Do This Now to Safeguard Yourself Against Inflation

by | Apr 2, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 36 comments

Do This Now to Safeguard Yourself Against Inflation

Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks:
Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more.
How Masterworks works:
-Create your account with your traditional bank account
-Pick major works of art to invest in or our new blue-chip diversified art portfolio
-Identify investment amount
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See important Masterworks disclosures:

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Big Changes 0:00
What’s Happening Exactly 0:36
What Do the Rich Do? 5:23
How To Protect Wealth 8:12

How can we protect our wealth when there’s inflation? Inflation takes away savings. Your currency, the U.S. dollar, the Yen, the Peso, they’re all being devalued rapidly through the process of inflation at a pace we have never seen in our lifetime. Holding real assets is essential. Asset accumulation and protection….(read more)

HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



Inflation is the slow rise in prices over time, reducing the purchasing power of your money. As prices increase, the value of your savings diminishes. It’s essential to take steps to protect yourself from inflation to maintain your financial stability. Here are some tips to help you safeguard your finances from inflation:

1. Invest in Stocks and Bonds

Stocks and bonds are excellent long-term investment options that have historically outpaced inflation. Although no investment is entirely risk-free, investing in diverse stocks and bonds can offer substantial returns on your investment. By doing your research and finding the right investment options, you can grow your money while keeping up with inflation.

See also  Maintaining Your Financial Lifestyle in the Face of Inflation

2. Consider Real Estate Investments

Real estate investments offer another long-term option for protecting yourself from inflation. Investing in rental properties can provide an additional source of income during inflationary times. Additionally, owning a property that appreciates over time can help you stay ahead of inflation and maintain your financial stability.

3. Keep Moving Funds

If you want to protect your finances from inflation, it’s essential to make smart financial decisions. One of the most effective ways to stay ahead of inflation is to keep your funds moving. For instance, if you have a heap of cash savings, consider investing some of it in higher-interest savings accounts or CDs. These types of accounts typically offer higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts and can help you beat inflation.

4. Maintain Your Financial Fitness

It’s important to maintain your financial fitness to stay ahead of inflation. This means living within your means, keeping debts under control, and investing wisely in your future financial goals. By maintaining your financial fitness, you can improve your chances of staying ahead of inflation, and ensure your financial stability over the long term.

In conclusion, protecting yourself from inflation requires careful planning, good financial decisions, and a willingness to take calculated risks. By investing in stable assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate, you can not only safeguard your finances from inflation but also enjoy long-term returns. Additionally, by maintaining your financial fitness, you can stay ahead of inflation and ensure your financial stability for the years to come.

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  1. The Money GPS

    In your opinion, what asset will perform the best by December 31st 2022?

  2. you keston

    Oil stocks will perform well I hope and the rich only buy things that make them money so they profit later on. Plus they get access to amazing deals faster.

  3. Mary Hadda

    What garbage.

  4. dcyphered1

    This makes me so mad that the rich rob you on the way up and on the way down, They and government created these problems. The supply chains not being robust and foreign investments will create these food crisis issues. And what do they do with money you likely gave them so that you could hopefully retire someday. They buy farmland because they know the food crisis is coming. Uggghhhh so irritating.

  5. Ben Gardener

    Intelligent people are not stupid, if interest rates are artificially low and my money in the bank only grows by 0.2% a year but land prices are rising by 5% per year I am going to buy all of the land and not even use it, because the returns are larger than if I let me money be lent to someone else. This will cause less and less of the countries output to be used to provide for the needs of the people and as the prices of goods increases, this will further push up the value of the land/assets.

  6. dprfail

    look at who owns those superyachts
    what do they have in common

  7. Just A. Seeker

    Americans aren't paying enough attention to the Mess that's coming it will hit them like a train.

  8. Jojo Rider

    No Art !!!! You can’t eat Art !!!
    We are talking survival here.
    Have a water purifier and plenty of canned food. Buy pasta.Buy flour salt spices and baking powder baking soda dry yeast. Something to start a fire to cook. Have enough seeds to plant a basic summer garden. A good amount of canning jars to put up veggies from your garden.
    Wax for candles.
    The list goes on and on
    The more you prepare the better of you will be.
    Good Luck To All !!!

  9. bmore melo

    David I've been watching your videos every day; for a long time now….years! Trust when I tell you. This is one of your best. One the best pieces that you've ever done. Great job!!!

