Dr. Lacy Hunt Discusses the Looming Recession

by | Nov 6, 2023 | Recession News | 17 comments

Dr. Lacy Hunt Discusses the Looming Recession

Legendary economist Dr. Lacy Hunt joins Julia La Roche on episode 115 for a wide-ranging discussion on the economy and why we’re facing an impending recession.

Dr. Hunt is an internationally known and award-winning economist.He received the Abramson Award from the National Association for Business Economics for “outstanding contributions in the field of business economics.”

Dr. Hunt is Executive Vice President and Chief Economist of Hoisington Investment Management Company (HIMCO), a firm that manages over $5 billion for pension funds, endowments, insurance companies and others.

This is the 54th year in Dr. Hunt’s career. He served as a Senior Economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. When he entered the Fed, William Martin was chair and was grappling with severe inflation and when Dr. Hunt left the Fed, Arthur Burns was chair and also trying to contain rampant price increases.

Dr. Hunt served 23 years on the Board of Trustees at Temple University where he received his PhD in 1969, and is an honorary life trustee as well.

0:00 Welcome Dr. Hunt
1:55 Macro picture
3:00 Corollary between severity of inflation and recession
4:50 An untenable situation for moderate/modest households
6:29 Looking under the hood of the economy
9:50 Michigan consumer sentiment index
11:55 Coordinated fiscal and monetary response to the pandemic
14:20 Law of diminishing returns
17:03 What does a hard landing look like
20:30 Another contra cyclical development in the financial cycle
23:00 A deep/short recession or long/narrow recession
26:00 Debt, demographics
29:40 US dollar
30:40 Private spending has a positive multiplier, government spending has a negative multiplier
36:06 Other Deposit Liabilities (ODL)
41:55 Contra normal developments
43:15 Discretionary monetary, fiscal policy have failed
48:30 Fed needs to move away from full discretion
50:20 Groupthink at the Fed, no diversity of opinion
54:00 Classical economist
57:00 5 phases of the business cycle

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The Impending Recession With Dr. Lacy Hunt

As concerns ripple through global markets, there is growing speculation about an impending recession. Dr. Lacy Hunt, an influential economist, has been vocal about the signs pointing towards an economic downturn. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the field, Dr. Hunt paints a worrisome picture of the future.

Dr. Hunt, the executive vice president of Hoisington Investment Management Company, has an impressive track record of accurately predicting economic trends. Known for his expertise in monetary policy and interest rates, his insights are highly valued in both academia and the investment industry.

According to Dr. Hunt, several key factors are contributing to the possibility of an economic recession. He highlights the high level of debt, both at the governmental and individual levels, as a major concern. With interest rates already historically low, the effectiveness of monetary policy to stimulate the economy is diminishing. Dr. Hunt warns that additional debt will only lead to further economic stagnation.

Furthermore, he emphasizes that the ongoing trade war between the United States and China is exacerbating these concerns. The threat of escalating tariffs and geopolitical tensions have already impacted economic growth worldwide. Dr. Hunt firmly believes that the trade war will have long-lasting negative consequences, significantly contributing to the potential recession.

In addition, Dr. Hunt points out the impotence of fiscal stimulus measures as a reason for worry. With limited room for maneuvering due to already high levels of debt, governments may struggle to counteract an economic downturn. This lack of potential fiscal response further compounds the challenges faced by central banks in managing the economy.

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Dr. Hunt’s warnings are not just confined to the United States. He argues that the whole world is facing a synchronized slowdown, with economies such as Germany and China already experiencing contractions. This global interconnectedness will undoubtedly impact the United States and create a domino effect on the global economy.

His analysis is not limited to the negative repercussions of these factors. Dr. Hunt also provides insight into potential solutions to avoid or minimize the impact of a recession. He emphasizes the need for comprehensive reforms, including reducing excessive regulations, improving productivity, and addressing income inequality. By implementing these reforms, governments can lay the groundwork for a more sustainable economy and mitigate the severity of an impending recession.

It is crucial to note that Dr. Hunt’s predictions are not infallible, as the future is inherently uncertain. However, given his track record and in-depth understanding of the factors at play, his views certainly warrant consideration. The global economy stands at a crossroads, and the insights of experienced economists like Dr. Lacy Hunt can help guide both policymakers and investors towards informed decisions during these uncertain times.

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  1. The Julia La Roche Show

    If you all would like Dr. Hunt's reading list, please reach out to me directly at julia@julialaroche.com and I will get you a copy by the end of the day.

  2. John Daniels

    But…. But…. MMT says it's going to be okay, it says you can print as much as you want and there will be no problems

  3. John Daniels

    We are getting poorer precisely because a narrow elite has organized society for their own benefit at the expense of the vast mass of people. Political power has been narrowly concentrated, and has been used to create great wealth for those who possess it.

  4. John Daniels

    " inflation is devastating, it robs the lower and poor in middle class the most" That's the truth. It's horrible. What happened with all this inflation, and a lot of this happened under Donald Trump's watch, I was very disappointed in his administration especially after pump so much money into it. Thinking he was going to drain the swamp and thinking he was a true conservative. He did an interview and he was touting negative interest rates and then he was saying how it would be great for him. Also because he could go and buy up a bunch of real estate and properties for cheap, and he has to know that that comes out of cost a high cost of inflation that devastates the poor middle class

  5. Gary Schneider

    Dr Hunt- Thank you for your time. As always, sound thing ably expressed for the layman.. And allow me to say, this interview was ever so much easier on the eyes than some other ones of your I have seen. :>).

  6. Not rocket science

    This guy is such an intelligent sounding idiot. If you followed his advice from three years ago, buy long term bonds, you would’ve lost 70% of your purchasing power! Ouch!

  7. Not rocket science

    I had great hopes for his arguments 3 years ago. Turns out he was totally wrong on inflation and bonds. The fact that he missed the greatest selloff in bonds, it’s only claimed expertise, is a huge warning to you reading this.

  8. John Daniels

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless." – Thomas Jefferson

  9. David

    Retail spending is a farce people are spending more and getting far less products

  10. David

    Love silver

  11. Max Angeles

    been following Lacy Hunt for the past 30 years! He is an incredible man!

  12. sumpunone l

    What might be the scenario in which the overall economy escapes a recession?
    Can the powers that be prevent the GDP from actually going negative?
    Thank you

  13. Billybob910

    Great interview. Thank you.

  14. mark manning

    Fantastic interview!

  15. py

    The claim that Europe is more indebted than the US is simply false. The US debt-to-gdp ratio is about 125%, compared with 90% for the Eurozone and about 80% for the EU overall. Moreover, the EU has trade surpluses (deficits in the US), average budget deficit-to-gdp ratio of around 3.5% (about 6% in the US), bank liquidity ratios of about 160% (120% in the US), GDP made up of only 50% consumption (70% in the US), and fewer people (30%) using credit cards (82% in the US). These stats are readily available, putting the “cleanest dirty shirt” cliché to rest.

  16. Angelica David

    The wisest thought that is in everyone's minds today is to invest in different income flows that do not depend on the government, especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in gold, silver and digital currencies (BTC, ETH…. stock,silver and gold)

  17. Rob Williams

    I agree savings are down but are you counting the money that has moved to MM’s and Treasuries or just bank savings?

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