Don’t Miss Out on Watching *Inflation Hell & the Impending Crash* Before Tomorrow

by | Oct 3, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 36 comments

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Title: Watch BEFORE Tomorrow: Inflation Hell & Coming Crash

The global economy has been grappling with unprecedented challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. As countries scrambled to limit the virus’s spread, governments implemented various stimulus measures to support struggling businesses and individuals. However, these measures have come at a cost, and concerns are mounting about the consequences of unchecked government intervention on inflation and the potential for an economic crash. In this article, we explore the looming threat of inflation and the potential implications of a forthcoming economic crash.

Inflation Hell:
Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time. Owing to the massive injections of funds into the economy during the COVID-19 crisis, many experts are warning that a wave of inflation is on the horizon. Governments worldwide have increased spending and injected trillions into their economies to stimulate recovery, leading to an exponential growth in the global money supply.

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The potential consequences of rising inflation are far-reaching. Inflation erodes the value of money, leading to decreased purchasing power for individuals and businesses. Rising prices also make it more difficult for people to plan their finances, causing uncertainty and reducing overall economic stability. Additionally, inflation disproportionately affects the most vulnerable segments of society, exacerbating income inequality.

The Coming Crash:
While governments’ intentions were to mitigate the economic damage caused by the pandemic, the heavy reliance on stimulus measures may ultimately lead to an economic crash. The injection of excess liquidity into the market can create asset bubbles, as seen in the housing and stock markets, as investors bid up prices to unsustainable levels. History has shown that such bubbles eventually burst, posing a significant risk to the global economy.

Furthermore, mounting national debts as countries borrow to finance stimulus measures create long-term financial burdens. The burden of these debts could stifle economic growth, as governments divert vast amounts of resources to servicing interest payments. If countries default on their debts, it can trigger a financial crisis with far-reaching consequences, as witnessed during the 2008 financial crisis.

Preparation and Countermeasures:
Being aware of the risks associated with inflation and a potential economic crash is crucial for individuals and businesses. While it may be challenging to predict the exact timing or extent of such events, taking necessary precautions is essential. Diversifying investments, reducing debt, and preserving savings in diverse forms can help cushion the blow of a potential economic downturn. Additionally, staying informed about financial markets, economic indicators, and government policies becomes vital in making informed financial decisions.

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Governments around the world need to adopt prudent fiscal and monetary policies to mitigate the risks of inflation and economic crashes. Ensuring responsible spending, closely monitoring price levels, and implementing effective regulatory measures can help maintain stability and economic growth.

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrust the global economy into uncharted territory, with governments implementing significant stimulus efforts to prevent economic collapse. However, the long-term consequences of these measures, such as rising inflation and a potential economic crash, cannot be overlooked. Individuals, businesses, and governments need to remain vigilant, stay informed, and take necessary precautions to safeguard against the adverse effects of inflation and economic instability.

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  1. Bob

    Kevin, ever the optimist. But I have to say, that optimism is your secret to success

  2. Emily

    STOCKS R UP 30% DESPITE CRASH TALK EVERY DAY!!! I MISSED THE BOAT. Market will never be higher till 2025 min!!!!

  3. Emily

    STOCKS R UP 30% DESPITE CRASH TALK EVERY DAY!!! I MISSED THE BOAT. Market will never be higher till 2025 min!!!!

  4. doch kei

    Why you can smile?

  5. Panama Jack

    You called it. Everything except Bitcoin went down or stayed put. Very odd to see. Good call! Thesis was correct. ✅

  6. Dean Raugust

    With all that said do you and people realize the US worldwide has finally become the black sheep so to speak. When every country on earth turns there back on US and 40 years of dealing with a financial and military bully the US will be alone and when all fake US printed currency returns home don’t you all realize “ALONE” ???
    The country makes nothing other than fake US currency and a military that is huge but has now been surpassed by China, Russia, Middle East, and every other previously bullied country.
    Humanity worldwide have been fed up with US for a long time and are now ready to crush US.
    Third world country is near future for US now.
    Arrogance, ignorance and stupidity has killed the once greatest!
    Too late to fix but you and your peeps should give some very deep thought and remember Rome, British empire and countless many other past super powers that no longer rule.
    US is already done

  7. Don Ramón

    Stack up on a lot of water and can food people.

  8. al

    Someone has been skiing

  9. EJ

    kevin please turn down your bass on your microphone

  10. AC1000kills

    Always bearish clickbaits, wana people to lose on shorts so badly? Apes never short, screw you

  11. IloveBrocoli

    Inflation has been transitory for a year now? Yea, no… That isn't transitory. Give it a rest Kevin.

  12. Emstar Sugar

    Haha I can see your ski ⛷️ tan! 🙂

  13. dvforever

    Kevin, you look different. What happened? Different camera? New tan? Teeth whitening?

  14. Okladood

    Don’t worry recent stock market upside is just transitory.

  15. Alpha Data

    i don't agree with the money supply increasing to make the economy more active…. that's madness

  16. DeltaEchoMusicNH

    Kevin is either high or dumber than he seems.

  17. David North

    Bots be botting

  18. Danny Gosnell

    Think today's bad ,I remember the Nixon years ,the dummy president took us off gold, inflation through the roof, I was getting 15 %on a CD at my young age, Volker was hiking rates as fast as the sun rising

  19. Customer Service

    They will make numbers look however they need to in order to keep the ponzi scheme going.

  20. andrew morishige

    Had to find a place to leave a note. Your recent turn towards FUD videos was a very good reason to unsubscribe. Not sure what made you focus on War, collapse, Etc, but. Peace.

  21. Miguel Cintron

    i worry when kevin is replace by Kevin. Now AI is chat but later image and personality and image wiil be set/ hope you watch something i write last week about creating ai for damage a example is chaos gpt where instruction is given and surprise give the information of connecting to other ai and damge human and at the end express hor humanity need to be erradicated. this is like noah everybody joke and even feel that humanity reach a new level then the surprise. no military computer engineer goverment billionare cant stop this. how easy will deleter jobs and delete the ones giving jobs because they are no need.

  22. KAZ

    Kevin is a handsome guy!

  23. Randy Koehler

    Waaay too much makeup my favorite Financial YTber

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  32. Yeterh

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  35. TwistOnline

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    I'm all in on AMS440X. It's a fantastic project, great team, lots of developers and adopters. I can't see it being anything but one of the best investments in crypto at this point in time.

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