  10. Thomas Boyd

    The Duran Russian Thomas will Putin take out Ukraine politically if he does he sign his death warrant politically Thomas. Art do him in Politically Thomas.

  11. Hella Sati

    reading about people grabbing multi-figures monthly as incomes in investments even in this crazy days in the market, any pointers on how to make substantial progress in earning? would be appreciated.

  12. Brooklynn52 Dee

    Yeah, so what are they going to do with those who are unable to pay their credit card debt??

  13. Blast/Off/Bat

    ''In your opinion, what asset will perform the best by December 31st 2022?'' Money GPS Dude, ''WHO CARES!'' It is all manipulated to benefit the top few filthy degenerates and their cronies. We The People need concentrate on wealth preservation, if any, this economic crisis is going to be around for a very very long time. You will see, hehe hehe hehe!

  14. j mc

    Assets/corps part of new digital economy and 4th ind rev will do best incl ones tied to green tech and EMs. Maybe why Dalio, Munger, Musk, big banks and corps all heavily invested in Asian markets esp China for few (or more) yrs now. They know the truth incl role of crypto. Think critically and independently. Don’t look for heros or put anyone on pedestal.

  15. Mark Burkinshaw

    Hey David. I really enjoy your videos. I wondered if you could do a piece about the economics of U.S. shale oil? Is it true none of the shale oil companies have ever made any profits and just continually roll over their debts?

  16. beepbeepnj

    Which youtube channel told people a few years ago to buy gas, oil, coal, steel and fertilizer stocks to double and triple their money with no risk and no skill since people need this stuff? All I hear about is silly stuff like crypto, amc, arkk and other stuff to make people broke.

  17. Joseph C.

    Haha another one selling out and pushing this bullshit art investment

  18. Wava Trice

    A $32,000 profit sent to my portfolio each week, Mrs Angela Regina Mende is amazing.

  19. Death Larsen

    master-bater werks. lol what a farce that one is.

  20. groovejet77

    You've been so accurate thanks for your work

  21. Mary A

    GOT NEWS FOR YOU BANKERS OUT THERE ! All those folks "maxing out" their credit cards & lines of credit – are NEVER GOING TO PAY YOU ! They'll disappear into the "off the grid" world, maybe a foreign country, maybe the wilderness USA.

  22. Andreas Hennig

    Dear Sir. I am considering real estate. Regards.

  23. Mark Roberts

    Loved this video. I need to hear other people's opinions about stuff that I know little to nothing about.

  24. evelyn m

    instead of farmland buy fertilizer stock ie IPI….affordable

  25. Aristos Miliopulos

    We have over 6000 islands in paradise of my beloved Greece……and the sale was not a sale was a robbery by Germany for the 3rd time in 100 years

  26. burningtwig

    Can I buy the strip around a Greek Island that is one inch under water using my shared art investment purchase as collateral,and charge a toll for crossing….airspace included??

  27. KY

    In a discussion of assets that beat inflation you recommend fractional art over bitcoin? Cmon man…

  28. burningtwig

    I've never thought to call you names….Inflation?….Markets up, Oil Up,Gold & Silver Up…have to walk to the supermarket now and pick up a half three quarter gallon milk….my continued thanks of course, inflated possibly….but genuine!( yes, I posted this before but I have to make things go twice as far now to beat inflation!!…(wish I had two thumbs for you!

  29. Paul L

    Super again

  30. Don H

    Stock market is up today after the 8.5% CPI report. The real money was made yesterday while the market went down while anticipating the next day number that they already knew.

  31. vishyswa

    The world of high end (or high-priced) art is one of the most corrupt there is. Many use it as a vehicle for money laundering.

  32. Frank Chase

    I have seen value growth in rarer US coins that I have purchased. Although the coin market is subject to cyclical fluctuations, it seems that the population at large is immersing itself in rarer collectibles. Best Regards!

  33. Ellan D. Miller

    Although< I have interests in global economics I don't watch the news anymore… I have enough FUD lol. Thanks for this news and offering your insight on how to navigate during unfortunate times/events like this. You're right about keeping level headed when investing so that's why I think it's important to limit the amount of FUD we consume. I don't watch the media but the news that you present has enough to know issues going on without riding the emotional rollercoaster if I were to watch the news everyday. Now I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 23` btc from day trading with Jennifer Wilbur Signal in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish……

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