a 1 million dollar home which we have 500,000k equity in. It's our dream home with some land too and would like to keep it long term. We have approx 5k in crypto and 5k in shares. With higher interest rates we can save very little eg $50 week currently. What would be best way to move toward fire. Pay off mortgage or invest or both. Not sure how to increase our income at this stage but we are trying.

  9. @nomadsach

    I am sorry, but I am bit confused about what you said in the end where you said you started the portfolio with $5000. From the numbers you gave it seems that you invested $1200 in the first month, and then $1200 (or more) every month after that for 17 months and you haven't taken any money out. So, the 5k you started with would have lasted you 4 months before you started to put in more money. So I am a bit confused when you say you started the portfolio with only 5k, when you have actually invested much more over 17 months. The returns you got are pretty impressive, but I don't understand why there was a mention of $5k in the video.

  10. @sunilmathew349

    Just wondering if this video is your Brokerage account ? If it is, how do you deal with taxes ? Thanks !!

  11. @dsmith56

    Thank you! It feels so good having role models who look like me. Again, I appreciate you sharing suggestions.

  12. @jamesbon1

    When you receive dividends, even if you re-invest, you have to pay taxes on those dividends, correct? Also, you guys look very young. Did you have to pay penalties to start receiving dividends on your retirement funds; IRAs and 401Ks or are you still holding off on those?

  13. @adwoaantwiwaaamoako7681

    Hello,please I live in Norway and can I benefit from your fire course

  14. @yolandabeckon9259

    I hope you guys don't mind. For 2023 I'm going to put in the extra amount that you have right now in a Fidelity portfolio. I been working overtime for the year of 2022 .

    I'm kind torn between paying down my condo or putting it into the stock market. I want to take the financial class you'll offering for $ 175.00 but I need more of a mentor. Do you offer mentoring to individuals?

  15. @robertsmith6408

    I have Jepi and Jepq. Jepq gives me 19.9 div a month. Between the two i am getting a Div of 2575 a month for life and both have decent capitol appreciation. Maybe look for higher paying Divs for FIRE people, anything under 8 percent just give you enough Divs to retire on. Keep up the good work!

  16. @franciscacaviedes1785

    hi guys! why are you choose fidelity funds instead of vanguard?

  17. @carlaolivo7084

    Hey! question: is it possible to lose all that money? including the dividends you earned? thanks for the advice

  18. @user-sf5iq2fl1l

    Can europeans invest in these instruments?

  19. @miamielite7773

    Are you buying these Index funds via Brokerage account under an LLC or you by only on your IRA?

  20. @golightly9281

    This is great inspiration thank you! The main question I have is taxation… In the UK we have £20k PA tax free ISA.. after that earnings are taxed on your tax band!! 40% in my case… How else do you invest to minimise tax so you can live off the profit now and not in your 60s? Thanks

  21. @alphabalde6646

    Great content ! I actually just purchased the stock guide course yesterday! I have been watching it with my son! Will be sharing my honest opinion about it soon as I am done! Thank you for all the knowledge! Cheers

  22. @bosammathomas6857

    I lost money in the 401k. How do I make up the loss

  23. @fridaspremium7310

    I'm planning on going to Portugal in November and hopefully find a place for passive income. Any chance you can put me in contact with your local lawyer? Thanks for your great content.

  24. @jiaofeng6639

    May I ask a question? Lets take FSRNX for example, invest 240 bucks, 12.987 per share and own 18.48 share. But total own share 371.875… I dont quite understand where 371.875 comes from… did you reinvest it ? Please explain, I am much appreciated it.

  25. @MrFassab


  26. @angelogirodo7800

    How are your portfolios doing in 2022? What changes have you made if any to your investment strategy?

  27. @chennellechanner908

    I watched your first video in this series and I am new to investing but I have a fidelity account and a Roth IRA. What I was wondering is what type of account you have with fidelity because I know Roth IRA's have annual limits for contribution but the amount you guys are investing monthly is higher so im assuming it's a different type of account?

  28. @80Edog

    How is this portfolio doing coming this August 2022?

  29. @marvinaskaf6187

    Hello, I love your channel, Where can I start with $2500? Also do you have a class with A to z investing index stocks etc? and Do you all invest in any whole life insurance products?

  30. @Jdonmatth

    Thank you for sharing. What type of account are these funds being held in?

  31. @kathymclaughlin2248

    Is this in a taxable account?? Can you speak to the tax implications if it is? I thought REITS should only be in non taxable accounts.

  32. @motivationalgems

    I love your videos. Did you buy these stocks on your name or under a LLC?

  33. @patricioa1797

    Can you trade US stocks from overseas?

  34. @AnnaDandAdam

    Thank you both! We have a Fidelity account so we will check out those recommendations 🙂 We appreciate all your videos 🙂

  35. @rayharris5452

    Hi, I just subscribed!!! I'm newly retired and in process of rebalancing my total portfolio to generate the 4 percent income you speak of. You mentioned your strategy does not include bonds. I'm curious, why.

  36. @speedygonzales9923

    I just traded for the 3 funds you listed! I REALLY like this channel. It's my first time here. Happened on it by chance!

  37. @msdeenatural_3

    I don’t even understand what a portfolio is. I want to invest but don’t know the terms.

  38. @joshlawless7496

    Do you recommend having Fidelity or Vanguard as a brokerage account? I’m looking long term. We currently have our 401k’s and IRA’s. We’re just looking for another retirement fund.

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