Discover the truth about your 401k plan – Morris Invest

by | Jul 22, 2023 | Self Directed IRA | 33 comments

Discover the truth about your 401k plan – Morris Invest

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The old way of investing is broken. Gone are the days of setting up a 401k & pension plan for a comfortable retirement. And relying on social security? Forget about it. More and more people just like you are realizing the traditional way of investing is broken and it just isn’t adding up to the goals they want to achieve. Today I’m sharing why using a 401k won’t help you build wealth, and what to do instead.

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Let’s be honest: the old way of investing isn’t serving anyone. Gone are the days of setting up a 401k & pension plan for a comfortable retirement. And relying on social security? Forget about it. The old system is broken.

More and more people just like you are realizing the traditional way of investing is broken and it just isn’t adding up to the goals they want to achieve.

Ask yourself: are your savings and retirement dollars safe from the volatile and unpredictable stock market that can crash at anytime? Is your money growing in value sitting in your savings account?

The sad truth is that sticking to current systems like investing in stocks, bonds, IRA and 401k wont allow you to make enough money to retire or create the wealth you want for your family.

Since 1974 the most wealthy in the country have taken advantage of a little-known strategy: combining real estate with a self-directed IRA.

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A self-directed individual retirement account is a more flexible version of a traditional IRA. A self-directed IRA, or SDIRA, allows many more investment types than a traditional retirement plan. A SDIRA provides the investor with more control over their investment vehicles, and is not restricted to the standard IRA investments such as stock, bonds, and mutual funds.

When you invest inside of a self-directed IRA, you will have control over your investment decisions. There’s no company or broker telling you what to buy.

But even if a self-directed IRA isn’t right for your your situation, you can still build wealth and plan for retirement by buying performing assets. Real estate investors use their retirement dollars and financing to leverage. Real estate investing is the ultimate way to build wealth without relying on old, broken systems. It’s about empowering yourself and building a new paradigm for your family.

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About Clayton Morris:
As a financial news host and real estate investor, Clayton Morris believes that everyone has the right and the ability to achieve financial freedom – and works to help others to know how to do so. Clayton founded Morris Invest that builds portfolios for their clients and guides them through the buying process, ensuring cash-flowing investments. In his podcast, Investing in Real Estate with Clayton Morris, he offers specific and actionable ways to have financial security and to build a meaningful life. Clayton Morris co-hosts Redacted with his wife, Natali, bringing you news you won’t hear on major networks.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I only express my opinion based on my experience. Your experience may be different. These videos are for educational and inspirational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. There is no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.

See also  The Strength of a Self-Directed IRA

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this channel are affiliate links, meaning, at NO additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. However, this does not impact my opinion. We recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we make if you decide to use their services. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals….(read more)




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They Are Lying to You about Your 401k plan, This Is Better | Morris Invest

retirement planning is a critical aspect of our financial lives. For years, the 401k plan has been marketed as the holy grail of retirement investment options. However, it’s time to uncover the truth behind these claims and explore an alternative that could potentially outperform your average 401k plan.

Let’s face it; traditional 401k plans have their limitations. Despite the constant advertising and reassurances from financial experts, the reality is that these plans may not be the best option for everyone. This article aims to shed light on the shortcomings of the traditional 401k model and introduce an alternative approach that could benefit your financial future.

One of the primary disadvantages of a 401k plan is the lack of control you have over your investments. In a typical 401k, your employer chooses the investment options for you. This means you are at the mercy of their decisions, which may not align with your risk tolerance or financial goals. Additionally, the limited investment options within a 401k can prevent you from diversifying your portfolio adequately.

Another concern is the fees associated with 401k plans. Many people are unaware of the high expense ratios and administrative fees that eat into their returns. These fees can significantly impact your overall retirement savings over time. As a result, your hard-earned money may not grow as much as you anticipate.

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However, there is a better solution. Morris Invest offers an alternative retirement investment strategy that empowers you to take control of your financial future. By investing in real estate with your retirement funds, you can potentially experience higher returns and greater control over your investments.

