Don’t Get Distracted: How Central Banks Are Looking To Make You a Slave to the System

by | Feb 8, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 37 comments

Don’t Get Distracted: How Central Banks Are Looking To Make You a Slave to the System

“It’s a farce… [the Fed] raising rates is meant to kill demand and crush the consumer, it’s not meant to curtail inflation,” warns Greg Mannarino, founder of and financial strategist. “Contracting the money supply is the only way to stop inflation in its tracks, but it’s a big secret [the system] doesn’t want you to know,” he tells Daniela Cambone on this episode of of Powershift: Outlook 2023. “People are not waking up fast enough unfortunately, this mechanism is going to progress much further moving forward,” Mannarino continues. “Inflation continues to rise, this is the central banks playing their game and it’s not going to stop,” he grimly predicts. Mannarino doubles down on his previous statement from last interview by saying, “They are eliminating an entire class of people on a worldwide scale.” “Central banks wish to become the lender and buyer of a last resort, that’s why they want to kill the economy,” he says. “Everybody is holding gold, and it doesn’t need the reassurance of central banks as a store of wealth,” Mannarino states. “Silver is the most undervalued asset in the world,” he concludes.

#fed #interestrates #inflation

00:00 Where are we heading with inflation control?
4:46 Why won’t the Fed release the real inflation number?
9:05 Central banks’ mission
10:51 Jerome Powell’s remarks on making unpopular decisions to stabilize prices
15:30 Mysterious gold buyer and its motives
19:16 Is Mannarino still buying precious metals now?
19:40 Mannarino’s favorite S&P sector

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Investors have been fleeing stocks in droves over the past year due to
rampant market volatility. But the new year brings new opportunities in the investment

That’s why Daniela Cambone, Extreme Value editor Dan Ferris, and The McCall Report editor
Matt McCall are stepping forward on January 27 to host an online presentation where they’ll
discuss how investors should navigate this ongoing bear market in 2023.

We want to address your questions and concerns, too! If you have something you’d like us to discuss, simply visit and submit your question….(read more)

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In the current digital age, the way we interact with money has changed drastically. With the rise of digital banking, mobile payments, and cryptocurrency, central banks are looking for ways to keep people focused on the traditional banking system. Central banks around the world are increasingly concerned about the potential of digital currencies and other forms of alternative finance to distract people from the traditional banking system.

The traditional banking system is built on the idea that customers are loyal to the bank and will not switch to a different provider. Central banks are worried that digital currencies and other forms of alternative finance may lead to customers switching to different providers, which could reduce the banks’ profits and lead to a decrease in their influence. To combat this, central banks are looking for ways to make people more loyal to the traditional banking system.

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One way that central banks are attempting to make people more loyal to the traditional banking system is by introducing regulations that limit the use of digital currencies and other forms of alternative finance. For example, in some countries, such as China, the government has imposed restrictions on the use of cryptocurrencies and other digital currencies. This makes it difficult for people to use digital currencies as a form of payment or investment, and thus encourages them to stick to the traditional banking system.

Another way that central banks are attempting to make people more loyal to the traditional banking system is by introducing incentives that encourage customers to stay with the same bank. For example, some banks offer rewards or discounts to customers who remain loyal to the same bank. This encourages customers to stay with the same bank, even if they could get a better deal elsewhere.

Finally, central banks are attempting to make people more loyal to the traditional banking system by introducing measures that make it difficult for customers to switch banks. For example, some countries have introduced rules that require customers to wait for a certain period of time before they can switch banks. This makes it more difficult for customers to switch banks, and thus encourages them to remain loyal to the same bank.

Overall, central banks are looking for ways to make people more loyal to the traditional banking system. This is done by introducing regulations that limit the use of digital currencies and other forms of alternative finance, offering incentives to customers who remain loyal to the same bank, and introducing measures that make it difficult for customers to switch banks. While these measures may be effective in the short-term, they could have long-term consequences that could make people more dependent on the traditional banking system.

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  1. Rene

    Consumer zombies

  2. David Dunne


  3. David Dunne

    Bitcoin provides the escape from this.

  4. Alex Bajan

    Alex said Patron from Washington DC area you know you look so great if you will be not married I will marry you and I will take you to visit Europe because I can drive from Paris to Portugal and to Poland my home country but I'm 30 years in the US I came when I was young boy are you you do great job great job you know love to see you and you must be like New Jersey on New York accent yeah anyway if you're in the future get divorced I will marry you right away we can have a great future and also I love your politics

  5. CompressorDoc

    I don't think any sane person right now would believe we aren't already slaves to the system.

  6. Chris Hickson

    I am moving on now!

