Economic expert shares his forecast for recession.

by | Mar 27, 2023 | Recession News | 38 comments

Economic expert shares his forecast for recession.

Bank of America Securities Head of U.S. Economics Michael Gapen discusses the risk of recession, the push for bank regulation, the impact of the Federal Reserve’s rate hike on the economy, and the fight against inflation and the bank crisis. #foxbusiness

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BREAKING: Recession News


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The looming possibility of another recession has been a source of concern for economists, governments, and citizens around the world. Amidst such concerns, an influential and well-known economist, Nouriel Roubini, has recently shared his prediction for the next global recession.

Roubini, who is known for accurately predicting the 2008 financial crisis, suggests that the next recession could come as early as 2020 or 2021. He cites several factors that could lead to the economic downturn, including the ongoing US-China trade war, the slowing global economy, rising geopolitical tensions, and the increasing debt levels.

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One of the main factors contributing to Roubini’s predictions is the growing trade war between the US and China. The two largest global economies have been locked in a tariff battle for months, with no clear resolution in sight. Roubini suggests that this trade war has already had a significant impact on the global economy, and warns that it could lead to a wider economic slowdown.

Another factor that Roubini points to is the growing debt levels around the world. Not only are governments heavily indebted, but private debt levels are also at an all-time high in many countries. This has led to concerns about a potential debt crisis, which could trigger a global recession.

Finally, Roubini cites rising geopolitical tensions as another factor that could lead to a recession. As the US-China trade war continues, other countries could be drawn into the conflict, leading to increased political instability and economic uncertainty.

Despite these ominous predictions, some analysts have argued that Roubini’s predictions may be too pessimistic. While there are certainly concerns about the global economy, there are also reasons for optimism, such as low inflation rates and steady job growth in many countries.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether Roubini’s predictions will come true. However, his warning serves as a reminder that the global economy remains fragile, and that governments and policymakers must take steps to mitigate the risks of another recession.

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  1. King James4

    Remember folks, this is caused on purpose by those that profit from these betrayals. Dirty Joe and Fam are just pieces to the corrupted puzzle that is now America.

  2. Philip Mark

    With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $120,000 bond/stock portfolio.

  3. Patrick Alexander

    Despite the economic downturn, I'm happy ☺️. I have been earning $60,200 returns from my $10,000 investment every 13 days

  4. J E

    They have been crying recession for 2 years now. Gaslighting by Republicans, yet again. Recessions happen every 7 years anyway, look it up.

  5. J E

    Don't complain about inflation then complain about the fix. I bought a car in 79 with 16% on loan rate. We all got through it, the blame game doesn't work with a 3% unemployment. We are growing.

  6. Daniel

    Just fyi , everyone beware of threads / posts of people who have “made X$ on their investment “ and other comments on how much they made or they have 100k , can anyone recommend where to put it ? These are scam threads and they are trying to get your personal info and eventually your money . Report them as SPAM/ UNWANTED CONTENT . they are highly prevalent on recession stories as they prey on fearful people who struggle economically . Heads up everyone . YouTube should figure this out !!! And stop it ..

  7. jim bo

    Are you guys mad….the whole of the West has been in recession for months…. Government's have changed how GDP is calculated to make everything look rosie

  8. Sean Yun


  9. Jim

    Biden's and Democrat policies have pushed us to recession, the coming financial system collapse, and following depression.

    Joe Biden, the POTATUS is what ignorance, incompetence, impotence, weakness, criminality, and STUPID looks like on the world stage.

  10. Ray

    Everything cost 3 x more now!, and they say will this push us into a recession! where do they shop?

  11. Robert P

    even pelosi sold all her stocks at a loss the markets are going to crash

  12. Jojo Papa

    Economist + Interest = Activist.
    There is NO RECESSION in sight but NO LANDING INFLATION till dollar is ditched by the world!

  13. Pham DK

    America is already in recession!!!

  14. Mark Edwards

    Get ready for Chyna to buy up even more and more and more!

