Drawdown or Annuity in 2022?

by | Nov 16, 2022 | Retirement Annuity | 45 comments

Drawdown or Annuity in 2022?

I‘ve done a few videos over the years comparing annuities and drawdown for taking pension benefits. Annuities themselves are a very hot topic right now, so I think it’s time I updated things…

#ukpension #annuity #drawdown

🔴 – Click here to watch Drawdown, Annuity & UFPLS examples
🔴 – Click here to watch Drawdown vs UFLPS vs Annuity

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0:00 Welcome
0:17 Intro
0:56 The key differences
2:49 Annuities are back in favour
4:58 Factor 1 – Need for guarantees
6:07 Factor 2: Flexibility
7:32 Factor 3: Leaving a legacy
8:35 Conclusion

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See also  Move your South African retirement fund into your UK pension

LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement Annuities

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  1. MeaningfulMoney

    What is your take? Would you go for a drawdown or an annuity?

  2. P J

    Hi Pete, with a Cash Lifestyle Pension and a Drawdown Lifestyle Pension, does it matter which one you pay into over the long run, as the cash one can simply be placed into a drawdown nearer retirement?

    I ask due to looking over the Scottish Widows money 4 life options.

    Thank you for a brief explanation on whether it matters a Cash Plan or Drawdown Plan.

  3. Robert Wells

    Are mypensionexperts a good company?

  4. Roger Norton

    If annuities are closely tied to the gilts, could you do your own annuity within a pension wrapper by buying gilts or gilt based EFTs?

  5. martin gibbs

    How does the 25% TF work with annuities, fixed term or otherwise? Can annuity income have the TF component? Ie if I don't want the lump sum upfront.

  6. Hando

    Stumbled across your video. I'm a annuity broker, it's certainly becoming a more even playing field.

    One thing you mentioned which your audience could do with more information on is the Fixed Term Annuity. You carefully skimmed over it and I can't help but wonder if that's because Flexi Access Drawdown offers you, the IFA, a residual income? In my experience clients have not been informed by their IFA about this product. Fixed Terms are offering 4.6% apr return on 5 year terms (£100k example) with no investment risk, full death benefits and many are leaving investment products in this direction.

  7. Chad Carden

    You don’t do either, “drawdown” is the word I never ever want to hear, I want to keep control of the principle, which is why I would never do an annuity, so just put all your retirement into JEPI and go to bed at night

  8. Bev Shepherd

    Have you got a video that explains the tax implications after taking the first 25%? We're both non taxpayers with small pots.

  9. Stuart R

    Can you have a drawdown then change it into a Annuity ?

  10. arinco

    When it comes to retirement income, I like the idea of using a guaranteed annuity for my fixed living expenses for me and my spouse, and using the draw down method for inflation, etc. I just do not want to worry about the stock market crash every 7-10 years. Good idea to suggest using both an annuity and drawdown method for retirement income.

  11. Ben Butler

    I'm a financial adviser myself and this is the best explanation of drawdown vs annuity I've ever heard.

  12. Raymond Breen

    One question I have (without researching if i am honest) is whether the income from annuities is tiered based on the invested income amount? for example, would i get a slightly better return from investing say 250k compared to 100k?

  13. Raymond Breen

    Interesting video, can never have options to be honest. as everyone has unique circumstances

  14. Steven Williams

    Where is the 7+% annuity? I can't find such rates

  15. James Shaw

    Would it be possible to create a video for late 20/ early 30 yr olds? What should we be doing to build wealth, maximise tax wrappers etc? What else should we consider other than workplace pension, ISA and LISA? Thanks!

  16. Thailand Digital Nomad

    I took the drawdown in December 2019 just before the Wuhan. Went to my financial advisor and pensionwise for advice. I now have a SIPP with the Pure Gold Channel. I'm so happy I did. Annuities just don't pay like bonds. With the markets being as they are. Gold as outperformed the FTSE and S&P500. I now live in Thailand retired early. No value in Bonds and the worst is yet to come.

  17. Templen T

    A good video, however, I'm surprised you didn't go in to more detail about the "Fixed Term Annuity" options out there & available. They are incredibly flexible and can be taken out for between 3 & 30 years, therefore you have a working model that works really well with your SIPP (or other product) and have the best of both worlds.

  18. paul b

    Another excellent informative video… I was thinking of annuity purchase but the video made me realise that as I already have a bedrock of funds in my case it would not really be appropriate. With markets going south it’s easy to make short term decisions and your other videos about not stressing too much about this also really helped… I recommend your channel to all my colleagues!

  19. garry currid

    Once again, Thank you.

  20. Tony Roberts

    It was an easy decision for me with guaranteed income from – a State Pension, a BTL property and Work Place Defined Benefit Pension due to kick-in in just 10 years time.