  7. Chris Hickson

    Daniela, I wanted you but you're married, so I

  8. Chris Hickson

    What is your husband's name?

  9. Chris Hickson

    Daniela what are the names of your twins?

  10. Chris Hickson

    HiDaniela and Greg


    Eat the rich if they keep their crimes.

  12. Curtis Scott

    Greg nailed it. Raising interest rates to curb inflation is like cutting your throat to stop a nosebleed. In the nation full of idiots say, 'Look, the nosebleed stopped!" … The inflation occurred the moment that the stimulus checks went out. Saying that it could be prevented at this point is a claim that you can go back in time. It's a lie.

  13. DIYDaveT

    Greg, the term you seem to be struggling for is "enslavement". Inflation is theft. Money is stored labor. When you steal someone's money via inflation, you steal their labor. Theft of labor is enslavement.

  14. Robert Liss

    in secret IMF has established a Level of Currency some call a layer of money

  15. Offgrid Princess

    Great interview, Daniela! Not surprised. You and your team always over deliver. I have been subscribed to Gregory’s YouTube channel for a while now. I am so proud of him for continuing to get the word out unfiltered thank you for having him on your show again.

  16. Macka Kiwi NZ

    Greg is off the charts fantastic and energy levels are awesome. I 100% agree with him. Our central bank are in the Feds pocket and they are in balks deep with wanting to own it all.
    Everything they say is just a front to take money from every individual. The debt fuelled binge during the plandemic obtained the last lot of dependent debt slaves. Time for them to pay the piper. We here in New Zealand are trying to get out of the matrix but the poverty and crime is running at dangerously high levels you need eyes in the back of your head and a swivel. Inflation is unbelievably high like real inflation here for most is minimum15% wage growth 2%. The need to raise rates is to buy they assets at 40 to 50 cents in the dollar as the sheeple fall over.

  17. wazza33racer

    LoL the Banksters enslaved Americans since 1913.

  18. X marks the spot

    So far into his rant he hasn’t mentioned that the ultimate goal is for all the corporations to pay us a UBI payment every month which is another name for welfare. So they have basically created a communist government by some capitalist pigs

  19. acajudi100

    I live in Mexico and eggs are about $1.00 for 18 large. Just move to Mexico, and boycott the stores.

    God told me an others to leave the USA, and go to another safe and less expensive country. The cost of living will make you move or die hungry on the streets, and all politicians, bankers, etc.

    I moved at 79 in 2021 for Queretaro for a safer and 70% less expensive. I have a beautiful apartment, that includes all utilities, maid and 24 hours security in a gated community. Food and rent is less expensive, and it is delivered to my home. Eggs are $1.00 for 18 in the open market or directly from the farmer.. No shortages or limits on anything.

    Send all our criminals to Russia and Ukraine, with shaved heads as cannon fodder.

    I am retired, and for 79 years, I survived the USA, but I would have had to eliminate evil demons trying to get in my apartment at all hours day and night, which they would have been taken out in a body bag .

    You are so correct, but all I can say is GET OUT and LIVE! Do not shack or get pregnant., for even marriage can take your life.

  20. Mike Rockwood

    Do you think we have thieves running the government ?

  21. ben amara habib


  22. David Canfield

    We've been slaves since 1930.

  23. Jennifer Mccollum

    I know what's going on I don't know what to do about it

  24. aj a

    No taxation without Representation!

  25. Utubedude

    You mean I could be More of a slave? Great….

  26. Laban Donald Hock

    China has purchased from outside of China 64,000 tons publicly in the last 22 years

  27. Collin

    Central Banks are controlled by a few ultra wealthy banking families. That's the real truth. The Federal Reserve is controlled by foreign entities.

  28. J


  29. Barbie Chic

    How do we get in contact with Gregg

  30. sigma.777


  31. Hobbes&Joe

    Please find a different person to interview for your next video. He’s all over the place. He talks like a barely-informed conspiracy theorist.
    I want someone who will take the time to explain his position to a layman. This isn’t the guy.

  32. Fear Zero

    'A non central bank issued mode of transaction…' It's called BITCOIN ya dope! This guy's clueless. Look at adoption in the poorest countries. As the fiat ponzi fails from the bottom up bitcoin is taking over one by one. Lightning and Liquid networks make all other digital currency redundant. Speed, security, ease of use, sovereignty. There is no better currency that holds value.

  33. Douwe

    Ask Francis Hunt for some real dystopian world en financial views..

  34. Wayne

    Every stock market predstor whines about the interest rates, which are still accommodating. I do agree on cutting government spending

  35. Marty Majix

    A Neo-Fuedal system of government absolutely needs centralized banking and accounting. They would have it no other way

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