Divorce Process in Washington State

by | Dec 20, 2022 | Spousal IRA | 1 comment

Divorce Process in Washington State

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1) Determine Jurisdiction
Determines in which state and county court you can file for a divorce. It is usually the county in which one of the parties resides.

2) Identify the Parties
The parties to the divorce are the husband and the wife, the Petitioner and the Respondent.

2a) The Petitioner
The party who starts the divorce by filing and serving the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.

2b) The Respondent
The other spouse who was served with the Petition and files a Response.

3) Service of Documents
Having the Petition handed to the Petitioner’s spouse.

4) Filing a Response
The document stating what the Respondent wants in the divorce.

5) Establishing Temporary Orders
You may file a motion with the court requesting a Temporary Order to control child custody, visitation, child support, spousal support(alimony), possession of property, and payment of bills.

6) Required Parent Education Classes
All divorcing parents of minor children must attend a parenting education course within 60 days of the service of the petition.

7) Discovery Phase
This phase is several legal processes by which you both obtain information from, and provide information to, your spouse about issues raised.

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8) Participate in Mediation
A formal negotiation to resolve the disputed issues in the divorce with the assistance of a professional mediator before going to trial.

9) Move Forward with a Trial
If you are unable to resolve all issues in your divorce, you will have to go to trial and have a judge decide the issues for you.

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10) Coming to a Settlement
If you and your spouse resolve all issues prior to trial, you can settle your case. You will present a written settlement agreement to the court. If approved, your divorce will be finalized without a trial.

Final Documents
The Parenting Plan
States the residential care (child custody/visitation and support.)

The Decree of Dissolution of Marriage
This is the final document that sets forth all of the terms and details of the divorce through settlement or court order.

Divorce is Emotionally Difficult
Understand the Multiple Aspects of Your Divorce
You’re likely experiencing a wide range of feelings, including anger, guilt, sadness, loss, apprehension, and concern about the future.

As the process continues, you may feel upset and wronged by the actions of your spouse. This is human nature. Compared to your emotional state, the legal process for a Washington State divorce may seem dry and uncaring. While it may be difficult, it’s important not to resolve the emotional impact of divorce through the legal process. The emotional pain of divorce will fade in time, while the legal requirements of your divorce will be in effect for years or even decades to come.

In the eyes of the court, Washington State divorce is a technical procedure which terminates the current legal relationship of the parties.

This termination is accomplished through a series of steps, many of which involve providing large amounts of information to the court. The numerous steps may seem complex and confusing. Especially considering how little paperwork is required to get married, the documentation required to get divorced can seem overwhelming.

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Having a knowledgeable and understanding Washington divorce attorney will make all the difference.

As your ally in the divorce procedure, your attorney will guide you through the legal steps. Even when emotions are running high, your lawyer will make it easier to keep a clear head and make tough decisions.

To have someone on your side in your divorce, call us today at (360) 866-7393. Divorce Lawyers For Men™ attorneys will listen to you, explain the legal process to you, and work with you to develop a game plan to achieve your goals.

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1 Comment

  1. MsYourMama2T

    I have a question. I was divorced, (or at least I think I was divorced), in the Dominican Republic in November of 1980. My ex/alleged husband has a Spanish looking and sounding name. However, he and his family have stated that their surname is Dutch. On the other hand, his family is from Haiti, located in the West Indies. Yet, he was born in Brooklyn, New York.

    I am also a born and raised United States American citizen, who flew to the Dominican Republic to obtain a divorce decree after my ex/alleged husband contacted some people in New York City while we were both stationed at the Fort Monmouth, New Jersey army base.

    My question is, based on our legal status during the supposed divorce proceedings, and when the supposed divorce was obtained in November of 1980, was that Dominican Republic divorce decree legal in the United States of America???

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