    When I learnt of my previous career defined contribution private pension having performed well over the last 16 years (even without any further contributions since leaving the company in 2004) I just wanted a 10 year salary boost so I could go to 4 days a week and enjoy a better work life balance-Long summer weekend anyways and funds for a luxury overseas holiday each year while still not have to double think every day mundane or luxury items and activity. The drawdown is forecasted to expire in 10 years but that’s fine – I’d rather the money while fit, able and inclined to be adventurous.

    Thanks for a great video.

  21. Paul Milnes

    Interesting as I had discounted annuities. Can I use my lump sum from a DB pension to buy an annuity to cover the gap between getting my DB pension and state pension?

  22. Pist Opit

    Great material as always, thanks. Can anuity be bought using just money from private pension pot or any money can be used ? For example, ISA savings?

  23. Rob Guile

    Very informative video. Can you buy a fixed term annuity using money from an investment ISA and can you get one before you're 55?

  24. Peter Gibbens

    Great video as ever, would really like to see your comments on using equity release from property to part finance retirement.

  25. Brian Willson

    Annuitants with short future life subsidise annuitants with long future life. BOTH subsidise the insurance company whose pricing model flexes actuarial life expectations to build in their profit margin.

  26. Andrew Maddison

    A question if I may Pete. 25% of a pension is tax free however annuity payments are fully taxable right? Does this ever factor in to your planning for clients?

  27. Richard Smeeton

    Can you reserve an annuity to guarantee the rates on offer now but defer a final decision to take it for up to 6 months (in the same way you can a mortgage offer) ?

  28. Garrett

    I was looking at a fixed term annuity until my pension but then I ran the numbers and current CDs rates (in the US) killed the 10 year annuity quote.

  29. Christine S

    Another excellent video, giving us lots to think about when planning ahead. Thanks Pete. I am hoping to retire a few years early, and am currently leaning towards going for a temporary annuity with one pension pot, which will cover me until my DB pension kicks in.

  30. PGvideoinc

    I'm just about to use 25ish% of my drawdown pot to buy a fixed term annuity because of the recent rise in annuity rates making it so much more attractive. My drawdown pot has lost around 12% of its value since the turn of the year. I've got my health and have only recently retired early. I consider that the value and certainty of income from the annuity whilst I get from converting compensates for the drawdown drop – and I feel sure that in the long term the remaining drawdown pot will increase in value.
    Plus of course there is the 25% tax-free sum I'm taking with the annuity providing funds for extras like holidays.

  31. John Reed

    Simples Pete
    If your requirements can be met by an annuity – get one.
    If you cant then Dont

  32. Clelio De Souza

    Pete, can I use my pension pot (workplace pension) to buy an annuity for my wife (she is older than me, so potentially better rates)?

  33. moxy909

    Very informative, thanks

  34. Clive Elsmore

    I would consider a pension annuity, now that rates have recovered, not because I'm indisciplined and might spend all my pension pot but more the opposite: because it gives me permission to spend something IYSWIM.

  35. Clive Elsmore

    Another great video, Pete. Informative and understandable! Would you know if the trend of improving retirement annuity rates implies improving "Immediate Needs" or "Care" annuity rates too? (These are annuities for care home fees.) Thanks.

  36. Jack Pilkington

    Cracking video Pete. Getting a lot more enquiries for annuities these days! Thank for making this, it’ll help a lot of people.

  37. aficio698

    I’m considering both. An annuity for 15 years. Leaving 60% invested/drawdown I have no requirement to leave a legacy so it’s about spending whilst I have the health to do so.

  38. StuC

    Interesting video Pete, thanks. One question that you might be able to easily answer: Annuities appear to be always discussed as being sourced from pension-held funds; Can someone fund an annuity from non-pension savings if they wish? Are there any rules on this? Thx in advance.

  39. Chris F

    This was great – seeing the two approaches compared side-by-side was really helpful. Personally I'm a few years away from having to decide, but I like the blended approach.

  40. welshhibby

    "but if you only live for two years after 65 that money is lost and you really miss out"

    But you're dead anyway !!! that really is missing out !

  41. Mini Mad

    Evening Pete, I like the idea of part annuity now that you have mentioned it. That would hopefully cover a period of retiring earlier to the state pension payment kicking in. Guess I need to turbo the payments into the pension as per your other video (increase every 3 months). Thanks for the update and I enjoy your content as it is all based on factual information.

  42. Alan Hendrie

    What is your opinion on a fixed term annuity with a guaranteed maturity value. The lump sum can be put into drawdown at a later date.

  43. Chris Davies

    Another interesting post, thanks.
    From what I've seen, drawdown appeals to me most thus far, but I have a year to go before I retire and I am still mulling over my options.
    Funny though, of the three companies I've contacted so far for advice, none of them knew what UFPLS was.

  44. Russ Davey

    Thank you Pete, this is really useful information ☺️

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