Real estate investing has long been hailed as a wealth-building strategy, and utilizing it within a self-directed IRA or solo 401k plan can prove highly advantageous. With a self-directed plan, you have the freedom to invest in rental properties, fix-and-flip opportunities, or even private notes. This diversifies your investment portfolio beyond the limited options offered by traditional 401k plans.

In addition to the potential for higher returns, investing in real estate through your retirement account can also provide tax advantages. By leveraging the tax benefits associated with self-directed IRAs or solo 401k plans, you can shield your gains from income tax and potentially build wealth more efficiently.

The key to successfully navigating this alternative retirement investment strategy is education. Morris Invest offers comprehensive resources and expert guidance to help individuals understand the ins and outs of real estate investing within a retirement account. From webinars to one-on-one consultations, their team of professionals is dedicated to providing the knowledge and support necessary for success.

So, don’t let anyone lie to you about your 401k plan. Take control of your retirement savings and explore alternative investment options that could potentially yield higher returns and greater financial security. Consider the benefits of real estate investing within self-directed IRAs or solo 401k plans to take charge of your financial future. Morris Invest is here to guide you every step of the way.

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  1. 11oakleyman

    You can’t buy bitcoin. You can buy something that hopefully tracks bitcoin’s price. I am not aware of a retirement account that will let you withdraw btc to your own custody.

    Should be considered

  2. Purvis Twiggs

    401ks have gone bust. its no longer news. To keep up with rising cost we are beginning to see the equity of our home for what it truly is, Its becoming hard for us seniors not to ask the obvious question: Should we cash in, invest the money, and rent or relocate?

  3. Stanley Edwin

    I don’t know how but you’ve managed to package an unbiased analysis that is more entertaining than the sensationalized segment of economic and financial news. Thank you for your efforts to be the signal and not the noise. Indeed, It's a good time to take a beat up 401k and do a Roth Conversion if your stocks are really beaten down. Then you'll only pay taxes on the much lower current prices, and your Roth will be tax free.

  4. The Pub

    I have been following your videos for months now and i must say I am making outstanding progress with my investment. I agree with you, A blend of different ETFs is my favorite way of investing. For example, you could have some covered call ETF for dividends and other ETF for growth. A combination such as : JEPI , DIVO , QYLD, SCHD and JEPQ. You have to combine them according to your own personal situation. I tallied my dividends for the previous year; $102k. Blessed, grateful, disciplined and focused.

  5. Allen

    I’m sorry, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t believe you have 140k subscribers, you’re sharing so much misunderstanding and misinformation to the general public.

  6. Richard Spenard

    My strategy is to put half my income into the stock market at the start of every month, regardless of what is happening.
    The second part of the strategy is not to sell for at least 15 – 20 years. Time in the market beats timing the market.

  7. My Diary Bellman Tips

    This is why I only save and put my money in a high yield 5% savings account. I don’t want to deal with future uncertainty in the stock market

  8. Blllyyyyy

    Isn’t 401k like 6% of your check and you’re “supposed” to invest 20% all together for retirement ???

  9. Farris28

    How are you going to build this gigantic nest egg contributing $6,500 a year? So many things wrong with what you are saying.

  10. Chuck Lakes

    This is baloney. 401ks are incredible investments.

  11. Ernst Goldman

    This is complete nonsense. Capture the max of your employer match. Then as soon as you change job, roll it over to IRA and have full freedom of investment choices.
    I tried to be a landlord and it was sheer nightmare. I got out and never looked back and now I can sleep peacefully without being woken up in the middle of the night because toilet or furnace in my rental broke down. Meanwhile my IRA has been growing and collecting dividends as passive income is so much sweeter than chasing deadbeat tenants for their rent.
    So much lying in this commentary, Of course stocks go down and then they go up. If it goes down 40% it does not mean you sell and incur the loss. You ride it out. Suppose, you were the unlucky one to invest at the top just before global financial crisis of 2008 happened. You enter stock market at Dow 14K, then it goes down to 6k. Are you wiped out? NO!!! Your initial investment with the worst possible market timing would still more then doubled by 2019, while also paying dividends throughout. With you DOING NOTHING.