  15. Eli So

    why Raimondo said China should buy US's T bonds? Debt trap remember?

  16. Jose Guerra

    Man fox wants a
    Rescission bad

  17. Michael Pickern

    I wish Jesus would hurry up come get these Republicans,
    We're tired of the hate,lies and
    Bad influence on our great country . The Trump republican show
    Is over your false prophet is going to jail .

  18. Dwarlord

    300,000 new jobs ding what exactly? Is those the hourly workers that got lay-off because of the covid crisis?
    Or are they the new manufacturing jobs, that was also lay-off for the covid crisis?

    The difference is the butcher, and the waiter. The middle income job, and the low wage job.
    I would believe both, but lately I've met more of the plumbers working as Amazon delivery drivers than I thought…

  19. facts_matter

    Democratic presidents have overseen an average annual growth rate of 4.6% in the US economy since 1933, compared to just 2.4% under Republican presidents. Republican tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation of industries, and trade policies that favored corporations over workers have led to increasing income inequality and a decrease in the number of middle-class jobs. Republican cuts to social programs and a lack of investment in education and job training have made it harder for people to move up the economic ladder. 10 out of 11 recessions that have occurred since 1953 began during Republican presidencies. 8 of the top 10 states with the highest poverty rates are led by Republican governments, including Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Oklahoma.

  20. Beth Weaver

    Quit talking about a coming recession when we know we are already in one!

  21. Darrell Hartzog

    Of the government by the government and for the government will not cut spending and there is not enough money to pay the debt. Their only solutions is to make government bigger and more powerful then raise taxes and there still will not be enough money to pay the debt. Keep raising the debt ceiling is a bad joke because there isn't one.

  22. Doug Lackie

    this delusional guy that’s speaking is definitely on Biden administration!

  23. Doug Lackie

    Don’t worry grandma Yellen is doing a great job with our tax money! Only problem is she still thinks it’s 1962!

  24. E P

    Economists are the most useless worthless beings on earth. After 250 years they still can't keep the economy stable and all they try to do is put money in their own pockets. They are scum.

  25. Fanomapage

    Politicians: “How Do We Get These People To Pay Our Bill?”

  26. Chomp Normski

    End the FED !!!!!!!!!

  27. obtuse angler

    The way this guy starts his segment is deplorable.
    "With J Powell raising rates despite the banking crisis"… Jerome Powell should have raised the bazooka and taken it up to 7, 7.5% for the beginning of the year.

    The UKs inflation numbers prove the point that it's always a monetary issue. They need to drive it down by raising above core instead of losing all control of the situation month after month.
    Just wait and see what happens to small businesses. Just wait to see what happens when there's 10's of millions unemployed

  28. Anthony Santellan

    Recession; like it's gonna be recess soon?

  29. Rude boy Zainu

    its more disaster than recession American economy shrinking to low level the other countries clutching grips on America.

  30. Jimmy Copic

    We've been in a recession stop lying no One believes you

  31. C N

    I try this guy as much as I trust Biden

  32. Mario Hernandez

    "I, however, place the economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt….I am for a government rigorously frugal and simple." Thomas Jefferson

  33. HeLost Getoverit

    The bank collapse recently has NOTHING to do with a looks g recession, it has to do with failed Repuke policies of deregulation! Never trust a pos Repuke with $$

  34. Dan Gaines

    This BoA guy is so wrong! He is recommending more smart bank regulations? IMHO it’s exactly the opposite, the government needs to step away and let the market forces clear out the pending tension! I do not trust the banks at all (either the commercial ones or the FED)! The jobs added are part time!

    This guy is predicting a mild recession? And he is comfortable where we are today?!? Is he living on this planet?

  35. SolitaryBell

    Explain what Joe will do when the American world currency switches to the Chinese yen?

  36. Frank The Tank

    He pauses after every lie

  37. Michael John

    Elizabeth warren economist over here did your here him basically he said it’s all trumps fault and the fed is doing good and he comfortable with we’re we are.

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