  12. MIchael Guzman

    I am currently working abroad, but I will be returning to my home country in the near future. I am a landlord. I invested in a property at the age of 22. The value has skyrocketed and is being rented. I will live off the rental income I receive and live with my elderly parents for the time being. At 60 I can withdraw from my retirement (401(k)). Have savings and be eligible for an Australian pension at age 63. In the future, I may downsize, sell the property and buy a cheaper property and add the money left over from the sale to savings. Lots of options for me. The way I see it, if you have a million dollars at any point, it would be enough to build a portfolio that would pay you between 50,000 and 70,000 in dividend income.

  13. Albacus

    The 401k is good, because retirement choices determine a lot of things. My parents both spent same number of years in the civil service, but my mom was investing through a wealth manager, and my dad through the 401k. My mom retired with about 4.2 million, but my dad retired with roughly 1.8 million. So it really does.

  14. Ask Why

    This feels like a real estate pump. But real estate, too, is highly overvalued.

  15. Ask Why

    Most matches are not in stock, but in $.

  16. chris harrison

    Better off paying off ur house earlier

  17. Yilmaz Kurt

    401 is definitely useful if you know how to use it. I only choose SP500 ETF and put regularly. As you know, it is very hard to beat the market. That is the reason I put my money on the market. I get full 6% from my company and I put % 6 of my salary. It is in total 12 %. I just love it.

  18. S Dowdy

    I HATE I wasted time with a 401k. There are better options and I wish I had taken that route instead.

  19. William Day

    Its because they were allowed to tie it to the stock market allowing them scamming you into investment but, when they lose(steal)your money they get bailed iut yet with your money again. They dint lise but get dbbl the return

  20. maplegingko

    Seems like we’re headed into hyperinflationary depression

    Implications for 401k and Roth?

  21. Dizz_689

    Just found this video today, 4/7/2023. With the talk about the dollar not being the top currency and going to a digital currency, does using an sdira strategy still stand or should we consider something else.

  22. Timothy Starks

    FACTS…All these savings programs fail wgwn its time to mature…they will inevitably find a way to syphoon that money from you through a crisis or a bailout….tge American Dream is that…a dream…stop saving and start living…

  23. Hookem

    I've abandoned the 20 or so mutual funds available in my company fidelity 401k. Now all my money is with BrokerageLink. Since beginning of this year… up 32%. Made a killing during and after pandemic. Now im thinking of what to do upon retirement. Plan to buy a bunch of different MLPs and ride the cash distribution. Also will the units to my children.

  24. Hookem

    Besides what's in the video… most people don't even manage their 401k.

  25. Emmanuel gutierrez

    Question, the biggest incentive to do 401k is usually the employer doubles the investment that you put in. Can you make that arrangement with the self directed account?

  26. Pi Neo

    The creator of 401k system even said it was a failing system

  27. John Gatsby

    100% rental property investor here. Retired in my mid 40s and don't regret it. When all my mortgages are paid of…..I get a huge raise…if I decide to cash out….I'm a millionaire several times over but that's not my goal.
    Real estate write offs protect your income while producing monthly cash flow while appreciating.
    My 401k is my tenants payments on my mortgages…..every month they pay into my current income AND my future. You can't beat that.

  28. SUSAN

    So with fidelity we can take our money out off 401k and by real estate without any penalities for taking it out early?

  29. Yaboy Brokeback

    Literally going through this now with Fidelity

  30. Michael Slater

    Don’t be a greed hoor…. you only need what you need … why even try to fill a hole that has no bottom

  31. Alternate Reality Productions

    owning real estate is not tax free. There are land, school, town, village or city taxes to pay and not to mention some places make you pay a water bill even though you are not using water. and if you are talking about renting forget it. There are far more dead beats then quality tenants that won't skip out on rent or destroy your property.

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